Init Filesystem... Registered FS device "local" Registered FS device "base" Registered FS device "lang" Init UpdateChain... Init Timer... Init Screen... Init Scriptscheduler... !Graphics system: Intel Intel(R) HD Graphics GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_NV_blend_square GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_frag Init GFX... Init Vision... |Vision DLL path: D:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\vision71.dll |Vision(TM), Version PC-4, 7, 28, 0 |Loading entity plugins of directory ... |List of loaded plug-ins: |Plug-in named 'CubeMapHandle_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisionConsoleEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisBase_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisBaseEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisMouseCamera_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisObject3D_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisActionHelperEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VarManager_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'BaseEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VBaseCameraEntity' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VCamEntity' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'GameEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'Emitter_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'BaseGameEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'TargetEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Registering plug-ins done ! |Initializing Vision Graphics Engine |Detecting CPU type and features |CPU:Pentium II/III FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow! |Vision Core: Allocated 28 kB of memory for Polygon Chunks |Vision Core: Allocated 9 kB of memory for Entities |Settings renderer configuration Initializing post processor 'PerceptionCore' * Skipping config file Initializing post processor 'MotionBlur' * Skipping config file Initializing post processor 'Nightvision' * Skipping config file |Initialising video driver: 0 |Setting screen mode to x:1366 / y:768 / bpp:32 / refresh:0 |Screen Mode is fullscreen, return value: 0 |Stencil buffer: 8 bit / ZBuffer: 24 bit |Initializing OpenGL rendering subsystem |Setting initial Renderer States |Vendor: Intel |Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics |Driver Version: 3.1.0 - Build |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias |Found Extension GL_ARB_multitexture |Found Extension GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 |Extension GL_ARB_texture_env_subtract not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_env_add |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_env_combine |Extension GL_EXT_texture_cube_map not available |Found Extension GL_ARB_texture_compression |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc |Extension GL_EXT_point_parameters not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint |Extension GL_EXT_vertex_weighting not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_separate_specular_color |Found Extension GL_EXT_stencil_wrap |Extension GL_EXT_vertex_shader not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays |Extension GL_ATI_fragment_shader not available |Extension GL_ATI_pn_triangles not available |Extension GL_ATI_map_object_buffer not available |Found Extension GL_NV_texgen_reflection |Extension GL_NV_fence not available |Found Extension GL_NV_blend_square |Extension GL_NV_register_combiners not available |Extension GL_NV_register_combiners2 not available |Extension GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 not available |Extension GL_NV_texture_shader not available |Extension GL_NV_vertex_program not available |Extension GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 not available |Extension GL_NV_occlusion_query not available |Extension GL_EXT_paletted_texture not available |Found Extension GL_ATI_separate_stencil |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_rectangle |Found Extension GL_ARB_depth_texture |Found Extension GL_ARB_shadow |Found Extension GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap |Found Extension GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object |Extension WGL_ARB_render_texture not available |Extension WGL_NV_render_depth_texture not available |Extension WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle not available |Found Extension WGL_ARB_pbuffer |Found Extension WGL_ARB_pixel_format |Found Extension WGL_EXT_swap_control |Found Extension GL_ARB_shader_objects |Found Extension GL_ARB_fragment_shader |Found Extension GL_ARB_vertex_shader |Found Extension GL_ARB_shading_language_100 |Using ARB_vertex_buffer_object for fast geometry memory! OpenGL vendor: Intel OpenGL renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics renderer-string: INTEL Init Input... Registered FS device "save" Init GameFramework... Init Audio... Init XGUI... Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Tahoma 11.xff Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Tahoma 11 bold.xff Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Lucida Console 11.xff ?BLFileSystem::DeviceFromFilename("mod:Textures\Previews\curveview_nos3tc.tga"): unknown device name in URL EM4 Version 1.3f language pl Registered FS device "mod" mod found: BFEMP mod found: BFEMP NL mod found: BFEMP NL - Winter mod found: BFEMP Submod Bayern 2.0 mod found: BFEMP Submod Sittingen V.2.1 mod found: Bieberveld V3 mod found: ERS Beta Sicherung mod found: FF Zinnowitz mod found: FUBMP mod found: Gorzów Modification v0.11 mod found: islmp_experimental mod found: Lancut Modification mod found: OF Kieslingen 1.5 mod found: Oudenhout Mod mod found: Sochaczew Modification v2 mod found: Stuttgart Modifikation mod found: Tagebau |VisMain_cl::DeInit |DeInitializing Object Data... |DeInitializing World Data... |DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data... |Initializing Vision Graphics Engine |Detecting CPU type and features |CPU:Pentium II/III FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow! |Vision Core: Allocated 28 kB of memory for Polygon Chunks |Vision Core: Allocated 9 kB of memory for Entities |Settings renderer configuration |Loading World mod:\Maps\empty.v3d ?ERROR: dynlight.vsf Version or higher required! |Vision Core: Allocated 38 kB of memory for primitive data |Vision Core: Allocated 5 kB of memory for Patches |Vision Core: Allocated 1 kB of memory for Patch Edges |Vision Core: Allocated 75 kB of memory for Heightfields |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Texture Planes |Vision Core: Allocated 1 kB of memory for Vis Areas |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Vis Area Planes |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Vis Area Portals |Vision Core: Allocated 3 kB of memory for Lights |Vision Core: Allocated 8 kB of memory for World Vertices |Vision Core: Allocated 21 kB of memory for Vertex References |World contains 289 vertices, 256 polygons, 0 patches, 0 lights |Vision Core: Resized memory for Patch Edges to 1 kB. |Loading Font allyouneed.VFN |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 505 vertices, 590 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Scanning units... Scanning equipment... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F010Fire Extinguisher/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F020Fire Hose/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F030Jaws Of Life/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F040Chain Saw/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F050Axe/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F060Jump Pad/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P010Flash Grenade/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P020Road Block/... Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/010Fire Fighter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 505 vertices, 590 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm_upgrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 822 vertices, 612 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm_upgrade.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm_upgrade2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/020Fire Fighter Masked/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefightermask.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 498 vertices, 561 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefightermask_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 570 vertices, 615 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/030Fire Fighter ABC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighterabc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighterabc_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/040Diver/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\diver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 668 vertices, 644 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\diver_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 743 vertices, 706 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/010Doctor/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_f.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_upgraded_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 773 vertices, 568 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_upgraded_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 586 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded_f.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded2_m.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded2_f.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/020Paramedics/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\paramedic.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1446 vertices, 1070 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\paramedic_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1514 vertices, 1110 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic_upgraded.e4p precached ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/030Dog Leader/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\leaderrescuedog.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 369 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\leaderrescuedog_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 496 vertices, 568 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/010Policeman/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 588 vertices, 480 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 512 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 27 kB. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_f.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_upgraded_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 883 vertices, 604 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_upgraded_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 562 vertices, 619 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded_f.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded2_m.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded2_f.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/020Shooter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\shooter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 733 vertices, 612 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\shooter_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 899 vertices, 682 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/030Sharp Shooter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\sharpshooter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 435 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\sharpshooter_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 589 vertices, 596 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/040Scout/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\scout.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 418 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\scout_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 555 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/050Profiler/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\profiler.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 367 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\profiler_upgrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 451 vertices, 498 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler_upgrade.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler_upgrade2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/010Engineer/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\TEC\engineer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 613 vertices, 506 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\TEC\engineer_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 777 vertices, 656 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/010RW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1707 vertices, 791 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 83 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 33 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 31 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_spotlight_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 148 vertices, 84 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/rw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/020GTF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1343 vertices, 891 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_tube_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 83 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/gtf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/030TLF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1244 vertices, 818 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 95 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 59 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 59 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 160 vertices, 91 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/tlf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/040DLK/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1595 vertices, 883 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_base_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 240 vertices, 162 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l1_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l2_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l3_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_basket_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 156 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_canon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 35 vertices, 33 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l4_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/dlk.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/050LPF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1238 vertices, 591 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 70 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1292 vertices, 785 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/lpf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/060DEKON/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2046 vertices, 1265 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/dekonp.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/070FMB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\fmb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1910 vertices, 898 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\fmb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 242 vertices, 93 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/fmb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/080TFMB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1371 vertices, 934 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 45 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/tfmb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/090FLB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\flb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2377 vertices, 1536 polygons, 3 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\flb_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/flb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/100LF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2019 vertices, 1794 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/lf.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/010NEF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 591 vertices, 456 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/nef.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/020RTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1301 vertices, 1031 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 101 vertices, 70 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/030RHF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1033 vertices, 778 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 67 vertices, 43 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 125 vertices, 59 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rhf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/040ITW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1183 vertices, 876 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 2 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 42 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/itw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/050RHC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1220 vertices, 737 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhc_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\rhc_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 372 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 93 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rhc.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/010STW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 688 vertices, 528 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/stw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/020MTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1334 vertices, 664 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 137 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/mtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/030SW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1152 vertices, 676 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 18 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/sw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/040WAW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1489 vertices, 868 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 119 vertices, 73 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/waw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/050GTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1124 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/gtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/060PHC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\phc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1844 vertices, 1055 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\phc_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 43 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\phc_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 374 vertices, 240 polygons, 0 bones, 88 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/phc.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/070FLIGHT/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 523 vertices, 477 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\drivebyshooting_rifle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 214 vertices, 94 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/getawaycar.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/010FGRI/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 839 vertices, 654 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 65 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgri.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/020ASF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1360 vertices, 792 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/asf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/030FGRR/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1079 vertices, 641 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm2_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_base_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 268 vertices, 150 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_hook_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 53 vertices, 49 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm3_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm4_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/040FGRB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4888 vertices, 1958 polygons, 5 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 63 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_ship_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 954 vertices, 490 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_stand_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 130 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgrb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/050FGRT/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1144 vertices, 900 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 120 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 18 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\fgr_t_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 724 vertices, 412 polygons, 0 bones, 192 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_t.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/060RL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2302 vertices, 1224 polygons, 0 bones, 26 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_rb_dozer.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/070TRL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1153 vertices, 656 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 186 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_rb.e4p precached command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found Loading strings meta list... Loaded lang:infotexts.xml Loaded lang:poi.xml Loaded lang:portraits.xml Loaded lang:fail.xml Loaded lang:ingamehelp.xml Loaded lang:objectives.xml Loaded lang:hints.xml Loaded lang:missiontitles.xml Loaded lang:missiontips.xml Loaded lang:mission.xml Loaded lang:talk.xml Loaded lang:supervobj.xml Loaded lang:supervfail.xml Loaded lang:supervresult.xml Loaded lang:supervtut.xml Loaded lang:tutorial.xml Loaded lang:command.xml Loaded lang:supervobj.xml Loaded lang:credits.xml Loaded lang:supervquest.xml Loaded lang:quest.xml Loaded lang:supervaward.xml Loaded lang:events.xml Loaded lang:supervevents.xml Loaded lang:superveventsobj.xml Loaded lang:mainmenu.xml Loaded lang:gui.xml Loaded lang:score.xml Loaded lang:strings.xml Loaded lang:voices.xml mod found: BFEMP mod found: BFEMP NL mod found: BFEMP NL - Winter mod found: BFEMP Submod Bayern 2.0 mod found: BFEMP Submod Sittingen V.2.1 mod found: Bieberveld V3 mod found: ERS Beta Sicherung mod found: FF Zinnowitz mod found: FUBMP mod found: Gorzów Modification v0.11 mod found: islmp_experimental mod found: Lancut Modification mod found: OF Kieslingen 1.5 mod found: Oudenhout Mod mod found: Sochaczew Modification v2 mod found: Stuttgart Modifikation mod found: Tagebau Init Network... !VVideoPlayer::PlayVideo(): file 'base:/Video/GlobalStar.mpg' not found Campaign: 24 entries loaded |Loading Model base:Models\Objects\misc\theobject01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 592 vertices, 962 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model base:Models\Objects\misc\theobject02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 592 vertices, 962 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?UIDialog: Could not load 'base:UI/Game/MissionResult/FreeplayRanking.xml' !Precaching prototypes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\stretcher.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 216 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Equipment/stretcher.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\freightcarwreck01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 802 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/freightcarwreck01.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 875 vertices, 607 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck01.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 957 vertices, 688 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck02.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 932 vertices, 646 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck03.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1396 vertices, 920 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck04.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1246 vertices, 798 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck05.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\heliwreck01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1721 vertices, 926 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/heliwreck01.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\truckwreck03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1721 vertices, 914 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/truckwreck03.e4p precached Loading gamma ramp... Deleting units... Scanning units... Scanning equipment... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F010Fire Extinguisher/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F020Fire Hose/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F030Jaws Of Life/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F040Chain Saw/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F050Axe/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F060Jump Pad/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P010Flash Grenade/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P020Road Block/... Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/010Fire Fighter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 505 vertices, 590 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm_upgrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 822 vertices, 612 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm_upgrade.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm_upgrade2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/020Fire Fighter Masked/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefightermask.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 498 vertices, 561 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefightermask_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 570 vertices, 615 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/030Fire Fighter ABC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighterabc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighterabc_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/040Diver/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\diver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 668 vertices, 644 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\diver_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 743 vertices, 706 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BAD/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\Bademeister.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 547 vertices, 460 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BAD.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFA/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFA.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4787 vertices, 2198 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFA.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2231 vertices, 1186 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFB.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\CSAIII.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 784 vertices, 825 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Fixing invalid blended vertex weightings for model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\CSAIII! Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFC.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFE/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFE.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2231 vertices, 1186 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFE.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFG/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFG.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2231 vertices, 1186 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFG.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFH/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FM_HSA.v3o |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FM_HSA does not contain version number information. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFH.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFM/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFM.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2231 vertices, 1186 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFM.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFS/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BF_saw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1500 vertices, 934 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFS.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFZ/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFS.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 777 vertices, 875 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFZ.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFZi/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FM_ziv.v3o |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FM_ziv does not contain version number information. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFZi.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFA/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FFA.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2491 vertices, 1868 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFA.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFABC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FFABC.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1526 vertices, 948 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFABC.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFC/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFC.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFE/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FFE.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1526 vertices, 948 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFE.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFG/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FFG.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1526 vertices, 948 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFG.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFH/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFH.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFM/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FFM.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2231 vertices, 1186 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFM.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRA/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\AGTR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2491 vertices, 1868 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFRA.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRC/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFRC.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRE/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FMEL.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1526 vertices, 948 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFRE.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRG/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FMGF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1526 vertices, 948 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFRG.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRH/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFRH.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRM/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FMR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2231 vertices, 1186 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFRM.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRS/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FM_saw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1500 vertices, 934 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFRS.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFS/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\FF_saw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1500 vertices, 934 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/FFS.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/STM/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\civilworker01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/STM.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/010Doctor/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_f.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_upgraded_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 773 vertices, 568 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_upgraded_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 586 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded_f.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded2_m.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded2_f.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/020Paramedics/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\paramedic.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1446 vertices, 1070 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\paramedic_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1514 vertices, 1110 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic_upgraded.e4p precached ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/030Dog Leader/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\leaderrescuedog.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 369 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\leaderrescuedog_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 496 vertices, 568 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/ADAC Notarzt/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\ADACLR_Doc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/ADACLR_Doc.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/ADAC Sanitäter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\ADACLR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2926 vertices, 2500 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Fixing invalid blended vertex weightings for model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\ADACLR! ?Cannot add default animation set to A: incompatible bone structure? |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\stryker_normal.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2319 vertices, 2028 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/ADACLR.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/Bestatter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\bestatter_trage.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4129 vertices, 2005 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to B: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/Bestatter.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/Bestattermit/... ?Cannot add default animation set to B: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/Bestatterinjured.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/BF Notarzt/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\RDNm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 531 vertices, 616 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFNm.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\RDNw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 512 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFNw.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/BF Sanitäter 2/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\paramedic.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2940 vertices, 2514 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to B: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/WFST.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/BF Sanitäter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\RDSt.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2685 vertices, 2464 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to B: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BFST.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/Fallschirmjäger/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fallschirmjaeger\Sanitaetssoldat_Oberfaehnrich_Hollrieder_helm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 391 vertices, 496 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fallschirmjaeger/OFae_Hollrieder_kampf.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/Leiche/... |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Equipment\leichentuch.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 151 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to X: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Civil/Leiche.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD LNA/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFELNA.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/RDLNAm.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFNw.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/RDNw.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD Notarzt/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFNm.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/RDNm.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD Sanitäter KTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFKTW.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2685 vertices, 2464 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to R: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/RDKTW.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD Sanitäter SAN/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFSAN.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2685 vertices, 2464 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to R: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/RDSAN.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD Sanitäter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFSt.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2685 vertices, 2464 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to R: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/RDST.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/010Policeman/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 588 vertices, 480 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 512 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_f.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_upgraded_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 883 vertices, 604 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_upgraded_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 562 vertices, 619 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded_f.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded2_m.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded2_f.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/020Shooter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\shooter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 733 vertices, 612 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\shooter_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 899 vertices, 682 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/030Sharp Shooter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\sharpshooter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 435 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\sharpshooter_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 589 vertices, 596 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/040Scout/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\scout.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 418 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\scout_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 555 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/050Profiler/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\profiler.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 367 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\profiler_upgrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 451 vertices, 498 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler_upgrade.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler_upgrade2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/POLb/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\Pol_Krad.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 615 vertices, 484 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/POLb.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei BAB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\policeman_jacket_m_b_w.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 416 vertices, 512 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/POLmw.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\policeman_jacket_f_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 562 vertices, 619 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/POLww.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei Hundefuehrer/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\Hundefuehrer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 555 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/POLHund.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei KMRD/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/KRD_MAN.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei Streife Zivilm/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\Zivilpolizist1.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/ZPOLm.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei Streife Zivilw/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\Zivilpolizist2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 428 vertices, 515 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/ZPOLw.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei Streife/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\policeman_jacket_m_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 416 vertices, 512 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/POLm.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/POLw.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/POLs/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\P1150_1BT_22.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 850 vertices, 818 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Fixing invalid blended vertex weightings for model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\P1150_1BT_22! Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/POLs.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/010Engineer/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\TEC\engineer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 613 vertices, 506 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\TEC\engineer_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 777 vertices, 656 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/ADAC_MAN/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\ADAC.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/ADAC_MAN.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/LaBOMBA/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\bomb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/__ Bieberfelde/BOMB_MAN.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/010RW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1707 vertices, 791 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 83 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 33 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 31 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_spotlight_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 148 vertices, 84 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/rw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01BFE_ALL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Missionspec\radioantenne01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 276 vertices, 180 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/BFE_ALL.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_BF01/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Feuerwehr_BF01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_BF02/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Feuerwehr_BF02.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FF03/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Feuerwehr_FF03.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FF04/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Feuerwehr_FF04.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FF05/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Feuerwehr_FF05.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FF06/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Feuerwehr_FF06.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FW/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Leitstelle1_FW.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/020GTF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1343 vertices, 891 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\kupp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/gtf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/02_1_11_1_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_1_11_1\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2134 vertices, 2439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 182\Sputnik nano.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 144 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_1_11_1\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 223 vertices, 217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_1_11_1\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 206 vertices, 197 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_1_11_1\Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_1_11_1\Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_1_11_1\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\comet_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1410 vertices, 470 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\zusatzblin.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_1_11_1\dbs3000_led_trsp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3995 vertices, 1516 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Equipment\bottle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\pressluft\normal\gestellgross.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2148 vertices, 716 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\pressluft\normal\gestellklein.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2148 vertices, 716 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Chidea\4m_06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 891 vertices, 504 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/ELW_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/030TLF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1244 vertices, 818 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 95 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 59 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 59 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 160 vertices, 91 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/tlf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/03_1_11_1_2/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_BF_ALT\vito.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5380 vertices, 2135 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\vito_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_BF_ALT\vito_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 259 vertices, 126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_BF_ALT\vito_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 261 vertices, 126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_BF_ALT\vito_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 168 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/ELW_01_2.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/040DLK/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1595 vertices, 883 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_base_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 240 vertices, 162 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l1_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l2_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l3_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_basket_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 156 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_canon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 35 vertices, 33 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l4_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/dlk.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/04_1_46_1_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\Atego Euro 6 AT3 Straße.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 29537 vertices, 10126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\Wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 446 vertices, 352 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\Wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1104 vertices, 368 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\dbs3000_led_trsp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3995 vertices, 1516 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 134 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 134 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\gr04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 576 vertices, 192 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Rettungssatz_01.v3o |Model contains 2957 vertices, 2256 polygons, 0 bones, 14 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Rettungssatz_01 does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\gr01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 198 vertices, 130 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Atemschutz_01.v3o |Model contains 844 vertices, 392 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Atemschutz_01 does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\gr03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 576 vertices, 192 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Stomerzeuger_02.v3o |Model contains 97 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Stomerzeuger_02 does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\gr02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 184 vertices, 130 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\gr06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 344 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\gr05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 344 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\gr07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 304 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\tenniscourt01_tennisball.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 45 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\haspel2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2568 vertices, 1268 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\haspel1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1692 vertices, 626 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\LM_ANI.v3o |Model contains 584 vertices, 227 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\LM_ANI does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\firehose_connector01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/HLF_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/050LPF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1238 vertices, 591 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 70 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1292 vertices, 785 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/lpf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/05_1_46_2/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\Varus_HLF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32445 vertices, 11399 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_atego_schwarz_wheel4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 590 vertices, 214 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_atego_schwarz_wheel3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 888 vertices, 296 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\1_HLF20_1_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2559 vertices, 853 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\1_HLF20_1_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2544 vertices, 848 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\GR1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 492 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\GR2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 492 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\GR3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\GR4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\GR5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 714 vertices, 238 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\GR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\Heckleiter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6210 vertices, 2070 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\Leiterhalterung_Steckleiter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2709 vertices, 903 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\Leiterhalterung_Schiebleiter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2109 vertices, 703 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\Schiebleiter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3672 vertices, 1224 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\Steckleiter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5772 vertices, 1924 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\1_HLF20_1_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 816 vertices, 272 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\1_HLF20_1_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 816 vertices, 272 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_2\GR6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 714 vertices, 238 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/HLF_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/060DEKON/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2046 vertices, 1265 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/dekonp.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/06_1_33_1_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\DLK.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 17095 vertices, 6000 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2616 vertices, 872 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 81 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2601 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\haenschnova.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 159 vertices, 144 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\GR3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 106 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\GR4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 106 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\GR6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 106 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\GR5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 106 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\GR1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 106 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_1_33_1\GR2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 106 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\DLK_base_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3330 vertices, 1110 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\DLK_l1_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7270 vertices, 2525 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\DLK_l2_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5748 vertices, 1916 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\DLK_l3_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5748 vertices, 1916 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\DLK_l4_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5748 vertices, 1916 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\DLK_basket_super.v3o |Model contains 1456 vertices, 1658 polygons, 0 bones, 14 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\DLK_basket_super does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\Wenderohr.v3o |Model contains 346 vertices, 328 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\Wenderohr does not contain version number information. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/DLK_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/070FMB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\fmb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1910 vertices, 898 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\fmb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 242 vertices, 93 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/fmb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/07_1_24_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\RWIS.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26498 vertices, 9710 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\LKW_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1333 vertices, 560 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\LKW_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1345 vertices, 660 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\AT3_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2730 vertices, 910 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\AT3_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2982 vertices, 994 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\RWIS_G1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 376 vertices, 246 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\RWIS_G4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 581 vertices, 195 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\RWIS_GR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 304 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\RWIS_G6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 350 vertices, 134 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\RWIS_G5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 350 vertices, 134 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\RWIS_G3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 581 vertices, 195 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\RWIS_G2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 346 vertices, 246 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_1_24_1\BF_24_1_Cannon.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 479 vertices, 687 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\pressluft\schutzkappe\gestellgross.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2424 vertices, 808 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\pressluft\schutzkappe\hornklein.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1194 vertices, 398 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/080TFMB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1371 vertices, 934 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/tfmb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/08_1_65_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\WLF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2909 vertices, 2388 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_3_65_2\Wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 446 vertices, 352 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_3_65_2\Wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1104 vertices, 368 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_3_65_2\Wheel03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 446 vertices, 352 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\actros_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 166 vertices, 190 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\WLF_Aufbau.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1768 vertices, 1386 polygons, 0 bones, 24 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\AB-A-S.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4230 vertices, 1733 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\AB-G.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2862 vertices, 960 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\AB-MANV.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5485 vertices, 1941 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\AB-OEL.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4896 vertices, 1632 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/WLF_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/090FLB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\flb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2377 vertices, 1536 polygons, 3 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\flb_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/flb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/09_1_65_2/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_3_65_2\WLF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2909 vertices, 2388 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_3_65_2\actros_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 166 vertices, 190 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/WLF_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/100LF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2019 vertices, 1794 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/lf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/10_2_11_1_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_FF\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2134 vertices, 2439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_FF\trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/ELW_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/11_2_11_1_2/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_2_11_1_2\MTF19.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6245 vertices, 3177 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\t4_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_2_11_1_2\MTF19_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 294 vertices, 156 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_2_11_1_2\MTF19_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 339 vertices, 175 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_2_11_1_2\MTF19_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\ELW_2_11_1_2\MTF19_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 447 vertices, 178 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/ELW_02_2.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/12_2_46_1_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_1_46_1_AT3\Atego Euro 6 AT3 Straße W2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 29537 vertices, 10126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/HLF_06_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/13_2_33_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\DLK.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 17095 vertices, 6000 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 99 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2616 vertices, 872 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\DLK_2_33_1\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2601 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/DLK_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/14_2_52_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\RW_2_52_1\Varus_HLF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32445 vertices, 11399 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\RW_2_52_1\1_HLF20_1_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2559 vertices, 853 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\RW_2_52_1\1_HLF20_1_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2544 vertices, 848 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\RW_2_52_1\dbs4000_lkw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3804 vertices, 1268 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/RW2_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/15_2_72_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KLAF_2_72_1\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\rtw_sprinterschwarz_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 339 vertices, 318 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\rtw_sprinter_schwarz_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 430 vertices, 386 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_72\Sprinter_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_72\Sprinter_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_72\dbs3000_led2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3995 vertices, 1516 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KLAF_2_72_1\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KLAF_2_72_1\Sprinter_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_72\Sprinter_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/KLAF_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/16_3_44_1_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\HLF20.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 41391 vertices, 13797 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_actros_vorne.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 866 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_actros_hinten.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 734 vertices, 364 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2811 vertices, 937 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2847 vertices, 949 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 852 vertices, 284 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 852 vertices, 284 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\comet_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1410 vertices, 470 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\G1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 437 vertices, 152 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\G2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 425 vertices, 152 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\G3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 373 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\G4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 376 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\G5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 434 vertices, 152 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\GR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 394 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\G6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 405 vertices, 152 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\Schiebleiter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2928 vertices, 2208 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_44_1\Steckleiter_4er.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1861 vertices, 912 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/HLF_03_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/17_3_44_1_2/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/HLF_03_2.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/18_3_45_1_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_45_1_2\MB_NG_LF16.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 17265 vertices, 7419 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_45_1_2\MB_NG_LF16_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 810 vertices, 270 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_45_1_2\MB_NG_LF16_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1122 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_45_1_2\MB_NG_LF16_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_45_1_2\MB_NG_LF16_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\rkle150.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 254 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Stomerzeuger_01.v3o |Model contains 1534 vertices, 798 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Stomerzeuger_01 does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_45_1_2\LAD 335.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 198 vertices, 208 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_3_45_1_2\bsxmulti.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 208 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Chidea\Chidea_2er_haspel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 332 vertices, 402 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/HLF_04_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/19_3_24_1/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_01_1.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_01_1.e4p failed. ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_01_1.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_01_1.e4p failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/20_01_93_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_93_01\Staffel_Empl_E6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12960 vertices, 4763 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Wheels\skaiahof_ersatz_vorne.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 904 vertices, 420 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Wheels\skaiahof_ersatz_hinten.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 762 vertices, 364 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_93_01\Scania_Door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 732 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_93_01\Scania_Door2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 732 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_93_01\Scania_Door3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_93_01\Scania_Door4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_93_01\comet_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1410 vertices, 470 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/01_93_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/21_4_42_1_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\HLF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 45227 vertices, 19744 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 799 vertices, 878 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 799 vertices, 878 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 434 vertices, 440 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 435 vertices, 440 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\G1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 666 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 117 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\G2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 666 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\G3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 510 vertices, 170 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\G4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 510 vertices, 170 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\G5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 654 vertices, 218 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\G6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 654 vertices, 218 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\GR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 510 vertices, 170 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\DBS975_Mini.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 276 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_3\Kennzeichen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/HLF_05_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/22_01_91_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_91_01\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_91_01\Sprinter_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_91_01\Sprinter_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_91_01\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 370 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/01_91_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/23_5_19_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\MTW_5_19_1\Vito_Van.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10173 vertices, 3391 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\MTW_5_19_1\vito_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\MTW_5_19_1\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 900 vertices, 300 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\MTW_5_19_1\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 900 vertices, 300 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\MTW_5_19_1\Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 324 vertices, 108 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\MTW_5_19_1\Door04_Van.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3000 vertices, 1000 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\bsxmulti.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 208 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\MTW_5_19_1\rtk6dopblitz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 294 vertices, 316 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/MTF_05_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/24_5_23_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_5_24_1\HLF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44577 vertices, 14859 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_5_24_1\Scania_Door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 732 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_5_24_1\Scania_Door2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 732 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_5_24_1\Scania_Door3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\TLF_5_24_1\Scania_Door4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\G1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 666 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\G2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 666 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\G3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 510 vertices, 170 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\G4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 510 vertices, 170 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\G5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 654 vertices, 218 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\G6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 654 vertices, 218 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\GR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 510 vertices, 170 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_05_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/25_5_44_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\HLF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44577 vertices, 14859 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\Scania_Door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 732 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\Scania_Door2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 732 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\Scania_Door3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_5_44_1\Scania_Door4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/LFW_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/26_5_63_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 13671 vertices, 4989 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1122 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\SW_5_63_1\MB_NG_TLF16_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 810 vertices, 270 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\TS.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3941 vertices, 1843 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/SW2_05_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/27_6_10_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KDOW_6_10_1\sprinter_mm_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 893 vertices, 515 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_19_01\Sprinter_wheel03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 104 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KDOW_6_10_1\Federal Signal P8000.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 689 vertices, 768 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KDOW_6_10_1\sprinter_mm_1_Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 96 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KDOW_6_10_1\sprinter_mm_1_Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KDOW_6_10_1\sprinter_mm_1_Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KDOW_6_10_1\sprinter_mm_1_Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 330 vertices, 154 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/KDOW_6_10_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/28_6_23_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\LF_KatS.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26101 vertices, 10578 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\LF_KatS_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2616 vertices, 872 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\LF_KatS_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2601 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\LF_KatS_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\LF_KatS_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\GR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 336 vertices, 112 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\G1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 246 vertices, 82 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\G2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 246 vertices, 82 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 135 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\G4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 336 vertices, 112 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\G5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 258 vertices, 86 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\G3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 336 vertices, 112 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_6_44_1\G6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 258 vertices, 86 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/LFW_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/29_6_46_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\Varus_HLF.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40956 vertices, 14236 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\Tür_Links.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 930 vertices, 310 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\Tür_Rechts.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 930 vertices, 310 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\Blaulichtpodest.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 414 vertices, 138 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\GR1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 492 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\GR2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 492 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\GR3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\GR4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\GR5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 714 vertices, 238 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\GR6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 714 vertices, 238 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\HLF_6_46_1\GR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/HLF_08_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/30_6_58_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\Rüstwagen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 39894 vertices, 13298 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\RW_Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2616 vertices, 872 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\RW_Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2601 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\G1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 420 vertices, 140 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\G3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 420 vertices, 140 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\G5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1308 vertices, 436 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\G6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 420 vertices, 140 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\G7.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 732 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\GR.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 420 vertices, 140 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\G4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1308 vertices, 436 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\G8.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 498 vertices, 166 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\GW_6_58_1\G2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 732 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/GWL_06_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/31_AB_AS/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/AB_AS_01.e4p.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/AB_AS_01.e4p.e4p failed. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\AB-A-S_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4233 vertices, 1734 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/AB_AS_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/32_AB_DEKON/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\AB-G_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2862 vertices, 960 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/AB_DE_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/33_AB_MN/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\AB-MANV_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4901 vertices, 1714 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/AB_MN_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/34_AB_MU/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\WLF_1_65_2\AB-OEL_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4896 vertices, 1632 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/AB_MU_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/35_7_BSW_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\Kolonnenwagen\FL DoKa.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8654 vertices, 3329 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\Kolonnenwagen\door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1116 vertices, 372 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\Kolonnenwagen\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 279 vertices, 93 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\Kolonnenwagen\door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1074 vertices, 358 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\Kolonnenwagen\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 270 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW2\comet_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1410 vertices, 470 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\kiste.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Pylone.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Blitzleuchte.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 69 vertices, 62 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Equipment\Besen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1969 vertices, 1876 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Equipment\Bindemittel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 39 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/BSW_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/36_7_BSW_02/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW\Vito02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32033 vertices, 10715 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SEG_MTW_RD 850\Vito_Wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1806 vertices, 602 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW\Vito02_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4282 vertices, 1446 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW\Vito02_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4174 vertices, 1410 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW\Vito02_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2343 vertices, 781 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW\Vito02_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4722 vertices, 1574 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW\comet_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1410 vertices, 470 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/BSW_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/37_Faltbehälter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\faltbehaelter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7381 vertices, 6343 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/Equipment_Falt.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/37_TS/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\Equipment_TS\ts88.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1482 vertices, 1294 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/Equipment_TS.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/38_SEGWAY/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Segway\Segway.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 359 vertices, 422 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Segway\Segway_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 58 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Segway\Segway_driver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2271 vertices, 1083 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/SGW_01_1.e4p precached ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/SGW_01_1.e4 Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/SGW_01_1.e4 failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/39_01_72_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_72\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_72\Sprinter_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_72\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/01_72_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/40_01_10_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_10_1\Vito02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32033 vertices, 10715 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_10_1\Vito02_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4282 vertices, 1446 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_10_1\Vito02_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4174 vertices, 1410 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_10_1\Vito02_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4722 vertices, 1574 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_10_1\Vito02_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2343 vertices, 781 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SEG_MTW_RD 850\dbs3000_led_trsp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3995 vertices, 1516 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/01_10_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/41_01_44_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 17265 vertices, 7419 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 153 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 810 vertices, 270 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1122 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\1_44_1\MB_NG_LF16_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/01_44_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/42_01_71_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\FwK_1_72_1\liebherr1040_essen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8380 vertices, 7152 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\FwK_1_72_1\FwK_72_1_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 594 vertices, 198 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\FwK_1_72_1\liebherr1040_essen_L1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1481 vertices, 1105 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\FwK_1_72_1\liebherr1040_essen_base.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2494 vertices, 2264 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\FwK_1_72_1\liebherr1040_essen_L2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 324 vertices, 230 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\FwK_1_72_1\liebherr1040_essen_L3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 416 vertices, 282 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\FwK_1_72_1\liebherr1040_essen_L4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1081 vertices, 774 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\FwK_1_72_1\Kranhaken.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 109 vertices, 49 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/01_71_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/43_01_51_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\RW1 Unimog.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8817 vertices, 2939 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\Wheel_Vo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 168 vertices, 313 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\rkle150.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 254 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\RW1 Unimog_Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 918 vertices, 306 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\RW1 Unimog_Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 918 vertices, 306 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\Seilwinde.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1542 vertices, 610 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\gr01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 317 vertices, 190 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\gr02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 317 vertices, 190 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\gr03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 144 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\gr04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 144 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Rettungssatz_04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2957 vertices, 2256 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\01_51_01\gr05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 366 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/01_51_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/44_04_46_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\hlf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 25533 vertices, 8511 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\hlf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1140 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\hlf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1530 vertices, 510 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\hlf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 534 vertices, 178 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\hlf_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 534 vertices, 178 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\hlf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2811 vertices, 937 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\hlf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2847 vertices, 949 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\g04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 480 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\g05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 241 vertices, 151 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\g06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 247 vertices, 151 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\g07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\g03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1158 vertices, 386 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\g01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 272 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_42_1_2\g02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 277 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/04_46_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/45_03_33_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\DLK LN2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2726 vertices, 2605 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_atego_schwarz_wheel1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 564 vertices, 188 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_atego_schwarz_wheel2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 888 vertices, 296 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\LN2 DLK_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 159 vertices, 172 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\LN2 DLK_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 215 vertices, 226 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\G1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\G2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 63 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\G3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\G4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\G5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\G6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\base_neu.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2375 vertices, 3685 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\1331_l1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 528 vertices, 508 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\1331_l2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 464 vertices, 450 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\1331_l3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 464 vertices, 450 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\1331_l4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 464 vertices, 450 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_33_01\1331_basket.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1329 vertices, 1169 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/03_33_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/46_03_19_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_19_01\sprinter_body.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 638 vertices, 462 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_19_01\comet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1362 vertices, 454 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_19_01\sprinter_Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 342 vertices, 156 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_19_01\sprinter_Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_19_01\sprinter_Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 336 vertices, 156 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_19_01\sprinter_Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\03_19_01\sprinter_Door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/03_19_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/47_7_BSW_04/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW2\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2134 vertices, 2439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 171 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW2\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 223 vertices, 217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW2\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 206 vertices, 197 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW2\Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW2\Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW2\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\PKW2\dbs4000_trsp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3804 vertices, 1268 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/BSW_04_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/48_7_BSW_07/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\LKW3\ActrosKommunal.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 15410 vertices, 7228 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\LKW3\trsp_6module_einseits.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4144 vertices, 1484 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/BSW_07_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/49_04_45_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20128 vertices, 8386 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 810 vertices, 270 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1122 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\MB_NG_LF16_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\LF_4_45_1\LF 16-TS_tshaube.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 172 vertices, 260 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/04_45_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/50_2_74_1/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\2_74_1\Atego.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18023 vertices, 6217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_atego_wheel1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 564 vertices, 188 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_atego_wheel2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 888 vertices, 296 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\2_74_1\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2616 vertices, 872 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\2_74_1\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2601 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\2_74_1\labowa.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 900 vertices, 300 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/02_74_01.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/010NEF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 591 vertices, 456 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/nef.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/01Leitstelle1_RD01/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Rettung_RD01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/01Leitstelle1_RD02/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Rettung_RD02.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/01Leitstelle1_RD03/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Rettung_RD03.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/01Leitstelle1_RD05/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Rettung_RD05.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/020RTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1301 vertices, 1031 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 101 vertices, 70 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/02Leitstelle1_RD/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Leitstelle1_RD.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/030RHF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1033 vertices, 778 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 67 vertices, 43 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 125 vertices, 59 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rhf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/03_NEF_BFE_RD_846/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2134 vertices, 2439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 223 vertices, 217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 206 vertices, 197 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\dbs3000_led_trsp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3995 vertices, 1516 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\Umfeldbeleuchtung.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 846\Crafter_Umfeld.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 144 vertices, 116 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/NEF_BFE_RD_846_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/040ITW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1183 vertices, 876 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 2 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 42 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/itw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/04_RTW_BFE_RD_292/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7550 vertices, 3879 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\sprinter_wheel_ncv.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 182\umrissleuchten_vorne.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 90 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\Dachfenster.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 408 vertices, 168 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 189 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\umfeldbeleuchtung_hinten.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 352 vertices, 124 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 301\umfeldbeleuchtung_vorne.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 352 vertices, 124 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\RTW_Status\ap.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1750 vertices, 1690 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\RTW_Status\na.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1834 vertices, 1766 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\RTW_Status\po.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1764 vertices, 1692 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\RTW_Status\np.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1186 vertices, 1126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/RTW_BFE_RD_292_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/050RHC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1220 vertices, 737 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhc_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rhc.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/05_KTW_BFE_RD_303/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 303\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\Sprinter_wheel2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 104 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 303\Sprinter_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 303\Sprinter_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 303\Sprinter_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 303\Sprinter_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 303\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 303\dbs3000_led2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3995 vertices, 1516 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-4\interior.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 776 vertices, 300 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/KTW_BFE_RD_303_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/05SRTW_BFE_RD_146/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SRTW_BFE_RD 146\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7550 vertices, 3879 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SRTW_BFE_RD 146\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SRTW_BFE_RD 146\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SRTW_BFE_RD 146\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SRTW_BFE_RD 146\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SRTW_BFE_RD 146\door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SRTW_BFE_RD 146\door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SRTW_BFE_RD 146\Dachfenster.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 408 vertices, 168 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/SRTW_BFE_RD_146_1_2.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/06_NEF_BFE_RD_175/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 175\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2134 vertices, 2439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 223 vertices, 217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 206 vertices, 197 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\Crafter_Umfeld.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 144 vertices, 116 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\Umfeldbeleuchtung.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 175\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/NEF_BFE_RD_175_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/07_RTW_BFE_RD_293/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 293\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7550 vertices, 3879 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 293\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 293\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 293\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 293\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 293\door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 293\door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/RTW_BFE_RD_293_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/08_RTW_BFE_7439/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\BFE-7439\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10642 vertices, 3905 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 182\umfeldbeleuchtung_hinten.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 352 vertices, 124 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 182\umfeldbeleuchtung_vorne.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 352 vertices, 124 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\BFE-7439\door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\BFE-7439\door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\BFE-7439\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\BFE-7439\door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\BFE-7439\door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\BFE-7439\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/RTW_BFE_7439_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/09_NEF_BFE_RD_124/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 124\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2134 vertices, 2439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\rtk7_trsp_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3314 vertices, 1420 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-RD 124\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/NEF_BFE_RD_124_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/10_RTW_BFE_RD_295/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 295\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10642 vertices, 3905 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/RTW_BFE_RD_295_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/11_RTW_BFE_RD_219/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 219\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10642 vertices, 3905 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/RTW_BFE_RD_219_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/12_KTW_BFE_RD_011/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 011\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 011\Sprinter_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 011\Sprinter_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 011\Sprinter_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 011\Sprinter_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\KTW_BFE-RD 011\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/KTW_BFE_RD_011_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/13_NEF_BFE_DR_112/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2134 vertices, 2439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 208 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/NEF_BFE_DR_112_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/14_RTW_BFE_RD_291/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 302\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10642 vertices, 3905 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/RTW_BFE_RD_291_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/15_RTW_BFE_RD_299/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\RTW_BFE-RD 299\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7550 vertices, 3879 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/RTW_BFE_RD_299_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/16_NEF_BFE_FW_821/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\NEF_1_82_1\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2134 vertices, 2439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\NEF_1_82_1\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 223 vertices, 217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\NEF_1_82_1\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 206 vertices, 197 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\NEF_1_82_1\Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\NEF_1_82_1\Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\NEF_1_82_1\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NEF_BFE-DR 112\dbs4000_trsp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3804 vertices, 1268 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/17_NEF_BFE_FW_821_B/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1B.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1B.e4p failed. ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1B.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1B.e4p failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/18_RTW_BFE_FW_181/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\RTW LED.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 13056 vertices, 5653 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 713 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 713 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\Door03 LED.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 153 vertices, 57 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\Door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\Door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\Door07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 86 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 184\Door08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 90 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_181_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/19_RTW_BFE_FW_183/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 183\RTW LED.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9361 vertices, 4237 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_183_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/20_RTW_BFE_FW_182/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 182\RTW LED.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9361 vertices, 4237 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_182_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/21_RTW_BFE_FW_184/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_184_1.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_184_1.e4p failed. ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_184_1.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_184_1.e4p failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/22_RTW_BFE_FW_191/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 180\Sprinter_Kasten.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7806 vertices, 4535 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 180\Sprinter_Kasten_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1060 vertices, 439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 180\Sprinter_Kasten_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1060 vertices, 439 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 180\Sprinter_Kasten_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 180\Sprinter_Kasten_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 96 vertices, 100 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\RTW_BFE-FW 180\Sprinter_Kasten_door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 96 vertices, 100 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_191_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/23_LNA_BFE_6738/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\LNA_BFE-6738\MB_GLK.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3902 vertices, 3112 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Feuerwehr\KDOW_1_10_1\glk_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\LNA_BFE-6738\rtk7_pkw_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2876 vertices, 1060 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/LNA_BFE_6738_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/24_MTF_BFE_RD_811/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SEG_MTW_RD 850\Vito02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32033 vertices, 10715 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SEG_MTW_RD 850\Vito02_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4282 vertices, 1446 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SEG_MTW_RD 850\Vito02_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4174 vertices, 1410 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SEG_MTW_RD 850\Vito02_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2343 vertices, 781 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SEG_MTW_RD 850\dbs3000_led_trsp2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3995 vertices, 1516 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\SEG_MTW_RD 850\Vito02_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4722 vertices, 1574 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\pressluft\schutzkappe\gestellklein.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2424 vertices, 808 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/MTF_BFE_RD_811_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/25_KTW_BFE_RD_111/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10642 vertices, 3905 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/KTW_BFE_RD_111_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/26_KTW_BFE_RD_211/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\KTW\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\KTW\Sprinter_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\KTW\Sprinter_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\KTW\Sprinter_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\KTW\Sprinter_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\NKTW_BUND\KTW\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/KTW_BFE_RD_211_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/27_GWSAN_BFE_RD_801/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\gwsan.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7850 vertices, 2795 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2328 vertices, 818 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2494 vertices, 874 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 908 vertices, 344 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 908 vertices, 344 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\klappe1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\klappe2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\lbw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1557 vertices, 519 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\GW_SAN_BUND\rkle150.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 254 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/GWSAN_BFE_RD_801_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/28_D-HDEC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7166 vertices, 2981 polygons, 0 bones, 109 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 218 vertices, 78 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 222 vertices, 79 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 242 vertices, 106 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 243 vertices, 106 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 226 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 495 vertices, 196 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_rotor1.v3o |Model contains 416 vertices, 368 polygons, 0 bones, 110 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_rotor1 does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_rotor2.v3o |Model contains 319 vertices, 220 polygons, 0 bones, 41 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\D_HDEC\christoph41_rotor2 does not contain version number information. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/D-HDEC.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/29_Bestatter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bestatter\Bestatter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4236 vertices, 1580 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\t5_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bestatter\Bestatter_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 493 vertices, 191 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bestatter\Bestatter_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 259 vertices, 99 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bestatter\Bestatter_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 437 vertices, 171 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bestatter\Bestatter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 427 vertices, 169 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bestatter\Bestatter_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 471 vertices, 186 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ TechOrg/Bestatter_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/30_Bestatter02/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bestatter\Bestatter2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7729 vertices, 2642 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_eklasse_2_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bestatter\Bestatter_Kofferaumklappe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2182 vertices, 802 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ TechOrg/Bestatter_2.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/31_Leitstelle1_RD/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/32_02_83_03/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\FEUERWEHR_RD\02_83_03\RTW LED.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9361 vertices, 4237 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/02_83_03.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/33_12_85_02/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2138 vertices, 2441 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\haenschnova_s.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 182 vertices, 144 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\hochdach.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 768 vertices, 256 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\Door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 223 vertices, 217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\Door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 206 vertices, 197 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\Door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\Door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-2\Ohren.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 189 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_85_02.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/34_12_85_04/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-4\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2138 vertices, 2441 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-4\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_85_04.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/35_12_85_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-1\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2138 vertices, 2441 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-1\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_85_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/36_12_85_03/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-3\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-3\Sprinter_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-3\Sprinter_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 705 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-3\Sprinter_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-3\Sprinter_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-3\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_85_03.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/37_12_85_05/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-5\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-85-5\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_85_05.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/38_12_83_08/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-8\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7550 vertices, 3879 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-9\halter_trsp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 336 vertices, 160 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-9\trsp_2module_einseits.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3760 vertices, 1300 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_83_08.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/39_12_83_09/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-9\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7550 vertices, 3879 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_83_09.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/40_12_83_04/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-4\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-4\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-4\LKWPB2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 788 vertices, 521 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-4\Umfeldbeleuchtung.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 242 vertices, 112 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_83_04.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/41_12_83_06/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-6\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-6\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_83_06.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/42_12_83_07/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-7\Sprinter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3350 vertices, 2925 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-7\Sprinter_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_83_07.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/43_12_89_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-89-1\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7550 vertices, 3879 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-89-1\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_89_01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/44_12_82_02/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-2\Q5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4567 vertices, 1525 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-2\Q7 Felge.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-2\rtk7_pkw_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2876 vertices, 1060 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-2\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 516 vertices, 172 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-2\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 516 vertices, 172 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-2\Door_03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 210 vertices, 70 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-2\Door_04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 210 vertices, 70 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-2\Door_05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 501 vertices, 167 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_82_02.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/45_12_82_03/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-3\Q5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4567 vertices, 1525 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-3\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 516 vertices, 172 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-3\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 516 vertices, 172 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-3\Door_05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 501 vertices, 167 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_82_03.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/46_12_82_04/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-4\A4 Avant.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10040 vertices, 3394 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT_B8\A4 Felge.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 244 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-4\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 672 vertices, 224 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-4\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 672 vertices, 224 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-4\Door_03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 294 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-4\Door_04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 294 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-82-4\Door_05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1182 vertices, 394 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_Passat_alt\dbs4000_trsp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3804 vertices, 1268 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_82_04.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/47_12_83_03/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-3\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10642 vertices, 3905 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_83_03.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/48_12_83_05/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\RETTUNGSDIENST\12-83-5\strobel_rtw_koffer_mb_s_06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10642 vertices, 3905 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_LANDKREIS/12_83_05.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/010STW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 688 vertices, 528 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/stw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/01Leitstelle1_POL01/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Pol_POL01.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/01Leitstelle1_POL02/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Pol_POL02.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/01Leitstelle1_POL03/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Pol_POL03.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/01Leitstelle1_POL05/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__Leitstand/Leitstelle1_POL.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/020MTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1334 vertices, 664 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 137 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/mtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/02_1_STW_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT_B8\A4 Avant.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10040 vertices, 3394 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT_B8\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 672 vertices, 224 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT_B8\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 672 vertices, 224 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT_B8\Door_03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 294 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT_B8\Door_04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 294 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT_B8\Door_05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1182 vertices, 394 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT_B8\rtk7_pkw_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2876 vertices, 1060 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/STW_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/030SW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1152 vertices, 676 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 18 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/sw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/03_1_STW_02/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_Passat_alt\A4 Avant.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10040 vertices, 3394 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/STW_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/040WAW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1489 vertices, 868 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 119 vertices, 73 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/waw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/04_1_STW_03/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/STW_03_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/050GTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1124 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/gtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/05_1_MTW_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_T5_2\Vito02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32033 vertices, 10715 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_T5_2\Vito02_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4282 vertices, 1446 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_T5_2\Vito02_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4174 vertices, 1410 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_T5_2\Vito02_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2343 vertices, 781 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_T5_2\Vito02_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4722 vertices, 1574 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_T5_2\rtk7_trsp_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3314 vertices, 1420 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/MTW_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/060PHC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\phc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1844 vertices, 1055 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\phc_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 43 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\phc_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 374 vertices, 240 polygons, 0 bones, 88 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/phc.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/06_1_MTW_02/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/MTW_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/070FLIGHT/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 523 vertices, 477 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\drivebyshooting_rifle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 214 vertices, 94 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/getawaycar.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/07_1_KRAD_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\KRAD_RT1200\KRAD01_BODY.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8827 vertices, 3451 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\KRAD_RT1200\KRAD01_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 512 vertices, 232 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\KRAD_RT1200\KRAD01_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 540 vertices, 235 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\KRAD_RT1200\KRAD01_DRIVER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2271 vertices, 1083 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/RAD_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/08_1_ZMTW_03/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GRUKW_VARIO\FL SWB flach.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8428 vertices, 2908 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\rtw_sprinterneu_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 339 vertices, 318 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GRUKW_VARIO\door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1116 vertices, 372 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GRUKW_VARIO\door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1074 vertices, 358 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GRUKW_VARIO\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 279 vertices, 93 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GRUKW_VARIO\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 270 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GRUKW_VARIO\door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1042 vertices, 430 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GRUKW_VARIO\door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1042 vertices, 430 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GRUKW_VARIO\rtk7_trsp_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3314 vertices, 1420 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 262 kB. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/MTW_04_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/09_1_ZMTW_04/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/MTW_05_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/10_1_STW_04/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_3er\BMW F31_body.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10337 vertices, 4207 polygons, 0 bones, 2 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\1_82_1_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_3er\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 752 vertices, 272 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_3er\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 752 vertices, 272 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_3er\Door_03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 243 vertices, 105 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_3er\Door_04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 240 vertices, 104 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_3er\Door_05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1960 vertices, 836 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Movia_Aufgesetzt.v3o |Model contains 591 vertices, 558 polygons, 0 bones, 22 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Movia_Aufgesetzt does not contain version number information. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/STW_09_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/11_1_STW_04_2/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_A4\Audi A4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4992 vertices, 2092 polygons, 0 bones, 2 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\opel_vectra_wheel1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_A4\Audi A4_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 209 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_A4\Audi A4_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 662 vertices, 294 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_A4\Audi A4_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 662 vertices, 294 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_A4\Audi A4_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 209 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\ZIVIL_A4\Audi A4_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 478 vertices, 198 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\scoop.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 99 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/STW_09_2.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/12_1_MTW_10/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_VITO\T5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2294 vertices, 2535 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_VITO\rtk7_trsp_led.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3314 vertices, 1420 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_VITO\door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 223 vertices, 217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_VITO\door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 206 vertices, 197 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_VITO\door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_VITO\door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_VITO\Trunk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 526 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_VITO\wenipol_ani.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 484 vertices, 398 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/Autobahn.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/13_2_STW_01/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/STW_04_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/14_2_MTW_02/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\MTW_T5\Vito02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32033 vertices, 10715 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/MTW_03_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/15_2_KRAD_01/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/RAD_02_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/16_4_BeP_01/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/MTW_06_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/17_4_BeP_02/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/MTW_07_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/18_4_BeP_03/... Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/MTW_08_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/19_4_BeP_04/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\WaWe_Neu\wawe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6094 vertices, 3737 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\WaWe_Neu\wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 300 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\WaWe_Neu\Monitor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/WaW_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/20_4_BeP_06/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26461 vertices, 11233 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352_Wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 446 vertices, 352 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 224 vertices, 124 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 392 vertices, 208 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1480 vertices, 668 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 616 vertices, 292 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 472 vertices, 220 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352_Schild_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2644 vertices, 1272 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\SW4_TM170\P1352_4er.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2520 vertices, 1142 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/SW4_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/21_3_KRD_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GW-KRD\MB_NG_Truka.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12426 vertices, 5373 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GW-KRD\MB_NG_Trukadoor01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 810 vertices, 270 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\GW-KRD\MB_NG_Trukadoor02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1122 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/KRD_01_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/22_7_BSW_03/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\Bus4_rb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1502 vertices, 1211 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\solaris_vorne.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 904 vertices, 420 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\solaris_hinten.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 762 vertices, 364 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Polizei/BSW_03_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/23Leitstelle1_POL05/... Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/010FGRI/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 839 vertices, 654 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 65 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgri.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/020ASF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1360 vertices, 792 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/asf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/030FGRR/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1079 vertices, 641 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_hook_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 53 vertices, 49 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 280 kB. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/040FGRB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4888 vertices, 1958 polygons, 5 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_ship_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 954 vertices, 490 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_stand_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 130 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgrb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/050FGRT/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1144 vertices, 900 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 120 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 18 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\fgr_t_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 724 vertices, 412 polygons, 0 bones, 192 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_t.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/060RL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2302 vertices, 1224 polygons, 0 bones, 26 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_rb_dozer.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/070TRL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1153 vertices, 656 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 186 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_rb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/ADAC_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\ADAC_Opel_Zafira\opel_zafira_adac.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5791 vertices, 2362 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\opel_zafira_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ TechOrg/ADAC.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/ASF_01/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\ace_5_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8859 vertices, 4586 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\LHF_whee01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 138 vertices, 126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\LHF_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 184 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\Plane.v3o |Model contains 538 vertices, 191 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\Plane does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\Plattform_ACE.v3o |Model contains 1161 vertices, 389 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\Plattform_ACE does not contain version number information. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ TechOrg/ASF_1.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/ASF_02/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\adac_2_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 19299 vertices, 7267 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\adac_2_1_door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2616 vertices, 872 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\adac_2_1_door2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2601 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\Plattform.v3o |Model contains 1161 vertices, 389 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\Plattform does not contain version number information. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ TechOrg/ASF_2.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/ASF_03/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Abschlepper\adac_4_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5423 vertices, 3094 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ TechOrg/ASF_3.e4p precached Campaign: 2 entries loaded Loading strings meta list... Loaded mod:Lang/de/events.xml Loaded mod:Strings/Bieberfelde.xml Loaded mod:Strings/infotexts.xml Loaded mod:Lang/de/supervevents.xml Loaded lang:poi.xml Loaded mod:Strings/portraits.xml Loaded lang:fail.xml Loaded lang:ingamehelp.xml Loaded lang:objectives.xml Loaded mod:Strings/hints.xml Loaded lang:missiontitles.xml Loaded lang:missiontips.xml Loaded mod:Strings/mission.xml Loaded lang:talk.xml Loaded lang:supervobj.xml Loaded lang:supervfail.xml Loaded lang:supervresult.xml Loaded lang:supervtut.xml Loaded lang:tutorial.xml Loaded mod:Strings/command.xml Loaded lang:supervobj.xml Loaded lang:credits.xml Loaded lang:supervquest.xml Loaded lang:quest.xml Loaded lang:supervaward.xml Loaded lang:superveventsobj.xml Loaded mod:Strings/mainmenu.xml Loaded mod:Strings/gui.xml Loaded lang:score.xml Loaded lang:strings.xml Loaded lang:voices.xml Loaded mod:Strings/Command_childs.xml Loading gamma ramp... command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/aus not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/in not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ 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icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found Deleting units... Scanning units... Scanning equipment... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F010Fire Extinguisher/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F020Fire Hose/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F030Jaws Of Life/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F040Chain Saw/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F050Axe/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F060Jump Pad/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P010Flash Grenade/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P020Road Block/... Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/010Fire Fighter/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/020Fire Fighter Masked/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/030Fire Fighter ABC/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/040Diver/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BAD/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFA/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFB/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFC/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFE/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFG/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFH/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFM/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFS/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFZ/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/BFZi/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFA/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFABC/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFC/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFE/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFG/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFH/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFM/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRA/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRC/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRE/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRG/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRH/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRM/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFRS/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/FFS/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/STM/... Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/010Doctor/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/020Paramedics/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/030Dog Leader/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/ADAC Notarzt/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/ADAC Sanitäter/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/Bestatter/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/Bestattermit/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/BF Notarzt/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/BF Sanitäter 2/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/BF Sanitäter/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/Fallschirmjäger/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/Leiche/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD LNA/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD Notarzt/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD Sanitäter KTW/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD Sanitäter SAN/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/RD Sanitäter/... Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/010Policeman/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/020Shooter/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/030Sharp Shooter/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/040Scout/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/050Profiler/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/POLb/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei BAB/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei Hundefuehrer/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei KMRD/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei Streife Zivilm/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei Streife Zivilw/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/Polizei Streife/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/POLs/... Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/010Engineer/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/ADAC_MAN/... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/LaBOMBA/... Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/010RW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01BFE_ALL/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_BF01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_BF02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FF03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FF04/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FF05/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FF06/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/01Leitstelle1_FW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/020GTF/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/02_1_11_1_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/030TLF/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/03_1_11_1_2/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/040DLK/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/04_1_46_1_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/050LPF/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/05_1_46_2/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/060DEKON/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/06_1_33_1_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/070FMB/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/07_1_24_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/080TFMB/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/08_1_65_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/090FLB/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/09_1_65_2/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/100LF/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/10_2_11_1_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/11_2_11_1_2/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/12_2_46_1_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/13_2_33_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/14_2_52_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/15_2_72_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/16_3_44_1_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/17_3_44_1_2/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/18_3_45_1_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/19_3_24_1/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_01_1.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_01_1.e4p failed. ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_01_1.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/TLF_01_1.e4p failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/20_01_93_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/21_4_42_1_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/22_01_91_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/23_5_19_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/24_5_23_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/25_5_44_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/26_5_63_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/27_6_10_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/28_6_23_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/29_6_46_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/30_6_58_1/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/31_AB_AS/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/AB_AS_01.e4p.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/AB_AS_01.e4p.e4p failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/32_AB_DEKON/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/33_AB_MN/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/34_AB_MU/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/35_7_BSW_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/36_7_BSW_02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/37_Faltbehälter/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/37_TS/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/38_SEGWAY/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/SGW_01_1.e4 Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/SGW_01_1.e4 failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/39_01_72_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/40_01_10_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/41_01_44_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/42_01_71_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/43_01_51_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/44_04_46_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/45_03_33_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/46_03_19_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/47_7_BSW_04/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/48_7_BSW_07/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/49_04_45_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/50_2_74_1/... Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/010NEF/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/01Leitstelle1_RD01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/01Leitstelle1_RD02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/01Leitstelle1_RD03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/01Leitstelle1_RD05/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/020RTW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/02Leitstelle1_RD/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/030RHF/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/03_NEF_BFE_RD_846/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/040ITW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/04_RTW_BFE_RD_292/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/050RHC/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/05_KTW_BFE_RD_303/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/05SRTW_BFE_RD_146/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/06_NEF_BFE_RD_175/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/07_RTW_BFE_RD_293/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/08_RTW_BFE_7439/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/09_NEF_BFE_RD_124/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/10_RTW_BFE_RD_295/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/11_RTW_BFE_RD_219/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/12_KTW_BFE_RD_011/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/13_NEF_BFE_DR_112/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/14_RTW_BFE_RD_291/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/15_RTW_BFE_RD_299/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/16_NEF_BFE_FW_821/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/17_NEF_BFE_FW_821_B/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1B.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1B.e4p failed. ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1B.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/NEF_BFE_FW_821_1B.e4p failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/18_RTW_BFE_FW_181/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/19_RTW_BFE_FW_183/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/20_RTW_BFE_FW_182/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/21_RTW_BFE_FW_184/... ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_184_1.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_184_1.e4p failed. ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_184_1.e4p Precaching of prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__RD_FEUERWEHR/RTW_BFE_FW_184_1.e4p failed. Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/22_RTW_BFE_FW_191/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/23_LNA_BFE_6738/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/24_MTF_BFE_RD_811/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/25_KTW_BFE_RD_111/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/26_KTW_BFE_RD_211/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/27_GWSAN_BFE_RD_801/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/28_D-HDEC/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/29_Bestatter/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/30_Bestatter02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/31_Leitstelle1_RD/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/32_02_83_03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/33_12_85_02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/34_12_85_04/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/35_12_85_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/36_12_85_03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/37_12_85_05/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/38_12_83_08/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/39_12_83_09/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/40_12_83_04/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/41_12_83_06/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/42_12_83_07/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/43_12_89_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/44_12_82_02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/45_12_82_03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/46_12_82_04/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/47_12_83_03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/48_12_83_05/... Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/010STW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/01Leitstelle1_POL01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/01Leitstelle1_POL02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/01Leitstelle1_POL03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/01Leitstelle1_POL05/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/020MTW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/02_1_STW_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/030SW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/03_1_STW_02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/040WAW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/04_1_STW_03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/050GTW/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/05_1_MTW_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/060PHC/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/06_1_MTW_02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/070FLIGHT/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/07_1_KRAD_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/08_1_ZMTW_03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/09_1_ZMTW_04/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/10_1_STW_04/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/11_1_STW_04_2/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/12_1_MTW_10/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/13_2_STW_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/14_2_MTW_02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/15_2_KRAD_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/16_4_BeP_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/17_4_BeP_02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/18_4_BeP_03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/19_4_BeP_04/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/20_4_BeP_06/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/21_3_KRD_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/22_7_BSW_03/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/23Leitstelle1_POL05/... Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/010FGRI/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/020ASF/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/030FGRR/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/040FGRB/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/050FGRT/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/060RL/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/070TRL/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/ADAC_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/ASF_01/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/ASF_02/... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/ASF_03/... mod found: BFEMP mod found: BFEMP NL mod found: BFEMP NL - Winter mod found: BFEMP Submod Bayern 2.0 mod found: BFEMP Submod Sittingen V.2.1 mod found: Bieberveld V3 mod found: ERS Beta Sicherung mod found: FF Zinnowitz mod found: FUBMP mod found: Gorzów Modification v0.11 mod found: islmp_experimental mod found: Lancut Modification mod found: OF Kieslingen 1.5 mod found: Oudenhout Mod mod found: Sochaczew Modification v2 mod found: Stuttgart Modifikation mod found: Tagebau |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush50.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\haltestellen\Haltestelle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2352 vertices, 1176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\generatorfence01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman04.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 363 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman03_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 576 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilmanold01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 363 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy01_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 351 vertices, 450 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman03_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 428 vertices, 515 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Berufsfeuerwehr\barmen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5860 vertices, 3180 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\forest04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3272 vertices, 2113 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\forest03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3254 vertices, 2101 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\foresttree02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 260 vertices, 193 polygons, 0 bones, 35 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\foresttree01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 183 vertices, 122 polygons, 0 bones, 34 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\FF_RT2\FF_Wache.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7971 vertices, 5149 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityapartment02_funnel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\guesthouse01_flowerpot01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\guesthouse01_flowerpot02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\shop02_ventilation.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_ashtray01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 41 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\gardenfurniture01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 67 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\gardenfurniture02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 67 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop01_plant09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 101 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Krankenhaus\hospital2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 15749 vertices, 7961 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop01_plant10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 101 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_plant01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Rettungswache2\Haus.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2670 vertices, 1407 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityshop01_ventilationbox.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 93 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\factory01_entranceroof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\depot04_roofchild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 176 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\branch_bank01_child02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 141 vertices, 78 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3172 vertices, 1402 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2009 vertices, 880 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 298 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window11.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window12.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_wall_window13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\apartmentbuilding_i\apartmentbuilding_i_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 33 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding_i_balcony2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 208 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding_i_gazebo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 133 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_table01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\P226\gun_big.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3586 vertices, 3730 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\pizza01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_couch.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 123 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\dealerbag.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 86 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 40 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\rifle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 214 vertices, 94 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_tv.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_bed.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 42 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\GSGKoffer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 160 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\streetpost01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\trafficlights_pedestrian.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 110 vertices, 57 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop01ruin_flyer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_washbasin.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 45 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tfhi01_wardrobe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\halligan_klein.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 181 vertices, 166 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constr_bucket01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 89 vertices, 39 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\basket01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 326 vertices, 160 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\office_g_basket.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding_i_stairs.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique\boutique_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 139 vertices, 71 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique\boutique_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 690 vertices, 405 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique\boutique_wall_alpha01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 41 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique\boutique_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 868 vertices, 497 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique\boutique_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_cashdesk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 144 vertices, 78 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_dummie01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_dummie02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_dummie03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 73 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_lamp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_longstand.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 248 vertices, 172 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_lowtable01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_picture01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_poster01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_roundstand.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 448 vertices, 294 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_shelve01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_shelve02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_wardrobe01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 58 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_wclothe01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_blinds01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\boutique_carpet01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\boutique_stairs.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 300 vertices, 100 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1148 vertices, 413 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 345 vertices, 115 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall_alpha01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 251 vertices, 85 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall_alpha02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 268 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall_alpha03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 316 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 223 vertices, 75 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall_alpha04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_wall06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\boutique01_1\boutique_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop03_carpet_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_lowboard.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop03_desk01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 334 vertices, 130 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\two_family_house_i\two_family_house_i_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 189 vertices, 107 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\two_family_house_i\two_family_house_i_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 666 vertices, 284 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\two_family_house_i\two_family_house_i_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1082 vertices, 462 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\two_family_house_i\two_family_house_i_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 168 vertices, 84 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\two_family_house_i\two_family_house_i_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\TFHI01_gazeboroof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 19 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\TFHI01_gazebobalcony.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_bed.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_furniture01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_furniture02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_carpet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ruin01_lamp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 37 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_table.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tfhi01_lamp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 53 vertices, 45 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_wardrobe02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tfhi01_bookcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tfhi01_painting.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_hifi.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tfhi01_sofa.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 82 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_table.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_bookshelf04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_bookshelf03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_bookshelf01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_tv.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_plant02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 51 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tfhi01_carpet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_furniture03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_picture02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\branch_bank01_housepalm01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartment_building_1970_child04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 119 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\TFHI01_funnel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 71 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\TFHI01_bigroofgazebo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 58 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\skyscraper02_monitor01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\skyscraper02_desktop.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 33 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\two_family_house_stairs.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 25 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 28 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush04_a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 29 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Highway\crashbarrier03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Highway\crashbarrier02_6meter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 158 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Highway\crashbarrier02_3meter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 121 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Highway\crashbarrier01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 135 vertices, 86 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Road Signs\citystart01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 35 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 27 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedbush03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedbush02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 25 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedbush01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedflowerbush03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Tor_Barmen.v3o |Model contains 424 vertices, 314 polygons, 0 bones, 17 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Wachen\Tor_Barmen does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\balustrade02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_A3\a3_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 981 vertices, 855 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\s3_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_S4\s4_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3563 vertices, 1319 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\s4_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 334 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_A8\audi_a8.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2508 vertices, 884 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\audi_a8_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_Q7\audi_q7_weiss.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1764 vertices, 2863 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\q7_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\AUTOBAHN_DAMM_FINAL2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 538 vertices, 488 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\OBERLEITUNG_FINAL2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6878 vertices, 6492 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\leafedtree_03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 234 vertices, 177 polygons, 0 bones, 23 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\leafedtree_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 236 vertices, 212 polygons, 0 bones, 14 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\leafedtree_04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 261 vertices, 205 polygons, 0 bones, 31 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\leafedtree_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 268 vertices, 210 polygons, 0 bones, 32 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 86 vertices, 46 polygons, 0 bones, 23 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedflowerbush01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedflowerbush02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedflowerbush06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedflowerbush07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\cuppedtree01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 220 vertices, 187 polygons, 0 bones, 30 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\litterbox02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 66 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge05_middle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge05_corner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedflowerbush10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 66 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\tropicalbush01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\barrier20.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 212 vertices, 124 polygons, 0 bones, 30 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\golfball.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 45 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush15.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 368 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 23 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\cuppedtree03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 65 polygons, 0 bones, 34 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\cuppedtree02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 238 vertices, 203 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\tropicalbush02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedbush10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 419 vertices, 194 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\bench01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Construction\builthouse01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5382 vertices, 3283 polygons, 0 bones, 11 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constrcontainer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 55 vertices, 70 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constrcontainer02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 147 vertices, 163 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\cementmixer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 290 vertices, 194 polygons, 0 bones, 17 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constr_cementbag01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 39 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constrtiles02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 247 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constrtiles02a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 131 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constr_ladder01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\wheelbarrow01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 234 vertices, 150 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\rubble03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 46 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Debris\highrise10_debris_small01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 207 vertices, 83 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Office\officeblock01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2430 vertices, 1285 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\officeblock01_glassroof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\officeblock02_satelite.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 103 vertices, 87 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\officeblock04_roofwindow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\officeblock04_ventilation.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedirt04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel_i\hotel_i_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 288 vertices, 194 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel_i\hotel_i_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2271 vertices, 1331 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel_i\hotel_i_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2983 vertices, 1845 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel_i\hotel_i_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 184 vertices, 106 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel_i\hotel_i_door_l.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel_i\hotel_i_door_r.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel_i\hotel_i_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_elevator03_crushed.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 685 vertices, 386 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_elevator03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 482 vertices, 264 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_elevator02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 912 vertices, 500 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_armchair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 96 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_fusebox.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_roofchair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_table.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Industry\reactor01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8891 vertices, 6184 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 352 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Industry\facility05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8012 vertices, 3895 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Industry\facility04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7324 vertices, 3612 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\facility04_burningpipe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\tirewarehouse01\tirewarehouse01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 243 vertices, 152 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\tirewarehouse01\tirewarehouse01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 863 vertices, 448 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\tirewarehouse01\tirewarehouse01_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 956 vertices, 604 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\tirewarehouse01\tirewarehouse01_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\tirewarehouse01\tirewarehouse01_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_aircompressor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 326 vertices, 208 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_electroheatersmall.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_putmachine.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 183 vertices, 105 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_rim01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_rim02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_shelf01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 256 vertices, 160 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_shelf02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 462 vertices, 306 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_tire01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_tire02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_workbench.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 178 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tirewarehouse01_electroheaterbig.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 22 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\branch_bank01_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\office_g_desk01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 218 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_refrigerator.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_kitchen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 134 vertices, 59 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_smallshop03_table02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 53 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\office_g_desk02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 148 vertices, 78 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_painting01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_painting04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_plant.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 43 vertices, 29 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_bancomat05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 49 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tfhi01_plant.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 115 vertices, 121 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\tirewarehouse01\tirewarehouse01_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Shopping\carpark01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3721 vertices, 2490 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\advertflag02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 152 vertices, 165 polygons, 0 bones, 15 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\DHL_MB_Sprinter\sprinter_dhl.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4096 vertices, 2191 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\Sprinter_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 104 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\POST_VW_CADDY\post.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6403 vertices, 2350 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\Touran2_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\POST_VW_CADDY\vw_caddy_post_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 980 vertices, 412 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\POST_VW_CADDY\vw_caddy_post_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1665 vertices, 666 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\apartmentbuilding04_corner_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 362 vertices, 192 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding04_barrier.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding04_flowerbasket.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding04_funnel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding04_roofwindow01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding05_balcony.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding05_funnel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\graffiti01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 23 vertices, 15 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 34 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 96 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedirt07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\apartmentbuilding04_corner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 700 vertices, 476 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\apartmentbuilding04_small.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 542 vertices, 396 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco11.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\marquee01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 9 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Shopping\fashionhouse01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1524 vertices, 874 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\branch_bank01_child01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\branch_bank01_child03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\advertflag03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 168 vertices, 170 polygons, 0 bones, 14 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\factoryinv03_ventilation.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 5 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\graffiti02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedirt05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 370 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Suburb - Apartment\residential20.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1861 vertices, 1044 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\residential_dovecote.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 280 vertices, 140 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\holidayhouse_satelite.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 137 vertices, 118 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\deserthouse02_satelite.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 129 vertices, 87 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\deckchair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\sunshade01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 132 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\foresttree11.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 194 vertices, 145 polygons, 0 bones, 31 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Village\church01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3648 vertices, 2179 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\supermarket01_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1137 vertices, 627 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\graffiti03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedirt08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Suburb - Shopping\carstore11.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1026 vertices, 595 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\carstore01_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\carstore01_roofwindow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Missionspec\mwheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 150 vertices, 240 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\carstore10_flag.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 62 polygons, 0 bones, 13 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_advertstand03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Werden\Häuser\0_Industrie\umzug.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2663 vertices, 1130 polygons, 0 bones, 5 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_C_Klasse\c_klasse_rot.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5948 vertices, 2498 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_C_Klasse\c_klasse_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5948 vertices, 2498 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_N\eklasse_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1817 vertices, 2375 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_A\eclass_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1928 vertices, 700 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_eklasse_1_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_S_Klasse\mb_sklasse_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6291 vertices, 2297 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_sklasse_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_Vito\mb_vito_kurz_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1519 vertices, 1831 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\vito2_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\gate10b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 156 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\gate10a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 152 vertices, 78 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2902 vertices, 1135 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1027 vertices, 426 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_door_l.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_door_r.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_vault_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 166 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bank_k\bank_k_vault_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 166 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\bank_k_roofwindow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bank_k_gold.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 247 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_bancomat03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 57 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_standtable.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 99 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop05_pay.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 645 vertices, 242 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop05_cabinet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop05_infopoint.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_bancomat04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 135 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\stable_bucket02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop05_periodicals02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 94 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\office_g_divider01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop05_table01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 69 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\packet01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\lightgoround01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 116 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_couch01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 102 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop05_table02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 75 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_couch02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 137 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop03_carpet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ps_dome_rack01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\fitness01\fitness01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 90 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\fitness01\fitness01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 712 vertices, 372 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\fitness01\fitness01_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 577 vertices, 375 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\fitness01\fitness01_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\fitness01\fitness01_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 388 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\fitness01\fitness01_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_desktops.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 418 vertices, 200 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_fitnesssign.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_gsm01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_gsm02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 180 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_monitors.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 728 vertices, 362 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_paydesk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 472 vertices, 236 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_software01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 526 vertices, 260 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_software03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop03_shelf01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 260 vertices, 118 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop03_shelf02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 281 vertices, 130 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\fitness01_software02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_eshelf03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 264 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_eshelf02main.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 534 vertices, 268 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_smallplacard.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 577 vertices, 356 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2398 vertices, 1290 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 266 vertices, 174 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 34 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 535 vertices, 321 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 338 vertices, 198 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 541 vertices, 322 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall04b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 264 vertices, 156 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 240 vertices, 144 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall11.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 239 vertices, 145 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall12.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 243 vertices, 145 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 201 vertices, 113 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall14.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 204 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall15.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall16.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall17.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 248 vertices, 146 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_wall18.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 238 vertices, 144 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\cinema01_1\cinema01_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_moviescreen01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_seats01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_bar.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 483 vertices, 323 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_kitchen01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_kitchen03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_kitchen04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_kitchen05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_kitchen06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\apartmentbuilding_i_bar2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\apartmentbuilding_i_bar1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop02_table.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 129 vertices, 82 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_roundtable.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 104 vertices, 82 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_toilet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 90 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_washingbasin.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 41 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_pissoir.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_restrictionrobe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\apartmentbuilding04_small_b_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 614 vertices, 208 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\apartmentbuilding04_corner_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 538 vertices, 180 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 45 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 149 vertices, 84 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 406 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 153 vertices, 108 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 104 vertices, 86 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 106 vertices, 86 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall04b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_wall05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\town_residential_01\town_residential_01_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_bed01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_bookshelf02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_couch.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\restaurant01_lamp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 51 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_plant01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 35 vertices, 25 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_sofa01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_sofa02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_smallshop03_table01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_coffeetable.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_wardrobe01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 34 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_smallshop03_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_wallflower.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop01_plant02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\office_g_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\office_g_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2796 vertices, 1651 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\office_g_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1040 vertices, 568 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\office_g_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 22 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\office_g_door_l.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\office_g_door_r.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\office_g_divider02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 29 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\office_g_divider03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 57 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\office_g_divider04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 45 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\office_g_waterdispenser.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 63 vertices, 43 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\stable_pitchfork.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_table01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 150 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_shelf01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 31 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_shelf02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 139 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_chair02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_walldrawers.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop05_periodicals03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 94 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop01_table01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 448 vertices, 165 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop01_plant04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 74 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_comp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop01_plant05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 74 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_picture01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\beer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 172 vertices, 128 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Missionspec\palace01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12996 vertices, 7630 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\palace01_balcony.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\palace01_gold.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 39 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\advertflag04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 152 vertices, 165 polygons, 0 bones, 15 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\OpenHouse\apartmentbuilding04_big.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 248 vertices, 138 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\OpenHouse\apartmentbuilding04_big_dach.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 270 vertices, 144 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel02\hotel02_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_bed01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_bookshelf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\apartmentbuilding_i_hifi.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 148 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop01_plant07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 133 vertices, 116 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\apartmentbuilding_i_TV.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Open\Apartment04small\apartmentbuilding04_small.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 546 vertices, 182 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Open\Apartment04small\apartmentbuilding04_dach.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 166 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\residential\residential_door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_waschingcommode01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 21 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_div_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\town_residential_01_veil01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 21 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 424 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_toilet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 53 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\holidayhouse_chair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\rohbau sandkalkstein.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 623 vertices, 414 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\depot01_pallet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\plasticcontainer01_closed.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 70 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constr_spade01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 11 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Town - Apartment\singlefamily11.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1440 vertices, 848 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily11_balcony.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily11_balcony02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 148 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily11_funnel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily11_flowerpot_big.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily11_gazebo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 85 vertices, 49 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily11_small.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily11_window_big.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Town - Apartment\twofamilyhouse03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 940 vertices, 591 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\twofamilyhouse03_balconydoor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\twofamilyhouse03_foorgazebo01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\twofamilyhouse03_funnel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\twofamilyhouse03_roofwindow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedirt01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedirt03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 99 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 82 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_01\one_family_house_i_01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_01\one_family_house_i_01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 323 vertices, 174 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_01\one_family_house_i_01_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 556 vertices, 374 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_01\one_family_house_i_01_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 116 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_01\one_family_house_i_01_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\one_family_house_i_01_solarcell.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\one_family_house_i_01_weathercock.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_chair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_triangletable.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 46 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_wardrobe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 25 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\one_family_house_i_01_curtain.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Werden\Häuser\0_Einfamilien Häuser\single_family_house_ni_02_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1358 vertices, 771 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Town - Apartment\singlefamily10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1795 vertices, 995 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily10_flowerpot_medium.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily10_flowerpot_small.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily10_funnel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily10_shutter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily10_window_medium.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\singlefamily10_window_small.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\rohbau backstein.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 623 vertices, 414 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Town - Apartment\town_family_house_ni_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 830 vertices, 376 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\two_family_house_ni_01_balcony.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\tfhi01_balcony.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\tfhi01_roofwindow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 35 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_02\one_family_house_i_02_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 168 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_02\one_family_house_i_02_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 440 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_02\one_family_house_i_02_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 517 vertices, 332 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_02\one_family_house_i_02_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\one_family_house_i_02\one_family_house_i_02_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_wardrobe03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_carpet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ruin01_armchair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 109 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_trashcan05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\rowhouse01_funnel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\one_family_house_i_02_stairs.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 473 vertices, 283 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 231 vertices, 146 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_wall01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 120 vertices, 78 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 442 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_wall02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 133 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_wall02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 110 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_wall03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 377 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_wall03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_wall04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 57 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_wall04b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\branch_bank01\branch_bank01_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\skyscraper02_chair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 67 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_carpet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_highpalm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 192 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Polizeiwache\polizei_innenstadt4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4837 vertices, 2288 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\apartment_building_1970.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 881 vertices, 553 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\depot01_barrel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Construction\forklifttruck01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1060 vertices, 675 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Construction\forklifttruck01_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 90 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Construction\forklifttruck01_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Construction\forklifttruck01_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 102 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\woodbox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\BF3_MB_Sprinter\bf-3_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2834 vertices, 1775 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\BF3_MB_Sprinter\bf-3_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 308 vertices, 156 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\gasbottle01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\depot10_ruin_barrel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 66 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Tanker\tankerweiss.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5240 vertices, 4044 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\streetlight01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 62 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Road Signs\sign_noparking01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Road Signs\sign_parking01 (2).v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\Civilworker02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 506 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilworker01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 368 vertices, 484 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\Civilworker02_a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 506 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilworker03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 368 vertices, 484 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Caddy\caddy_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8106 vertices, 2966 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Passat_N\passat_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2273 vertices, 3059 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\passat_wheel03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\indoorexplorer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 365 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilsailor02.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 386 vertices, 502 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\ebox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\gritbox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\litterbox03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 152 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\litterbox04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 224 vertices, 140 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\movebox02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 109 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wrecks\sportscar01_wreck02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 782 vertices, 588 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wrecks\carwreck21.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1025 vertices, 595 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Missionspec\oldtires01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 844 vertices, 728 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Missionspec\oldtires02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1376 vertices, 1136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Missionspec\petrol_can01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 172 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\letterbox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 86 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\citypole02_chain_300cm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 6 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\citypole02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 83 vertices, 35 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_advertstand02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\branch_bank01_advert01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Suburb - Apartment\apartment_building_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1118 vertices, 490 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedirt06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Schilder\RW2\barmen_schild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 128 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Schilder\FW3\barmen_schild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 128 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_klein\GarageK2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 119 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_klein\DachK2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 51 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_klein\TorK_3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\depot03_depotinv02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_klein\GarageK3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 119 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 460 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_klein\DachK3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 51 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_klein\TorK_4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\stable_bag01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 35 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_groß\GarageG4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 116 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_groß\DachG2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 51 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_groß\TorG_5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\gardenfurniture03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 97 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\gardenfurniture04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\bicycle01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 193 vertices, 105 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\garbagebag01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 71 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\litterbox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\litterbox01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\cable01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 62 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Open\Gewächshaus\k grund.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 166 vertices, 86 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Open\Gewächshaus\k dach.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 62 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Dummy\virtual_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_table.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_groß\GarageG1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 116 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/OpenHouses/Garage04_ceiling.e4p ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/OpenHouses/Garage04_door01.e4p |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence01b_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence01b_part.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 80 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence01b_post.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence01_part.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence01_post.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence01_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_S4\s4_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3563 vertices, 1319 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\bmw_5_limosine_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3023 vertices, 2253 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\bmw5_2_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-AB_993_door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 275 vertices, 161 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-AB_993_door2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 217 vertices, 156 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-AB_993_door3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 218 vertices, 154 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-AB_993_door4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 289 vertices, 161 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-AB_993_door5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 635 vertices, 336 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Citroen_C5\c5_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3576 vertices, 1301 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\citroen_c5_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Citroen_C5\c5_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3576 vertices, 1301 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Ford_Mondeo\mondeo_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1088 vertices, 911 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mondeo_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\cuppedbush11.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 220 vertices, 138 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Fiat Punto\punto_yellow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1006 vertices, 864 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\punto_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 186 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush04_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 46 polygons, 0 bones, 29 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence03_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence11_part.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 43 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence11_post.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 34 vertices, 13 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush08a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 46 polygons, 0 bones, 26 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bushes\bush01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 34 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Industry\electricity01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2623 vertices, 1068 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\electricity01_pipes.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 393 vertices, 240 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\electricity01_alpha.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\solarcell01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 134 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\depot04_ladder.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\electricity01_logo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 89 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Shopping\cityshop01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2197 vertices, 1306 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityshop01_balcony.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 22 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityshop01_funnel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityshop01_roofdoor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityshop01_roofwindow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityshop01_schopcafe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityshop01_shopfashion.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 49 vertices, 31 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\cityshop01_shopicafe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\residential\residential_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 358 vertices, 214 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\residential\residential_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 815 vertices, 468 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 478 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\residential\residential_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 733 vertices, 407 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\residential\residential_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5 vertices, 3 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\holidayhouse\holidayhouse_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_shower01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_basin01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_toilet01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_bookstand.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_bed02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_mirror.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_moviepicture01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ruin01_table.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_coffeemachine.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\schnuffi.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 340 vertices, 532 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Missionspec\oa_keyboard01a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 465 vertices, 240 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Missionspec\oa_tv01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 39 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel02\hotel02_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 401 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel02\hotel02_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2612 vertices, 1438 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel02\hotel02_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1132 vertices, 618 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel02\hotel02_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel02\hotel02_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\hotel02\hotel02_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_washbasin.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 46 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_armchair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 57 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_wardrobe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 33 vertices, 19 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_carpet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\hotel02_logo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\restaurant01_bar.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 212 vertices, 134 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_smallshop02_chair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 15 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_mobilewall_small.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_bed.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 70 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_receptiondesk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_recepitonsign.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 198 vertices, 110 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1033 vertices, 557 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 201 vertices, 133 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_wall01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_wall02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 167 vertices, 112 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_wall02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_wall03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 249 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_wall03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12 vertices, 6 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_wall04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 131 vertices, 93 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_wall04b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02_1\mall02_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop02_shelf05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop03_shelf05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 230 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop03_shelf04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 174 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop03_shelf03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 174 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop03_shelf03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop03_shelf07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 63 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop03_shelf08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 37 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02\mall02_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 298 vertices, 160 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02\mall02_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 899 vertices, 477 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02\mall02_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 658 vertices, 436 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02\mall02_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02\mall02_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\mall02\mall02_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\mall02_glassroof_small.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_discmanshelf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_eshelf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 216 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_jewelryshelf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_lowtable01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 164 vertices, 142 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_paydesk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 240 vertices, 122 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_perfumeshelf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 497 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\mall02_musicstand.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 152 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\skyscraper02_printer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 33 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\skyscraper02_monitor02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_speakerbig.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\mall02_shopwindow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\mall02_shopwindow_broken.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\fir02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 167 vertices, 111 polygons, 0 bones, 34 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Apartment\cityapartment10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1923 vertices, 990 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartment_building_corner01_balustrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\factory02_ladder.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\forest01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3058 vertices, 2050 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\apartment_building_1920_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1408 vertices, 794 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\apartment_building_1920b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 960 vertices, 514 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Shopping\branch_bank10b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2475 vertices, 988 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\branch_bank10_balcony.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 283 vertices, 117 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\branch_bank10_funnel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\branch_bank10_goldbeanscafe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 364 vertices, 180 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\branch_bank10_roofgazebo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Apartment\cityapartment22.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2128 vertices, 1128 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\roofad01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 258 vertices, 108 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\roofad02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 258 vertices, 108 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\apartmentbuilding04_big_durchgang.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 855 vertices, 601 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Office\officeblock03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1894 vertices, 1024 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\fitness01_digitalsign.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\hotel_i_solarsmall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 156 vertices, 104 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Office\officeblock04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1314 vertices, 727 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Missionspec\palace01_flag.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 15 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_Q7\audi_q7_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1764 vertices, 2863 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Landrover_Discovery\landrover_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1728 vertices, 1377 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\rover_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Landrover_Discovery\landrover_child02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 339 vertices, 503 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Seat\seat_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1155 vertices, 978 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\seat_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\bicyclestand01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 774 vertices, 417 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\bmw_5_limosine_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3023 vertices, 2253 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\bmw5_3_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-PP_340_door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 275 vertices, 161 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-PP_340_door2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 217 vertices, 156 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-PP_340_door3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 218 vertices, 154 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-PP_340_door4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 289 vertices, 161 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\B-PP_340_door5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 635 vertices, 336 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Playground\swing02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 286 vertices, 184 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Playground\wip02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 314 vertices, 196 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Playground\merrygoround01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 184 vertices, 116 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Playground\sandbox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Playground\swing01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 80 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 17 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\mall02_placard.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\treedebris05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 134 vertices, 93 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\einkaufswagen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 142 vertices, 106 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Fiat Punto\punto_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1006 vertices, 864 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Astra\Astra_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3193 vertices, 1235 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\opel_astra_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Zafira\opel_gruen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4959 vertices, 1964 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Skoda_Fabia\fabia_alpine.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 770 vertices, 604 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\skoda_fabia_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Zafira\opel_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4867 vertices, 1878 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\5_wreck_focus.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3136 vertices, 1210 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\5_wreck_focus_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 326 vertices, 116 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\5_wreck_focus_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 326 vertices, 116 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Missionspec\admincontainer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1354 vertices, 721 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\admin01_glassroof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 89 vertices, 45 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 515 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\advertflag05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 152 vertices, 165 polygons, 0 bones, 15 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\Strassenlaterne.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 168 vertices, 108 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\goal02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 116 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\football01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 375 vertices, 300 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\spotlight01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 479 vertices, 263 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Astra\Astra_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3193 vertices, 1235 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\opel_astra_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Volvo_V70\volvo_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1021 vertices, 1304 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\volvo_v70_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Golf_4\vw_golf_4_kompakt_blau.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4705 vertices, 1938 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Passat_N\passat_rot.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2273 vertices, 3059 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\grillstand01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 597 vertices, 361 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\grillstand01_roof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_T5\vw_t5_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4841 vertices, 1755 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\t5_wheel3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Spedition\Hugger.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4413 vertices, 3338 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Landrover_Discovery\landrover_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1735 vertices, 1383 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Landrover_Discovery\landrover_child01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 287 vertices, 424 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Astra\Astra_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3193 vertices, 1235 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Skoda_Fabia\fabia_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 770 vertices, 604 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Pizzaservice\pizza_mini.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6750 vertices, 2509 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mini_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Golf_4\vw_golf_4_kompakt_weiss.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4705 vertices, 1938 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\golf4_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Passat_N\passat_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2273 vertices, 3059 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\foresttree10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 220 vertices, 151 polygons, 0 bones, 30 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\citypole.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\citypole02_chain_450cm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\kiosk03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 428 vertices, 225 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\showcasebox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 331 vertices, 190 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\showcasebox01_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\sunshade02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 132 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\vat10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\litterbox01c.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\newsbox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\RD_Saarland_Inhalte\Automat.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 203 vertices, 226 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Road Signs\sign_parking01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Road Signs\taxistop01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\TAXI_MB_E_Klasse\taxi_eklasse1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1888 vertices, 840 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\TAXI_MB_E_Klasse\taxi_eklasse1_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 392 vertices, 140 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\TAXI_MB_E_Klasse\taxi_eklasse1_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 388 vertices, 138 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\TAXI_MB_E_Klasse\taxi_eklasse2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2023 vertices, 2587 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Eismann_MB_Vario\vario_eismann.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8567 vertices, 2952 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\rtw_sprinterneu_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 451 vertices, 406 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\vat04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\parkbench_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 80 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\RD_Saarland_Inhalte\Telefonzelle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1723 vertices, 1970 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\statue03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 792 vertices, 705 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop04_sign01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 21 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cafe01_chair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cafe01_tablesmall.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\depot_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1905 vertices, 635 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\depot_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 414 vertices, 218 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\depot_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\depot03_depotinv01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 276 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\depot03_depotinv01c.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 390 vertices, 262 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\depot03_depotinv01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 272 vertices, 136 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\riverwall02_latern.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\streetlight03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 110 vertices, 126 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 533 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fahrzeug_Children\Parkscheinautomat.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 441 vertices, 279 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Road Signs\newcitysign03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 89 vertices, 49 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_A3\a3_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 981 vertices, 855 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Touran\vw_touran_blau.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4215 vertices, 1463 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Golf_4\vw_golf_4_kompakt_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4705 vertices, 1938 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Skoda_Fabia\fabia_orange.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 770 vertices, 604 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Seat\seat_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1155 vertices, 978 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Zafira\opel_rot.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5790 vertices, 2391 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_A\eclass_brown.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1928 vertices, 700 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Fiat Punto\punto_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1006 vertices, 864 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_N\eklasse_weiss.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1817 vertices, 2375 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Vectra_Kombi\opel_vectra_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1937 vertices, 2324 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\KRAD\KRAD01_SILBER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4753 vertices, 1825 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Ford_Mondeo\mondeo_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1088 vertices, 911 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_C_Klasse\c_klasse_blau.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5948 vertices, 2498 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge01_middle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge01_corner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge01_end.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\swimmingpool01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 323 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\cherrytree01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 429 vertices, 334 polygons, 0 bones, 20 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Walls\wall11_straight.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\landingstage01_bench.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\hotel_i_entrancechild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 204 vertices, 130 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_A\eclass_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1928 vertices, 700 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_A3\a3_gelb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 981 vertices, 855 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Seat\seat_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1155 vertices, 978 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Suzuki_Gran_Vitara\suzuki_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4105 vertices, 1660 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\suzuki_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Volvo_V70\volvo_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1021 vertices, 1304 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\bmw_5_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6146 vertices, 2542 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\bmw5_4_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_S4\s4_yellow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3563 vertices, 1319 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_S4\s4_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3563 vertices, 1319 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Citroen_C5\c5_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3576 vertices, 1301 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\statue03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1068 vertices, 886 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\phonebooth02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\speedtrap01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 107 vertices, 49 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\streetlight04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 162 vertices, 158 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\streetlight04_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 108 vertices, 78 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Audi_A3\a3_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 981 vertices, 855 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\10_wreck_audi_a3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7740 vertices, 3436 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\10_wreck_audi_a3_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 798 vertices, 305 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\3_wreck_t5_vr.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1887 vertices, 1784 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\8_wreck_audi_a6_.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3830 vertices, 1528 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\9_wreck_landrover.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1992 vertices, 1653 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\2_wreck_clk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1870 vertices, 1770 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\2_wreck_clk_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 97 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\2_wreck_clk_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 97 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\2_wreck_clk_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 105 vertices, 91 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Vectra_Kombi\opel_vectra_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1937 vertices, 2324 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\opel_vectra_wheel2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_G_Klasse\gclass_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2886 vertices, 1429 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\gklasse_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_G_Klasse\gclass_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 155 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_G_Klasse\gclass_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 296 vertices, 456 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\industryfence01_straight.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 102 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\industryfence01_corner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 174 vertices, 86 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\transformerhouse01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 356 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\gastank01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 300 vertices, 232 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\gastank01_alfa.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 31 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\container01_single_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\container01_single_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 551 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\container01_child.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\container01_single_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\container01b_child.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Spedition\WilliBetz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3645 vertices, 2570 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Open\Apartment04\apartmentbuilding04_corner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 342 vertices, 129 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Open\Apartment04\apartmentbuilding04_dach.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 272 vertices, 144 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop01_cabinet01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 139 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Apartment\apartmentbuilding04_corner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 544 vertices, 224 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartmentbuilding04_corner_window.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_A_Avant\eklasse_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1243 vertices, 1701 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_eklasse_3_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Golf_5\golf_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 698 vertices, 961 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\golf_2_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Apartment\apartmentbuilding04_big.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 544 vertices, 224 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\bicycle02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 193 vertices, 105 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\clotheshorse02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 46 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Apartment\apartment_building_corner01_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2180 vertices, 1234 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\apartment_building_corner01_glassroof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 10 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Apartment\apartment_building_corner01_c.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1734 vertices, 988 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Office\officeblock01a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1961 vertices, 1039 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedirt02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Office\bank01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2207 vertices, 1228 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\bank01_alpha.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence10_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 31 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Suzuki_Gran_Vitara\suzuki_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4105 vertices, 1660 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Volvo_V70\volvo_rot.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1021 vertices, 1304 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Ford_Mondeo\mondeo_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1088 vertices, 911 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_N\eklasse_rot.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1817 vertices, 2375 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_cklasse_wheel2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Mini_Cooper\mini_rot.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6542 vertices, 2309 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Walls\wall01_straight.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Walls\wall01_column.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 57 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\treeholder01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 57 vertices, 27 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\skate_board.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 132 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence02_part.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence02_post.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\wall01_part.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\wall01_post.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 57 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_N\eklasse_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1817 vertices, 2375 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_G_Klasse\gclass_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2884 vertices, 1429 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_G_Klasse\gclass_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 188 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Astra\Astra_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3193 vertices, 1235 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\flowerbed01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 288 vertices, 175 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\flowerbed02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 189 vertices, 205 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\swimmingpool02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 436 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\forest02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3058 vertices, 2050 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge05_gate.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge05_end.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\wall01_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 11 vertices, 5 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge02_middle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge02_end.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\bicycle03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 193 vertices, 105 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\refuge01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 122 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\highseat01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 756 vertices, 376 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\terrace02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 477 vertices, 346 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\terrace01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 232 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge03_middle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence02_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Mini_Cooper\mini_gelb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6542 vertices, 2309 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\miningbarrack\miningbarrack_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 196 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\miningbarrack\miningbarrack_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 372 vertices, 226 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\miningbarrack\miningbarrack_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 566 vertices, 296 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\miningbarrack\miningbarrack_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 569 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\miningbarrack\miningbarrack_door_toilet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_bed.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 142 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_cabindoor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 34 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_chair02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_counterbig.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 338 vertices, 256 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_countersmall.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_kitchen02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_pissoir.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 25 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_table.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_toiletwalls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 370 vertices, 232 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\miningbarrack_tv.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ps_dome_lockermedium.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Missionspec\oa_stagebox02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_movieposter01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_moviepicture02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_moviepicture03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ruin06_dirtclothes.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\miningbarrack_stairs.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 63 vertices, 33 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\streetlight01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 144 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\DB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 360 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Signs\advert20.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Signs\advert01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 216 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Signs\advert02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 216 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\_Bieberfelde Vektor\invisible.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Walls\bahnhoffwall.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1748 vertices, 966 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Mini_Cooper\mini_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6542 vertices, 2309 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Schilder\BF2\barmen_schild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 128 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\haltestellen\Haltestelle4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3516 vertices, 1578 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\haltestellen\Haltestellenschild_B.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 142 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\haltestellen\Haltestellenschild_C.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 142 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\haltestellen\Haltestellenschild_D.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 142 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\haltestellen\Haltestellenschild_A.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 142 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Freibad\Freibad4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8367 vertices, 6384 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\constrfence01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy03_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy03_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy03_yellow.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\Office_g2\office_g_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\Office_g2\office_g_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2796 vertices, 1651 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\Office_g2\office_g_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1040 vertices, 568 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\office_g\Office_g2\office_g_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 22 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Aral\staubsauger.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 882 vertices, 294 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\classicfountain01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 329 vertices, 248 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\classicfountain01a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 629 vertices, 413 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Road Signs\movesign01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 102 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bieberfelde City\subhydrant_sign.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Landrover_Discovery\landrover_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1623 vertices, 1303 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Landrover_Discovery\landrover_silver_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 192 vertices, 124 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\oa_tent01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 105 vertices, 61 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\doghouse.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\camper01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 917 vertices, 414 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\beehive01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 156 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\bees01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 30 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\phonebooth01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Opel_Zafira\opel_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4959 vertices, 1964 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Passat_A\passat_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1639 vertices, 1864 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\passat_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 587 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constructionhole02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Golf_5\golf_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 698 vertices, 961 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\BurgerKing\restaurant02_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 6 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\BurgerKing\restaurant02_dach.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1452 vertices, 1210 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\BurgerKing\restaurant02_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1354 vertices, 528 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\BurgerKing\restaurant_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\BurgerKing\restaurant_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_3doorcabinet.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\yamyam_table_intact.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\yamyam_chair_intact.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 58 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\yamyam_garbage.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\yamyam_plant.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\depot02_meterbox02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\tfhi01_pyramidwindow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 51 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bk_bar.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 384 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Shopping\shop02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1288 vertices, 772 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\shop02_marquee.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 42 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Signs\advert05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 216 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco12.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 133 vertices, 116 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housedeco09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Shopping\shop02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1288 vertices, 772 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\kiosk04_flag02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\kiosk04_flag01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\villa\villa01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\villa\villa01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2959 vertices, 1223 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\villa\villa01_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3137 vertices, 1376 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\villa\villa01_walls_windows.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\villa\villa01_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_bookcase01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\guesthouse01_picture02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_picture01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_painting02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cityapartment01_table02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\villa01_stairs.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 237 vertices, 131 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\fir01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 197 vertices, 141 polygons, 0 bones, 28 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\statue01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 308 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\branch_bank01_housepalm02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\vat02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 110 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Citroen_C5\c5_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3576 vertices, 1301 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx__SILBER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4060 vertices, 3669 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx door01_SILBER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 282 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx door02__SILBER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 281 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Mulde\Mulde3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5684 vertices, 4358 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\terrace01a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 796 vertices, 516 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Plants\grass02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 19 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Tor_RD.v3o |Model contains 14 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 17 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Wachen\Tor_RD does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\courtyarddoor01a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Rohr.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 163 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Schilder\FW4\barmen_schild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 128 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\Schranke_pol.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 84 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\Schrankensteurung.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 167 vertices, 89 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Baumaschienen\Kran\kran.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2346 vertices, 1223 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Aral\Tankstelle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 13690 vertices, 4630 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\factory01_ventilationbox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\mall01_aircon.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\shop01_vent.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Aral\schild_groß.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 198 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Aral\schild_klein.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 198 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Aral\preisanzeige.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 66 vertices, 22 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Schubkarre.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 505 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Schubkarre up.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 504 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 605 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Village\summerhouse01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge03_end.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Village\barn01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 648 vertices, 385 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\barn01_roofchild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\barn01_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Village\log_cabin01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1110 vertices, 640 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\oa_tent02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 101 vertices, 57 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\oa_tent03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 186 vertices, 110 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\oa_tent04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 196 vertices, 118 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Mullabfuhr\bsr_econic.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8968 vertices, 3769 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wrecks\sportscar01_wreck03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 721 vertices, 541 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge02_corner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_G_Klasse\gclass_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2884 vertices, 1429 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Mini_Cooper\mini_blau.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6542 vertices, 2309 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Spedition\FERCAM.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3645 vertices, 2570 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\tent01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 58 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\kompressor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 903 vertices, 642 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\kompressor_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 144 vertices, 185 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\2achser.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1211 vertices, 645 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\GeruestEisen3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 532 vertices, 262 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Stromverteiler.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 150 vertices, 106 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Sandhaufen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 128 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Baumaschienen\Mobilbagger_Atlas\M1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18597 vertices, 6199 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Baumaschienen\Mobilbagger_Atlas\M_Rad.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1440 vertices, 480 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\portacabin02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 124 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\pipes01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 138 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constrsign.v3o |Model contains 130 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constrsign does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\transportable_loo_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Signs\advert06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 216 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Road Signs\rightnoleft.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Golf_5\golf_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 698 vertices, 961 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\golf_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Garages\garage03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 196 vertices, 98 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Baumaschienen\Minibagger_Schaffer\KX057_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4037 vertices, 3971 polygons, 0 bones, 65 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\rüttelplatte.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1872 vertices, 624 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\parkingfence01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\vat03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence10_part.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 132 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\fence03_part.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\dry_tree01_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 729 vertices, 734 polygons, 0 bones, 34 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\movebox01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\Tischtennisplatte.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 564 vertices, 188 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\vat04b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy02_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 582 vertices, 472 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy01_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 351 vertices, 450 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy02_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 372 vertices, 472 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilgirl01_violet.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 520 vertices, 508 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilgirl01_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 520 vertices, 508 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilgirl02_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 531 vertices, 520 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilgirl02_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 531 vertices, 520 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\fatman01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 384 vertices, 486 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman05_black.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 407 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\dealer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 347 vertices, 452 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Volvo_V70\volvo_weiss.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1021 vertices, 1304 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Plants\desertplant01c.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Plants\reed02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Plants\reed03a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\bhf_bfe_walkable2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 79 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\bhf_bfe_walkable.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 766 vertices, 300 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 623 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\bhf_bfe_walkable3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9433 vertices, 4482 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Walls\wall02_part01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12 vertices, 6 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Walls\wall02_post01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Plants\grass01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 21 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Hedges\hedge03_corner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 76 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Mast_Ausleger_Kurz_Test2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 473 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Taster.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\lsa_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 88 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Traeger_kurz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\lsa_3_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 152 vertices, 110 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Traeger_lang.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Gruenpfeil.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen11.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen12.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen7.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen8.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen9.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Camera.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 120 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\lsa_bike.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 317 vertices, 257 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\lsa_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Mast_Kurz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\lsa_3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 152 vertices, 110 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Mast_Ausleger_Lang_Test2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 495 vertices, 392 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\lsa_4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 186 vertices, 142 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Mast_Schild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Bahnhof\bhf_bfe_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Bahnhof\bhf_bfe_roof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8768 vertices, 4411 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Bahnhof\bhf_bfe_main_wall.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4319 vertices, 2340 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Bahnhof\bhf_bfe_door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 23 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Bahnhof\bhf_bfe_door2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 22 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\bench15.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 167 vertices, 100 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop03ruin_shelf01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\bhf_bfe_roof_child.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1377 vertices, 669 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop02_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\bhf_bfe_walkable3_roof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4398 vertices, 2077 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Apartment\hotel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1597 vertices, 865 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel_i_roofchair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\palm01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 154 vertices, 171 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\flag01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 150 vertices, 125 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\railwaybridge02_side.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 286 vertices, 128 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\fitness01_glassroof.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\industryfence01_short.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 102 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Mitte1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 13904 vertices, 7744 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Mitte2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8774 vertices, 4756 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Mitte3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7704 vertices, 4176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Mitte4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5666 vertices, 3076 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Mitte5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4424 vertices, 2464 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Mitte_Single.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 316 vertices, 176 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Nord_3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4159 vertices, 2318 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Nord_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3424 vertices, 1856 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bieberfelde City\Schild01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 714 vertices, 280 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bieberfelde City\Schild04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 714 vertices, 280 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bieberfelde City\Schild02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 714 vertices, 280 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\traffipax.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 492 vertices, 492 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen30.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 136 vertices, 108 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen31.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 641 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen33.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen25.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen24.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen13.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen26.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen27.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen19.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen18.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen22.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen15.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen14.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Park\bench03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 132 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\glasscontainer02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 140 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\glasscontainer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 140 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\glasscontainer03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 140 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen16.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_T5\vw_t5_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4841 vertices, 1755 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle Schilder\Baustelle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 104 vertices, 82 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\luncheonette01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 556 vertices, 239 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\constrfence02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Stampfer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 844 vertices, 681 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baumaterialien\200cm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 120 vertices, 192 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\bma.v3o |Model contains 72 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\bma does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\BVVVW2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9268 vertices, 3769 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\BMW_5_N\bmw_5_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6146 vertices, 2542 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\streetwalker02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 402 vertices, 502 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\streetwalker01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 402 vertices, 502 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\gangster03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 367 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\gangster02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 418 vertices, 504 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\towl01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Freibad\schwimmbad.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4334 vertices, 1735 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman04.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 389 vertices, 492 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman06b.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 547 vertices, 460 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilgirl01_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 520 vertices, 508 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman06.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 547 vertices, 460 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Baucontainer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 180 vertices, 132 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\GeruestEisen2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1326 vertices, 654 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Kieshaufen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 128 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baumaterialien\Palette.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 408 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Baumaschienen\Mobilbagger_Atlas\M3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18597 vertices, 6199 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwomanold01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 443 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman03_grey.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 576 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Tor_FF.v3o |Model contains 14 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 17 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Wachen\Tor_FF does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\FF_RT2\FF_Wache_Tor.v3o |Model contains 28 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 16 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Wachen\FF_RT2\FF_Wache_Tor does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\BK\BK_Höhenkontrolle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 894 vertices, 298 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\BK\BK_Tafel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 330 vertices, 110 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\BK\Bestellsaeule.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 102 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\Packstation\packstation-rund.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2162 vertices, 721 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Debris\skidmarks03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx_WEISS.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4060 vertices, 3669 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx door01_WEISS.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 282 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx door02_WEISS.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 281 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\7_wreck_vectra_rot.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2234 vertices, 835 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\opel_vectra_wheel3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\7_wreck_vectra_rot_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 269 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\7_wreck_vectra_rot_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 228 vertices, 112 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\VU_PERSONEN\civilwoman03_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 428 vertices, 515 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\VU_PERSONEN\civilman02_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\VU_PERSONEN\civilwoman02_beige.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 424 vertices, 536 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\6_wreck_golf_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1120 vertices, 1158 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\6_wreck_golf_silber_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 126 vertices, 142 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\6_wreck_golf_silber_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 125 vertices, 142 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\VU_PERSONEN\civilboy01_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 351 vertices, 450 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman03_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 576 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 659 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman02_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\VU_PERSONEN\civilman01_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Street\citypole01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to E: incompatible bone structure? |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Plants\desertplant01a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Plants\desertplant01b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy02_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 372 vertices, 472 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman01_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman02_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman03_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 428 vertices, 515 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman01_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 401 vertices, 502 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman03_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 428 vertices, 515 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\coloredman01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 366 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman06_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 383 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman02_beige.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 424 vertices, 536 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilsailor01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 368 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\captain01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 604 vertices, 490 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\pipeset01_end.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 106 vertices, 104 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\pipeset01_wheel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 85 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\silo10.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1657 vertices, 784 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\dangerpipeset01_angle04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 177 vertices, 180 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\dangerpipeset01_pipe01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 66 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Spedition\Fürstenberg.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3645 vertices, 2570 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Industry\pumpstation01_c.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 552 vertices, 308 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilmother01_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 659 vertices, 516 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilmother01_purple.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 659 vertices, 516 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman01_white.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\arabgirl01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 343 vertices, 466 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\arabwoman01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 343 vertices, 466 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwomanold02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 443 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilrocker01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 567 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilski02a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 665 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilpizza01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 390 vertices, 452 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilmanold02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 363 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilminister01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilpress03.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 385 vertices, 476 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman03_grey.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 428 vertices, 515 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilski02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 665 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\arabwoman02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 343 vertices, 466 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_G_Klasse\gclass_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2884 vertices, 1429 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\advertflag01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 182 vertices, 183 polygons, 0 bones, 15 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilrocker02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 567 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Cars\civilcar04_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 446 vertices, 411 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Cars\civilcar04_red_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Cars\civilcar04_red_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bieberfelde City\subhydrant.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 62 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilman01_white2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman02_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 424 vertices, 536 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman01_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 401 vertices, 502 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilpress01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 700 vertices, 532 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilpress02.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 371 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Animals\dog01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 570 vertices, 494 polygons, 19 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to D: incompatible bone structure? |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilboy01_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 351 vertices, 450 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civildeliveryman.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 380 vertices, 452 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilgirl02_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 531 vertices, 520 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilmother01_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 659 vertices, 516 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman05.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 407 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\arabman01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 343 vertices, 466 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\arabman03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 343 vertices, 466 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilski01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 579 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 677 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civilwoman01_yellow.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 401 vertices, 502 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\tutplane4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 5 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\daf xf_SILBER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3744 vertices, 2893 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\3_wreck_t5_vl.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1865 vertices, 1796 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\1_wreck_bmw5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7390 vertices, 2970 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\1_wreck_bmw5_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 432 vertices, 161 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Debris\scratches01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\racer10.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 380 vertices, 503 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\POL\STW_PASSAT\Passat B7_wreck.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16240 vertices, 5963 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\4_wreck_golf_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1034 vertices, 1249 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\truck02_front_body.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1400 vertices, 879 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\truck02_back_body.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 646 vertices, 382 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\3_wreck_t5_hl.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1940 vertices, 1978 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Debris\skidmarks02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx__GELB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4060 vertices, 3669 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx door01_GELB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 282 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\tgx door02__GELB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 281 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Spedition\Hertz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3645 vertices, 2570 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\plasticcontainer01_closed_a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 70 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Debris\skyscraper02_papers.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 103 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\VU_PERSONEN\civilman01_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 348 vertices, 448 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\VU_PERSONEN\civilwoman01_green.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 401 vertices, 502 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\VU_PERSONEN\civilgirl01_blue.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 520 vertices, 508 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Bauzaun.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2992 vertices, 1708 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Aldi_zaun.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 488 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\pitstop_zaun.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2178 vertices, 1034 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\chem_zaun.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1008 vertices, 546 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Tor_Barmen_Durchfahrt.v3o |Model contains 14 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 16 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Wachen\Tor_Barmen_Durchfahrt does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\hotel_mitte_zaun.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 304 vertices, 152 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\wohnhaeuser_zaun.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 220 vertices, 110 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\City - Apartment\apartmentbuilding04_corner_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 513 vertices, 212 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Suburb - Apartment\shop03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1474 vertices, 855 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\housead05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_groß\GarageG3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 116 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_groß\DachG3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 51 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Garage_Einzel_groß\TorG_4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\stable_bag02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\cinema01_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ps_dome_desk02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Schienen3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1272 vertices, 784 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Schienen2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2275 vertices, 2258 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Schienen1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1634 vertices, 1008 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Holz6.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 21186 vertices, 7062 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Holz5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 21186 vertices, 7062 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Holz4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 21186 vertices, 7062 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Holz3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 21186 vertices, 7062 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Holz2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26283 vertices, 9351 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Parallelmast4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 25404 vertices, 33422 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Parallelmast3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26680 vertices, 35352 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Parallelmast2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27644 vertices, 36686 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\Gleis_Parallelmast1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5032 vertices, 6392 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\bhf_bfe_walkable3_child.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 47061 vertices, 15687 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\bahnhof\bhf_bfe_walkable3_alpha.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 54867 vertices, 18377 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\vat03b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Werden\Häuser\0_Einfamilien Häuser\apartment_building_1970_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 881 vertices, 553 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Werden\Häuser\0_Einfamilien Häuser\apartment_building_1970.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 881 vertices, 553 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\AUTOBAHN_DAMM_BRuCKE_MITTE.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 72 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\AUTOBAHN_DAMM_BRÜCKE_MITTE_child.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\debris\Wreck_Debris_medium.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 400 vertices, 288 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\debris\Wreck_Debris_small.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 148 vertices, 74 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Rodenkirchen\Schuppen_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2136 vertices, 1104 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\burnedwoodobj01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Rodenkirchen\Bank.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4878 vertices, 4048 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 695 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\AUTOBAHN_RAND2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\AUTOBAHN_STRABA17.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\AUTOBAHN_DAMM_BRuCKE_OST.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 136 vertices, 68 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\depot03i\depot03_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\depot03i\depot03_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 979 vertices, 528 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\depot03i\depot03_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1889 vertices, 971 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\depot03i\depot03_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseChildren\depot03_stairs.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 42 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\barrelpile01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 218 vertices, 120 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Missionspec\miningdepot03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 11859 vertices, 6535 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Playground\climb01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 454 vertices, 242 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\Klohaus.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 737 vertices, 844 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\Notrufsaeule.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 268 vertices, 263 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Berufsfeuerwehr\barmen_schild.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 128 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Reisebus_Setra\bus.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2834 vertices, 1555 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Reisebus_Setra\Bus_door.v3o |Model contains 125 vertices, 83 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Reisebus_Setra\Bus_door does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\haltestellen\Haltestelle3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2864 vertices, 1312 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\Packstation\packstation.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1095 vertices, 365 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Busdepot_Zaun.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2372 vertices, 976 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\proceedVU.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1498 vertices, 1487 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\proceedVUDoor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 517 vertices, 219 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Spedition\DHL.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4413 vertices, 3338 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Werden\Häuser\0_Industrie\Werkstatt_Zaun01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 326 vertices, 246 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\single_family_house_ni_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1358 vertices, 771 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\two_family_house_ni_01_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 608 vertices, 382 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\two_family_house_ni_01b_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 608 vertices, 382 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\two_family_house_ni_02_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 976 vertices, 598 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Grundschule\grundschule1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1577 vertices, 574 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Industrie_Buero_Zaun.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 573 vertices, 295 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Haus_Zaun_unten.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 687 vertices, 345 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket87.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 276 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket84.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 891 vertices, 460 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket71.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1530 vertices, 720 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket83.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2548 vertices, 1140 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket72.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3680 vertices, 2034 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket73_5.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 570 vertices, 300 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket74+76.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2268 vertices, 1184 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket70.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3150 vertices, 1578 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Hamburg Modelle\Oelspur_4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 136 vertices, 234 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket79.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1784 vertices, 892 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\Kolonnenwagen\Pritsche 2\FL EiKa.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6915 vertices, 2594 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\Bus4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1502 vertices, 1211 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus2_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1211 vertices, 1067 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus2_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 890 vertices, 875 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\postbuilding01\postbuilding01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 174 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\postbuilding01\postbuilding01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2149 vertices, 1209 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\postbuilding01\postbuilding01_walls.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 859 vertices, 628 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\bankmain01_deskset01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 375 vertices, 150 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop01_plant06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 92 vertices, 74 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ap_shop03_shelf09.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 63 vertices, 26 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\Laserpistole.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 464 vertices, 283 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to R: incompatible bone structure? |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\_X\Wrecks\Citaro_wreck01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2930 vertices, 1333 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\outdoorexplorer02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 420 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Industry\oilrig_tank01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 443 vertices, 298 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 713 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\daf xf_ROT.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3744 vertices, 2893 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\Atego\Atego_HilkeOel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9345 vertices, 4862 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\two_family_house_ni_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 608 vertices, 382 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Suburb - Apartment\apartment_building_02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1269 vertices, 552 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\apartmentbuilding04_big_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 488 vertices, 278 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Grundschule\grundschule2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1062 vertices, 366 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\TGL\MAN_TGL_Sixt.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5506 vertices, 2868 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\safehouse01_chair.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 41 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2358 vertices, 1796 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus1_door1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus1_door2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus1_door3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus1_door4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 40 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Polo Prodiac\Golf Prodiac.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4705 vertices, 1938 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\Atego\Atego_Dachser.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3430 vertices, 2422 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Ghetto_01\Ghetto_01_floor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 113 vertices, 84 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Ghetto_01\Ghetto_01_ceiling.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2124 vertices, 1217 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Ghetto_01\Ghetto_01_wall01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 868 vertices, 483 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Ghetto_01\Ghetto_01_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop01_cabinet02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 244 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop01_chair02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ps_dome_devider.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 22 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\restaurant01_wardrobe.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 45 vertices, 25 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\tfhi01_bed.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\st_bigshop01_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 43 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\hotel02_chair01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\ruin06_shelve01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Ghetto_01\Ghetto_01_child01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\arabman02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 343 vertices, 466 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Werden\Häuser\Ratskrug\Ratskrug.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3469 vertices, 1446 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Trucks\tractor01_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 452 vertices, 251 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Trucks\tractor01_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Civil - Trucks\tractor01_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 86 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Reihenhaus01a\Reihenhaus01_nrm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4905 vertices, 1635 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Baustelle\Absperrbake.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1326 vertices, 442 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\kiosk01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 147 vertices, 85 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\kiosk01_tickets.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Signs\advert07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 214 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Signs\advert08.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 216 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\Atego\Atego_FritzK.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3481 vertices, 3072 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\stump02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 264 vertices, 158 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\brokentree02b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 741 vertices, 469 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Ewers_T5\T52.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3502 vertices, 3506 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\S-Max\ford_s_max.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1071 vertices, 1646 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Superb\skoda_superb_combi_2010.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1436 vertices, 2368 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Hamburg Modelle\Oelspur_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 136 vertices, 234 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Hamburg Modelle\Oelspur_3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 136 vertices, 234 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Hamburg Modelle\Oelspur_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 136 vertices, 234 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Hamburg Modelle\Oelspur_30g.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Hamburg Modelle\Oelspur_45g.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Feuerwehrausfahrt.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 318 vertices, 276 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus3a.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1651 vertices, 1085 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\bus3b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1245 vertices, 1072 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\TAXI_VW_T5\vw_t5_taxi.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5050 vertices, 1968 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\HouseFurniture\branch_bank01_sofa01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Berlin_LSA\Verkehrszeichen23.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8 vertices, 4 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\driver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 416 vertices, 512 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\debris\glas01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 731 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket86.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 748 vertices, 443 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Fences\Ticket85.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3688 vertices, 2204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\kmrd_bombe02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 901 vertices, 664 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\kmrd_bombe03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 901 vertices, 664 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\Eurocargo\Iveco_Kleinow2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5260 vertices, 2319 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\Tourismo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3511 vertices, 1400 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\Tür.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 266 vertices, 114 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\tiefgarage\tiefgarage_attached1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5049 vertices, 2535 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\LKWDeko\scania_blau.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6367 vertices, 3966 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\LKWDeko\renault_magnum_rot.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7156 vertices, 3831 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\LKWDeko\scania_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6367 vertices, 3966 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\LKWDeko\scania_schwarz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6367 vertices, 3966 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\TGL\MAN_TGL_HanseTrans.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5613 vertices, 2932 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\LKWDeko\tgx_weiss.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7954 vertices, 5645 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\LKWDeko\daf_xf_blau.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7076 vertices, 4461 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Spedition\nagel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3645 vertices, 2570 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\tiefgarage\basement_border.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\scania_schenker.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5168 vertices, 3270 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\VZA_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3694 vertices, 2656 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\Atego\Atego_aral.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 9353 vertices, 4862 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Oldstylegarage\Garage.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 222 vertices, 90 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Oldstylegarage\Dach_Rohr_lang.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 787 vertices, 396 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Oldstylegarage\Tuer01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 212 vertices, 124 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\OpenHouses\Oldstylegarage\Tuer02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 188 vertices, 112 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Sud_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4159 vertices, 2318 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\Actros_DHL.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18850 vertices, 9405 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\DHL_Wechselbrucke.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 394 vertices, 222 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Bieberfelde City\VZA_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 208 vertices, 160 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Misc\hellakl7000f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 268 vertices, 204 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Krankenhaus\hospital1_glass.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 159 vertices, 135 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Toyota Camry\camry_body_wreck.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 846 vertices, 880 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\ToyotaRav4\rav4_body_wreck.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1490 vertices, 1548 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\ToyotaPrius\body_wreck.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2379 vertices, 2518 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Honda\hon_civicsi_12_body_wreck.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1657 vertices, 1584 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Honda\hon_civicsi_12_body_wreck_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 200 vertices, 214 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\ToyotaRav4\rav4_body_wreck2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1524 vertices, 1582 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Toyota Camry\camry_body_wreck2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 888 vertices, 920 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Dodge Caliber\caliber_wreck.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2043 vertices, 1600 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Dodge Caliber\caliber_wreck_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 242 vertices, 178 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Nissan Versa\versa_silver_wreck.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2297 vertices, 1900 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\Nissan Versa\versa_silver_wreck_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 198 vertices, 158 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\LexusLS\body_wreck.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2400 vertices, 2676 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Unfallwracks\LexusLS\body_wreck_door.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 208 vertices, 248 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Stadion\RB-Arena.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14889 vertices, 14318 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\LE_Hubsteiger\LE_Hubsteiger.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 15067 vertices, 6728 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\Haus.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4254 vertices, 1418 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Industry\facility02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1489 vertices, 992 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\scania_BLAU.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3035 vertices, 2398 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\renault_magnum_SILBER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3824 vertices, 2263 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\Spedition\gst.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4413 vertices, 3338 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\constructionhole01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 383 vertices, 226 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Baumaschienen\Mobilbagger_Atlas\M4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18597 vertices, 6199 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\actros_pritsche.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 13856 vertices, 6665 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Trees\brokentree03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8981 vertices, 4189 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fallschirmjaeger\dummy.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 384 vertices, 486 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\dummy.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14498 vertices, 5284 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\straßenlaterne01a.v3o |Model contains 471 vertices, 202 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Objects\Lanterns\straßenlaterne01a does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Montana_Inhalte\watertank0.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3318 vertices, 1131 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Montana_Inhalte\grain_mill.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 23034 vertices, 16748 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Montana_Inhalte\securitybooth.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1066 vertices, 877 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Montana_Inhalte\KFC.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4820 vertices, 3219 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 749 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Montana_Inhalte\KFC_sign.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 766 vertices, 592 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\marketstand01_vegetables.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 406 vertices, 214 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\marketstand02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 374 vertices, 198 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\marketstand03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 353 vertices, 188 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\Atego\Atego_Nagel.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3484 vertices, 2534 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\Eurocargo\Iveco_Kleinow.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5380 vertices, 2487 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Jahrhundertwende_EM3\apartmentbuilding04_corner_b_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 538 vertices, 180 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Montana_Inhalte\chainlinkfence_normal_dhl.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2934 vertices, 978 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BG_Bau.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 396 vertices, 506 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\IC_V_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 23318 vertices, 10277 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\IC_V_01L_doors.v3o |Model contains 384 vertices, 168 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\IC_V_01L_doors does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\Frames\IC_V_01R_doors_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 388 vertices, 168 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\RE2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 27016 vertices, 12906 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\RE1_door_L.v3o |Model contains 320 vertices, 160 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\RE1_door_L does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\Frames\RE1_door_R_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 320 vertices, 160 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\SB_1_lang.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30150 vertices, 20028 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\SB_1door_links.v3o |Model contains 480 vertices, 336 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\SB_1door_links does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Train\SB_1door_rechts_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 480 vertices, 336 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\bk.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 390 vertices, 452 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\DHL01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 579 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\DHL02.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\Post01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\bikinigirl01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 389 vertices, 492 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\bikinigirl02.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 389 vertices, 492 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\Poller.v3o |Model contains 56 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\Poller does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\Poller2.v3o |Model contains 112 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Objects\Street\Poller2 does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\TestObjects_NewMap\Leitplanke\Leitplanke_Sud_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 6206 vertices, 3364 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Baumaterialien\IBC.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3423 vertices, 5148 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Montana_Inhalte\oldmanufactory.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1519 vertices, 847 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Construction\depot10_ruin_barrel_damaged.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 66 vertices, 76 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\vehicles\Auflieger\3-achs Auflieger 1x40ft Container.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4124 vertices, 3013 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\Container\40.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\fatman03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 384 vertices, 486 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\DHL03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 384 vertices, 486 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\fatman02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 384 vertices, 486 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\fatman04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 384 vertices, 486 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\cinemaxx02.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\cinemaxx01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\DB_Reinigung01_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 368 vertices, 484 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\DB_Service02_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 428 vertices, 515 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Werkfeuerwehr\FW09_Neu.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 15426 vertices, 5142 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bierzeltgarnitur\Tisch.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 728 vertices, 612 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Bierzeltgarnitur\Bank.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 728 vertices, 612 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Werkfeuerwehr\Tor_FFWB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 17 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Base\Elberfeld07.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1530 vertices, 784 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\oilrig_fence01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 104 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Trees\appletree01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 195 vertices, 140 polygons, 0 bones, 21 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Gate\E00.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 54 polygons, 0 bones, 14 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Schuppen\Schuppen_1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2116 vertices, 1082 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Schuppen\Schuppen_2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2116 vertices, 1082 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Schuppen\Schuppen_3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1604 vertices, 818 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Houses\Diverse\depot02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 565 vertices, 319 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\BUS_01_BODY.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4288 vertices, 1726 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\BUS_01_DOOR.v3o |Model contains 661 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes ?ERROR: Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bus\BUS_01_DOOR does not contain version number information. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\LKW2\kipper k fl.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 12875 vertices, 4676 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\LKW2\mb_atego_schwarz_wheel2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 888 vertices, 296 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\LKW2\Door_01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2616 vertices, 872 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\LKW2\Door_02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2601 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Bauhof\LKW2\Haensch Nova LKW G.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 444 vertices, 164 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\Neue Wache\Neue Hauptwache.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 31023 vertices, 13761 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 767 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Fences\industryfence01_pole.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 26 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\FF4\3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3561 vertices, 1187 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Wachen\FF4\Sirene.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 306 vertices, 412 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ModelManager unloaded 0 ressources, purged 0 ressources TextureManager unloaded 29 ressources |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 786 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 804 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 822 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 840 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 858 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 876 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 894 kB. ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 912 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 930 kB. ?router add open house: child has no entity! |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 948 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 966 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 984 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1002 kB. ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1020 kB. ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1038 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1056 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1075 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1093 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1111 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1129 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1147 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1165 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1183 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1201 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1219 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1237 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1255 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1273 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1291 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1309 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1327 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1345 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1364 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1382 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1400 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1418 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1436 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1454 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1472 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1490 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1508 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1526 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1544 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1562 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1580 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1598 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1616 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1634 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1653 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1671 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1689 kB. !Model not found: mod:Models/Objects/HouseFurniture/postbuilding01_lettershelf.V3O |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\empty.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1707 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1725 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1743 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1761 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1779 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1797 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1815 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1833 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1851 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1869 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1887 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1905 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1923 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1942 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1960 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1978 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 1996 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2014 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2032 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2050 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2068 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2086 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2104 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2122 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2140 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2158 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2176 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2194 kB. |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\bottle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 74 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2212 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2231 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2249 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2267 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2285 kB. |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\tvcamera.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 155 vertices, 143 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2303 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2321 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2339 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2357 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2375 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2393 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2411 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2429 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2447 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2465 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2483 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2501 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2520 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2538 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2556 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2574 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2592 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2610 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2628 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2646 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2664 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2682 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2700 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2718 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2736 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2754 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2772 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2790 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2809 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2827 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2845 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2863 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2881 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2899 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2917 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2935 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2953 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2971 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 2989 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3007 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3025 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3043 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3061 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3079 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3098 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3116 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3134 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3152 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3170 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3188 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3206 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3224 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3242 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3260 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3278 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3296 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3314 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3332 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3350 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3368 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3387 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3405 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3423 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3441 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3459 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3477 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3495 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3513 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3531 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3549 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3567 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3585 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3603 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3621 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3639 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3657 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3676 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3694 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3712 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3730 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3748 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3766 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3784 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3802 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3820 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3838 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3856 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3874 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3892 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3910 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3928 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3946 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3965 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3983 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4001 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4019 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4037 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4055 kB. ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! ?router add open house: child has no entity! |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4073 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4091 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4109 kB. !Model not found: mod:Models/Objects/HouseChildren/postbuilding01_windows.V3O !Model not found: mod:Models/Objects/HouseChildren/postbuilding01_stairs.V3O |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4127 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4145 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4163 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4181 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4199 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4217 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4235 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4254 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4272 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4290 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4308 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4326 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4344 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4362 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4380 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4398 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4416 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4434 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4452 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4470 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4488 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4506 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4524 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4543 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4561 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4579 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4597 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4615 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4633 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4651 kB. !Model not found: mod:Models/Objects/Misc/townfountain01_walkable.V3O !Model not found: mod:Models/Objects/Misc/townfountain01.V3O !Animation pump is no longer valid |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4669 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4687 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4705 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4723 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4741 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4759 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4777 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4795 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4813 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4832 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4850 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4868 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4886 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4904 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4922 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4940 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4958 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4976 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 4994 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5012 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Tram\gt6n_4_b.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7994 vertices, 3086 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Tram\gt6n_4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 7994 vertices, 3086 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Turmdrehwagen\Turmdrehwagen.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24138 vertices, 8631 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Turmdrehwagen\mb_actros_dtw_vorne.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 866 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Turmdrehwagen\mb_actros_dtw_hinten.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 734 vertices, 364 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\KRAD\KRAD01_ROT.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4753 vertices, 1825 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\KRAD\KRAD01_DRIVER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2271 vertices, 1083 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\MB_E_Klasse_A_Avant\eklasse_silber.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1243 vertices, 1701 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Golf_5\golf_school.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 698 vertices, 961 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\Diakonie Caddy\Caddy Diakon.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8106 vertices, 2966 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\TGX_WLF1.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 15704 vertices, 6426 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\MAN_ME_Paulaner.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3249 vertices, 2532 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\daf_puo.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 5740 vertices, 3703 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Skoda_Fabia\fabia_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 770 vertices, 604 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\scania_SILBER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3035 vertices, 2398 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\VW_Caddy\caddy_red.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 8106 vertices, 2966 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\renault_magnum_SCHWARZ.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 3824 vertices, 2263 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge\Suzuki_Gran_Vitara\suzuki_silver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4105 vertices, 1660 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\volvofh_GELB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2799 vertices, 2064 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\volvofh_door01_GELB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 755 vertices, 521 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\volvofh_door02_GELB.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 755 vertices, 521 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_Special\TAXI_MB_E_Klasse\taxi_eklasse3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1497 vertices, 1956 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\dealer02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 347 vertices, 452 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Civil\civildocker01.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 386 vertices, 502 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Zivilfahrzeuge_LKW\AXOR_SWEEPER.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 15566 vertices, 6545 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_atego_wheel4.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 590 vertices, 214 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Wheels\mb_atego_wheel3.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 888 vertices, 296 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Loading parameters for event EFPEventCigarette Loading parameters for event EFPRandomFire Loading parameters for event EFPEventHeartAttack Loading parameters for event EFPEventFall Loading parameters for event EFPEventShock Loading parameters for event EFPEventFoodPoisoning Loading parameters for event EFPEventCirculatoryCollapse Loading parameters for event EFPEventStroke Loading parameters for event EFPEventFlashStrike Loading parameters for event EFPGasExplosion Loading parameters for event EFPPickpocketing Loading parameters for event EFPBecomingMurderer Loading parameters for event EFPRunningAmok Loading parameters for event EFPEventTrafficLightFailure Loading parameters for event EFPEventRailwayCrossingFailure Loading parameters for event EFPEventSuicideDrowning Loading parameters for event EFPEventCarAccident Loading parameters for event EFPCarAccidentNoWater Loading parameters for event EFPEventShopLifting Loading parameters for event EFPEventCarTheft Loading parameters for event EFPRowdy Loading parameters for event EFPHostageTaking Loading parameters for event EFPEarthquake Loading parameters for event EFPArsonist Loading parameters for event EFPRabidDog Loading parameters for event EFPEventCivilcarDefect Loading parameters for event EFPEventShortCircuit Loading parameters for event EFPDemonstration LoadParameters() failed for event EFPDemonstration Loading parameters for event EFPBankRobbery Loading parameters for event EFPEventSuicideTrack Loading parameters for event EFPEventSuicideWindow Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident 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accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Loading parameters for event EFPEventCigarette Loading parameters for event EFPRandomFire Loading parameters for event EFPEventHeartAttack Loading parameters for event EFPEventFall Loading parameters for event EFPEventShock Loading parameters for event EFPEventFoodPoisoning Loading parameters for event EFPEventCirculatoryCollapse Loading parameters for event EFPEventStroke Loading parameters for event EFPEventFlashStrike Loading parameters for event EFPGasExplosion Loading parameters for event EFPPickpocketing Loading parameters for event EFPBecomingMurderer Loading parameters for event EFPRunningAmok Loading parameters for event EFPEventCarAccident Loading parameters for event EFPEventShopLifting Loading parameters for event EFPEventCarTheft Loading parameters for event EFPRowdy Loading parameters for event EFPHostageTaking Loading parameters for event EFPEarthquake Loading parameters for event EFPArsonist Loading parameters for event EFPEventCivilcarDefect Loading parameters for event EFPEventShortCircuit Loading parameters for event EFPDemonstration Loading parameters for event EFPRiotMob Loading parameters for event EFPPunchFest Loading parameters for event EFPBankRobbery Loading parameters for event EFPEventSuicideWindow Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident found Freeplay: car accident attachment found Freeplay: car accident attachment found !STARTSCRIPT: Status 6 begonnen !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen BMA_01 --6-- !Florian Sittingen 10_00_00 --6-- !Florian Sittingen Feuerwehr Zugalarm --6-- !Florian Sittingen Feuerwehr Zugalarm --6-- !STARTSCRIPT: Status 6 abgeschlossen |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5030 kB. ?SpawnPoint "CivilCar8": Assigned path "CivilCar8" is blocked. ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5048 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5066 kB. |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5084 kB. !build: 01_11_01,4,0 !build: 01_11_01,0,0 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5102 kB. !build: 01_24_01,4,0 !build: 01_24_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 01.11.01 --2-- |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5121 kB. !init 01_11_01 !init ended 01_11_01 !AddFZG 01_11_01 !addfzg 01_11_01 !AddFZG ended 01_11_01 !build: 01_33_01,2,0 !build: 01_33_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 01.24.01 --2-- |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5139 kB. !AddFZG 01_24_01 !addfzg 01_24_01 !addfahrzeug 01_24_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug ended 01_24_01 !FZG added 4664509 !AddFZG ended 01_24_01 !build: 01_46_01,7,0 !build: 01_46_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 01.33.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_33_01 !addfzg 01_33_01 !addfahrzeug 01_33_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 01_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 01_33_01 !Appending at 4664509: 01_33_01 !FZG added 4664523 !AddFZG ended 01_33_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5157 kB. !build: 02_11_01,3,0 !build: 02_11_01,0,0 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5175 kB. ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_46_02_ac_7' to object 0 !build: 01_46_02,8,0 !build: 01_46_02,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 01.46.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_46_01 !addfzg 01_46_01 !addfahrzeug 01_46_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 01_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 01_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 01_46_01 !Appending at 4664523: 01_46_01 !FZG added 4664533 !AddFZG ended 01_46_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5193 kB. ?Tried to assign unknown command '02_46_01_ac_1' to object 0 !build: 02_46_01,7,0 !build: 02_46_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 02.11.01 --2-- !AddFZG 02_11_01 !addfzg 02_11_01 !AddFZG ended 02_11_01 !build: 01_65_01,2,0 !build: 01_65_01,0,4 !Florian Sittingen 01.46.02 --2-- !AddFZG 01_46_02 !addfzg 01_46_02 !addfahrzeug 01_46_02 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 01_46_02 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 01_46_02 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 01_46_02 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 01_46_02 !Appending at 4664533: 01_46_02 !FZG added 4664549 !AddFZG ended 01_46_02 !build: 02_33_01,1,0 !build: 02_33_01,0,0 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5211 kB. !Florian Sittingen 02.46.01 --2-- !AddFZG 02_46_01 !addfzg 02_46_01 !addfahrzeug 02_46_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 02_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 02_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 02_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 02_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 02_46_01 !Appending at 4664549: 02_46_01 !FZG added 4664563 !AddFZG ended 02_46_01 !build: AB_AS,1,0 !build: AB_AS,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 01.65.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_65_01 !addfzg 01_65_01 !AddFZG ended 01_65_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5229 kB. ?Tried to assign unknown command '02_52_01_ac_1' to object 0 !build: 02_52_01,7,0 !build: 02_52_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 02.33.01 --2-- !AddFZG 02_33_01 !addfzg 02_33_01 !addfahrzeug 02_33_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 02_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 02_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 02_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 02_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 02_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 02_33_01 !Appending at 4664563: 02_33_01 !FZG added 4664578 !AddFZG ended 02_33_01 !build: AB_MULDE,1,0 !build: AB_MULDE,0,0 !Unbekanntes Fahrzeug !AddFZG AB_AS !addfzg AB_AS !AddFZG ended AB_AS |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5247 kB. !build: 03_44_01,6,0 !build: 03_44_01,0,0 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'VCmdInit' from object !build: 02_72_01,2,0 !build: 02_72_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 02.52.01 --2-- !AddFZG 02_52_01 !addfzg 02_52_01 !addfahrzeug 02_52_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 02_52_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 02_52_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 02_52_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 02_52_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 02_52_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 02_52_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 02_52_01 !Appending at 4664578: 02_52_01 !FZG added 4664592 !AddFZG ended 02_52_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5265 kB. !build: 01_82_01,2,0 !build: 01_82_01,0,0 !Unbekanntes Fahrzeug ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'VCmdInit' from object !AddFZG AB_MULDE !addfzg AB_MULDE !AddFZG ended AB_MULDE ?Tried to assign unknown command '03_45_01_ac_6' to object 0 !build: 03_45_01,7,0 !build: 03_45_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 03.44.01 --2-- !AddFZG 03_44_01 !addfzg 03_44_01 !addfahrzeug 03_44_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 03_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 03_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 03_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 03_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 03_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 03_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 03_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 03_44_01 !Appending at 4664592: 03_44_01 !FZG added 4664605 !AddFZG ended 03_44_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5283 kB. !build: 01_65_02,2,0 !build: 01_65_02,1,3 ?Prototype not found: mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/__ Feuerwehr/02_72_01.e4p !Florian Sittingen 02.72.01 --2-- !AddFZG 02_72_01 !addfzg 02_72_01 !AddFZG ended 02_72_01 !build: 01_83_01,2,0 !build: 01_83_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 01.82.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_82_01 !addfzg 01_82_01 !AddFZG ended 01_82_01 !build: 03_33_01,2,0 !build: 03_33_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 03.45.01 --2-- !AddFZG 03_45_01 !addfzg 03_45_01 !addfahrzeug 03_45_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 03_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 03_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 03_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 03_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 03_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 03_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 03_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 03_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 03_45_01 !Appending at 4664605: 03_45_01 !FZG added 4664628 !AddFZG ended 03_45_01 !build: 02_83_01,1,0 !build: 02_83_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: BF0210 !Florian Sittingen 01.65.02 --2-- !AddFZG 01_65_02 !addfzg 01_65_02 !AddFZG ended 01_65_02 !build: 01_83_02,2,0 !build: 01_83_02,0,0 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5301 kB. !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_83_01 !addfzg 01_83_01 !AddFZG ended 01_83_01 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'VCmdInit' from object 03_19_01 ?Tried to assign unknown command '03_19_01_ac_1' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '03_19_01_ac_2' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '03_19_01_ac_3' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '03_19_01_ac_4' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '03_19_01_ac_5' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '03_19_01_ac_6' to object 0 !build: 03_19_01,7,0 !build: 03_19_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 03.33.01 --2-- !AddFZG 03_33_01 !addfzg 03_33_01 !addfahrzeug 03_33_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 03_33_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 03_33_01 !Appending at 4664628: 03_33_01 !FZG added 4664643 !AddFZG ended 03_33_01 !build: 02_83_03,1,0 !build: 02_83_03,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --2-- |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5319 kB. !build: 04_42_01,6,0 !build: 04_42_01,0,0 !AddFZG 02_83_01 !addfzg 02_83_01 !AddFZG ended 02_83_01 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'GoHome' from object AB_DEKON ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'VCmdInit' from object AB_DEKON !build: AB_DEKON,1,0 !build: AB_DEKON,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --2-- !AddFZG 01_83_02 !addfzg 01_83_02 !AddFZG ended 01_83_02 !Florian Sittingen 03.19.01 --2-- !AddFZG 03_19_01 !addfzg 03_19_01 !AddFZG ended 03_19_01 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --2-- !AddFZG 02_83_03 !addfzg 02_83_03 !AddFZG ended 02_83_03 !build: 04_46_01,6,0 !build: 04_46_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 04.42.01 --2-- !AddFZG 04_42_01 !addfzg 04_42_01 !addfahrzeug 04_42_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 04_42_01 !Add Fkt in 4664643: 04_42_01 !Appending at 4664643: 04_42_01 !FZG added 4664667 !AddFZG ended 04_42_01 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_72_01_ac_1' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_72_01_ac_2' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_72_01_ac_3' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_72_01_ac_4' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_72_01_ac_6' to object 0 !build: 01_72_01,7,0 !build: 01_72_01,0,0 !Unbekanntes Fahrzeug !AddFZG AB_DEKON !addfzg AB_DEKON !AddFZG ended AB_DEKON |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5337 kB. ?Tried to assign unknown command '04_45_01_ac_4' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '04_45_01_ac_6' to object 0 !build: 04_45_01,7,0 !build: 04_45_01,0,0 ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! !Florian Sittingen 04.46.01 --2-- ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_10_01_ac_1' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_10_01_ac_2' to object 0 !build: 01_10_01,4,0 !build: 01_10_01,0,0 !AddFZG 04_46_01 !addfzg 04_46_01 !addfahrzeug 04_46_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664643: 04_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664667: 04_46_01 !Appending at 4664667: 04_46_01 !FZG added 4664685 !AddFZG ended 04_46_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5355 kB. !Florian Sittingen 01.72.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_72_01 !addfzg 01_72_01 !AddFZG ended 01_72_01 !build: 02_74_01,2,0 !build: 02_74_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 04.45.01 --2-- !build: 01_44_01,7,0 !build: 01_44_01,0,0 !AddFZG 04_45_01 !addfzg 04_45_01 !addfahrzeug 04_45_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664643: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664667: 04_45_01 !Add Fkt in 4664685: 04_45_01 !Appending at 4664685: 04_45_01 !FZG added 4664701 !AddFZG ended 04_45_01 !Florian Sittingen 01.10.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_10_01 !addfzg 01_10_01 !AddFZG ended 01_10_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5373 kB. ?Tried to assign unknown command 'FF04' to object 0 !build: 05_44_01,5,0 !build: 05_44_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 02.74.01 --2-- !AddFZG 02_74_01 !addfzg 02_74_01 !AddFZG ended 02_74_01 !build: 01_71_01,1,0 !build: 01_71_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 01.44.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_44_01 !addfzg 01_44_01 !addfahrzeug 01_44_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664643: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664667: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664685: 01_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664701: 01_44_01 !Appending at 4664701: 01_44_01 !FZG added 4664721 !AddFZG ended 01_44_01 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'FF04' to object 0 !build: 05_24_01,5,0 !build: 05_24_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 05.44.01 --2-- !AddFZG 05_44_01 !addfzg 05_44_01 !addfahrzeug 05_44_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664643: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664667: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664685: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664701: 05_44_01 !Add Fkt in 4664721: 05_44_01 !Appending at 4664721: 05_44_01 !FZG added 4664730 !AddFZG ended 05_44_01 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_51_01_ac_1' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_51_01_ac_2' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_51_01_ac_3' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_51_01_ac_4' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '01_51_01_ac_6' to object 0 !build: 01_51_01,7,0 !build: 01_51_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: BF0120 !Florian Sittingen 01.71.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_71_01 !addfzg 01_71_01 !AddFZG ended 01_71_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5391 kB. ?Tried to assign unknown command 'FF04' to object 0 !build: 05_63_01,2,0 !build: 05_63_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 05.24.01 --2-- !AddFZG 05_24_01 !addfzg 05_24_01 !addfahrzeug 05_24_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664643: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664667: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664685: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664701: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664721: 05_24_01 !Add Fkt in 4664730: 05_24_01 !Appending at 4664730: 05_24_01 !FZG added 4664745 !AddFZG ended 05_24_01 !build: 01_91_01,1,0 !build: 01_91_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: BF0121 !Florian Sittingen 01.51.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_51_01 !addfzg 01_51_01 !AddFZG ended 01_51_01 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'FF04' to object 0 !build: 05_19_01,1,0 !build: 05_19_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 05.63.01 --2-- !AddFZG 05_63_01 !addfzg 05_63_01 !AddFZG ended 05_63_01 !build: 01_93_01,2,0 !build: 01_93_01,0,0 !build: 06_10_01,1,0 !build: 06_10_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: BF0122 !Florian Sittingen 01.91.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_91_01 !addfzg 01_91_01 !AddFZG ended 01_91_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5410 kB. !Florian Sittingen 05.19.01 --2-- !AddFZG 05_19_01 !addfzg 05_19_01 !AddFZG ended 05_19_01 !Florian Sittingen 01.93.01 --2-- !build: 06_23_01,5,0 !build: 06_23_01,0,0 !AddFZG 01_93_01 !addfzg 01_93_01 !AddFZG ended 01_93_01 !Florian Sittingen 06.10.01 --2-- !AddFZG 06_10_01 !addfzg 06_10_01 !AddFZG ended 06_10_01 !build: 06_46_01,5,0 !build: 06_46_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 06.23.01 --2-- !AddFZG 06_23_01 !addfzg 06_23_01 !addfahrzeug 06_23_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664643: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664667: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664685: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664701: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664721: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664730: 06_23_01 !Add Fkt in 4664745: 06_23_01 !Appending at 4664745: 06_23_01 !FZG added 4664781 !AddFZG ended 06_23_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5428 kB. ?Tried to assign unknown command '06_58_01_ac_1' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '06_58_01_ac_2' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '06_58_01_ac_3' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '06_58_01_ac_4' to object 0 ?Tried to assign unknown command '06_58_01_ac_6' to object 0 !build: 06_58_01,7,0 !build: 06_58_01,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 06.46.01 --2-- !AddFZG 06_46_01 !addfzg 06_46_01 !addfahrzeug 06_46_01 !addfahrzeug first_fahrzeug else 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664509: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664523: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664533: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664549: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664563: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664578: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664592: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664605: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664628: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664643: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664667: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664685: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664701: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664721: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664730: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664745: 06_46_01 !Add Fkt in 4664781: 06_46_01 !Appending at 4664781: 06_46_01 !FZG added 4664789 !AddFZG ended 06_46_01 !build: PP_10_06,4,0 !build: PP_10_06,0,0 !Florian Sittingen 06.58.01 --2-- !AddFZG 06_58_01 !addfzg 06_58_01 !AddFZG ended 06_58_01 !build: PP_10_04,5,0 !build: PP_10_04,0,0 !Bieber 10.06 --2-- !AddFZG PP_10_06 !addfzg PP_10_06 !AddFZG ended PP_10_06 !build: PP_10_05,5,0 !build: PP_10_05,0,0 !Bieber 10.04 --2-- !AddFZG PP_10_04 !addfzg PP_10_04 !AddFZG ended PP_10_04 !build: PP_10_01,4,0 !build: PP_10_01,0,0 !Bieber 10.05 --2-- !AddFZG PP_10_05 !addfzg PP_10_05 !AddFZG ended PP_10_05 !build: PP_20_03,4,0 !build: PP_20_03,0,0 !build: PP_10_09,5,0 !build: PP_10_09,0,0 !Bieber 10.01 --2-- !AddFZG PP_10_01 !addfzg PP_10_01 !AddFZG ended PP_10_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5446 kB. !build: PP_20_02,5,0 !build: PP_20_02,0,0 !Bieber 20.03 --2-- !AddFZG PP_20_03 !addfzg PP_20_03 !AddFZG ended PP_20_03 !build: PP_10_02,4,0 !build: PP_10_02,0,0 !Bieber 10.09 --2-- !AddFZG PP_10_09 !addfzg PP_10_09 !AddFZG ended PP_10_09 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5464 kB. !build: PP_20_01,4,0 !build: PP_20_01,0,0 !Bieber 20.02 --2-- !AddFZG PP_20_02 !addfzg PP_20_02 !AddFZG ended PP_20_02 !build: PP_10_03,4,0 !build: PP_10_03,0,0 !Bieber 10.02 --2-- !AddFZG PP_10_02 !addfzg PP_10_02 !AddFZG ended PP_10_02 !build: BS_03_01,1,1 !build: BS_03_01,0,0 !Bieber 20.01 --2-- !AddFZG PP_20_01 !addfzg PP_20_01 !AddFZG ended PP_20_01 !build: PP_10_07,2,0 !build: PP_10_07,0,0 !Bieber 10.03 --2-- ?Prototype not found: POL0111 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5482 kB. !build: KR_01_01,1,0 !build: KR_01_01,0,0 !AddFZG PP_10_03 !addfzg PP_10_03 !AddFZG ended PP_10_03 !build: BS_01_01,0,0 !build: BS_01_01,0,0 !Stadt 03.01 --2-- !AddFZG BS_03_01 !addfzg BS_03_01 !AddFZG ended BS_03_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5500 kB. !build: PP_10_08,2,0 !build: PP_10_08,0,0 !Bieber 10.07 --2-- ?Prototype not found: POL0112 !AddFZG PP_10_07 !addfzg PP_10_07 !AddFZG ended PP_10_07 !build: PP_30_01,1,0 !build: PP_30_01,0,0 !Land 01.01 --2-- !AddFZG KR_01_01 !addfzg KR_01_01 !AddFZG ended KR_01_01 !build: BS_02_01,0,0 !build: BS_02_01,0,0 !Animation KR_DOWN is no longer valid !Animation KR_UP is no longer valid !Stadt 01.01 --2-- !AddFZG BS_01_01 !addfzg BS_01_01 !AddFZG ended BS_01_01 !build: 15_00_00,9,0 !build: 15_00_00,0,0 ?Prototype not found: POL0113 !Bieber 10.08 --2-- !build: PP_30_02,1,0 !build: PP_30_02,0,0 !AddFZG PP_10_08 !addfzg PP_10_08 !AddFZG ended PP_10_08 !Bieber 30.01 --2-- !AddFZG PP_30_01 !addfzg PP_30_01 !AddFZG ended PP_30_01 !build: BS_04_01,0,0 !build: BS_04_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: POL0210 !Stadt 02.01 --2-- !AddFZG BS_02_01 !addfzg BS_02_01 !AddFZG ended BS_02_01 !Rettung Sittingen 15.00.00 --2-- ?Prototype not found: POL0114 !AddFZG 15_00_00 !addfzg 15_00_00 !AddFZG ended 15_00_00 !build: PP_30_03,1,0 !build: PP_30_03,0,0 !Bieber 30.02 --2-- !AddFZG PP_30_02 !addfzg PP_30_02 !AddFZG ended PP_30_02 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5518 kB. !build: BS_07_01,0,0 !build: BS_07_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: POL0211 !Stadt 04.01 --2-- !build: 11_82_01,1,0 !build: 11_82_01,0,0 !AddFZG BS_04_01 !addfzg BS_04_01 !AddFZG ended BS_04_01 ?Prototype not found: POL0115 !build: PP_30_04,1,0 !build: PP_30_04,0,0 ?Prototype not found: POL038 !Bieber 30.03 --2-- !AddFZG PP_30_03 !addfzg PP_30_03 !AddFZG ended PP_30_03 !build: PP_10_10,1,0 !build: PP_10_10,0,0 ?Prototype not found: POL0212 !Stadt 07.01 --2-- !AddFZG BS_07_01 !addfzg BS_07_01 !AddFZG ended BS_07_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5536 kB. !build: 11_83_01,1,0 !build: 11_83_01,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 11.82.01 --2-- !AddFZG 11_82_01 !addfzg 11_82_01 !AddFZG ended 11_82_01 !build: PP_30_06,1,0 !build: PP_30_06,0,0 ?Prototype not found: POL039 !Bieber 30.04 --2-- !AddFZG PP_30_04 !addfzg PP_30_04 !AddFZG ended PP_30_04 !Bieber 10.10 --2-- !AddFZG PP_10_10 !addfzg PP_10_10 !AddFZG ended PP_10_10 !build: 11_00_00,18,0 !build: 11_00_00,0,0 !BB Wald Normal --10-- !BB Wald Intensiv --3-- !BB See Normal --12-- !BB See Intensiv --4-- !BB Medicus Normal --15-- !BB Medicus Intensiv --5-- !BB Wald Normal --11-- !BB See Normal --13-- !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --2-- !AddFZG 11_83_01 !addfzg 11_83_01 !AddFZG ended 11_83_01 !build: 00_99_01,1,0 !build: 00_99_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: POL0310 !Bieber 30.06 --2-- !AddFZG PP_30_06 !addfzg PP_30_06 !AddFZG ended PP_30_06 !build: 13_85_01,1,0 !build: 13_85_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: RD017 !Florian Sittingen 00.99.01 --2-- !AddFZG 00_99_01 !addfzg 00_99_01 !AddFZG ended 00_99_01 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5554 kB. !build: 12_82_01,2,0 !build: 12_82_01,0,0 !build: 11_85_01,1,0 !build: 11_85_01,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 13.85.01 --2-- !AddFZG 13_85_01 !addfzg 13_85_01 !AddFZG ended 13_85_01 !build: 12_83_01,1,0 !build: 12_83_01,0,0 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5572 kB. !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.01 --2-- !AddFZG 12_82_01 !addfzg 12_82_01 !AddFZG ended 12_82_01 !build: 01_83_03,1,0 !build: 01_83_03,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 11.85.01 --2-- !AddFZG 11_85_01 !addfzg 11_85_01 !AddFZG ended 11_85_01 !build: 12_83_02,1,0 !build: 12_83_02,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --2-- !AddFZG 12_83_01 !addfzg 12_83_01 !AddFZG ended 12_83_01 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.03 --2-- !AddFZG 01_83_03 !addfzg 01_83_03 !AddFZG ended 01_83_03 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5590 kB. !build: 12_85_02,1,0 !build: 12_85_02,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.02 --2-- !AddFZG 12_83_02 !addfzg 12_83_02 !AddFZG ended 12_83_02 !build: 13_82_01,1,0 !build: 13_82_01,0,0 !build: 12_85_04,1,0 !build: 12_85_04,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.02 --2-- !AddFZG 12_85_02 !addfzg 12_85_02 !AddFZG ended 12_85_02 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5608 kB. !build: 13_83_01,1,0 !build: 13_83_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: RD035 !Rettung Sittingen 13.82.01 --2-- !AddFZG 13_82_01 !addfzg 13_82_01 !AddFZG ended 13_82_01 !build: 12_85_01,1,0 !build: 12_85_01,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.04 --2-- !AddFZG 12_85_04 !addfzg 12_85_04 !AddFZG ended 12_85_04 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5626 kB. !build: 13_83_02,1,0 !build: 13_83_02,0,0 ?Prototype not found: RD036 !Rettung Sittingen 13.83.01 --2-- !AddFZG 13_83_01 !addfzg 13_83_01 !AddFZG ended 13_83_01 !build: 12_85_03,1,0 !build: 12_85_03,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.01 --2-- !AddFZG 12_85_01 !addfzg 12_85_01 !AddFZG ended 12_85_01 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'Alarm_SEG' to object 1 !build: 13_80_01,11,0 !build: 13_80_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: RD037 !Rettung Sittingen 13.83.02 --2-- !AddFZG 13_83_02 !addfzg 13_83_02 !AddFZG ended 13_83_02 !build: 12_85_05,1,0 !build: 12_85_05,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.03 --2-- !AddFZG 12_85_03 !addfzg 12_85_03 !AddFZG ended 12_85_03 !build: 15_82_01,1,0 !build: 15_82_01,0,0 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5644 kB. ?Prototype not found: RD038 !Rettung Sittingen 13.80.01 --2-- !AddFZG 13_80_01 !addfzg 13_80_01 !AddFZG ended 13_80_01 !build: 12_83_08,1,0 !build: 12_83_08,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.05 --2-- !AddFZG 12_85_05 !addfzg 12_85_05 !AddFZG ended 12_85_05 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5662 kB. !build: 15_83_01,1,0 !build: 15_83_01,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 15.82.01 --2-- !AddFZG 15_82_01 !addfzg 15_82_01 !AddFZG ended 15_82_01 ?Prototype not found: RD039 !build: 12_83_09,1,0 !build: 12_83_09,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.08 --2-- !AddFZG 12_83_08 !addfzg 12_83_08 !AddFZG ended 12_83_08 !build: 15_83_02,1,0 !build: 15_83_02,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 15.83.01 --2-- !AddFZG 15_83_01 !addfzg 15_83_01 !AddFZG ended 15_83_01 ?Prototype not found: RD0310 !build: 12_83_04,1,0 !build: 12_83_04,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.09 --2-- |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5680 kB. !AddFZG 12_83_09 !addfzg 12_83_09 !AddFZG ended 12_83_09 !build: 14_81_01,1,0 !build: 14_81_01,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 15.83.02 --2-- !AddFZG 15_83_02 !addfzg 15_83_02 !AddFZG ended 15_83_02 !build: 12_83_06,1,0 !build: 12_83_06,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.04 --2-- !AddFZG 12_83_04 !addfzg 12_83_04 !AddFZG ended 12_83_04 !build: 15_89_01,2,0 !build: 15_89_01,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 14.81.01 --2-- !AddFZG 14_81_01 !addfzg 14_81_01 !AddFZG ended 14_81_01 !build: 12_83_07,1,0 !build: 12_83_07,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.06 --2-- !AddFZG 12_83_06 !addfzg 12_83_06 !AddFZG ended 12_83_06 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5699 kB. !build: 15_85_01,1,0 !build: 15_85_01,0,0 |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\rhc_stretcher_empty.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 273 vertices, 123 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'VCmdInit' from object !Rettung Sittingen 15.89.01 --2-- !AddFZG 15_89_01 !addfzg 15_89_01 !AddFZG ended 15_89_01 !build: 12_89_01,1,0 !build: 12_89_01,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.07 --2-- !AddFZG 12_83_07 !addfzg 12_83_07 !AddFZG ended 12_83_07 !build: 15_85_02,1,0 !build: 15_85_02,0,0 ?Prototype not found: RD0510 !Rettung Sittingen 15.85.01 --2-- !AddFZG 15_85_01 !addfzg 15_85_01 !AddFZG ended 15_85_01 !build: 12_82_02,2,0 !build: 12_82_02,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --2-- !AddFZG 12_89_01 !addfzg 12_89_01 !AddFZG ended 12_89_01 !build: 15_19_01,1,0 !build: 15_19_01,0,0 ?Prototype not found: RD0511 !Rettung Sittingen 15.85.02 --2-- !AddFZG 15_85_02 !addfzg 15_85_02 !AddFZG ended 15_85_02 !build: 12_82_03,2,0 !build: 12_82_03,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.02 --2-- !AddFZG 12_82_02 !addfzg 12_82_02 !AddFZG ended 12_82_02 |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5717 kB. ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'GoHome' from object 01_84_01 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'VCmdInit' from object 01_84_01 !build: 01_84_01,1,0 !build: 01_84_01,0,0 ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! !Rettung Sittingen 15.19.01 --2-- !AddFZG 15_19_01 !addfzg 15_19_01 !AddFZG ended 15_19_01 !build: 12_82_04,2,0 !build: 12_82_04,0,0 ?Prototype not found: RD0220 !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.03 --2-- !AddFZG 12_82_03 !addfzg 12_82_03 !AddFZG ended 12_82_03 !Florian Sittingen 01.84.01 --2-- !AddFZG 01_84_01 !addfzg 01_84_01 !AddFZG ended 01_84_01 !build: 12_83_03,1,0 !build: 12_83_03,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.04 --2-- !AddFZG 12_82_04 !addfzg 12_82_04 !AddFZG ended 12_82_04 !build: 12_83_05,1,0 !build: 12_83_05,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.03 --2-- !AddFZG 12_83_03 !addfzg 12_83_03 !AddFZG ended 12_83_03 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.05 --2-- !AddFZG 12_83_05 !addfzg 12_83_05 !AddFZG ended 12_83_05 ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Dummy\virtuallight.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4 vertices, 2 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes !Florian Sittingen 01.82.01 --0-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --0-- |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\RDSt_single.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5735 kB. set animation open ?Tried to assign unknown command 'verkehrsunfall' to object 1 !build: 10_00_00,27,0 !build: 10_00_00,0,0 !Rettung Sittingen 10.00.00 --2-- !AddFZG 10_00_00 !addfzg 10_00_00 !AddFZG ended 10_00_00 set animation open !Florian Sittingen 01.82.01 --3-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --3-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Bieber 20.02 --0-- !Bieber 20.01 --0-- !Bieber 20.02 --3-- !Bieber 20.01 --3-- setpath patrolpath01 (B96F5170) backward setpath patrolpath02 (B96F5790) backward !Florian Sittingen 01.82.01 --4-- !Bieber 20.01 --9-- !Bieber 20.02 --9-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --4-- !Bieber 10.04 --0-- !Bieber 10.01 --0-- |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5753 kB. !Bieber 10.04 --3-- !Bieber 10.01 --3-- setpath patrolpath03 (B96F6558) forward ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. setpath patrolpath02 (B96F5790) backward !Bieber 10.04 --9-- !Bieber 10.01 --9-- !Bieber 10.05 --0-- !Bieber 10.02 --0-- !Bieber 10.03 --0-- |Loading Model mod:Models\objects\RTW_Status\fz.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 66 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Rotation of GameObject: -0.999941 -0.010884 0.000000 0.010884 -0.999941 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !Bieber 10.02 --3-- !Bieber 10.03 --3-- !Bieber 10.05 --3-- Rotation of GameObject: -0.992857 0.119311 -0.000627 -0.119310 -0.992856 -0.001316 -0.000780 -0.001232 0.999999 |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes Rotation of GameObject: -0.993100 0.117268 0.000000 -0.117268 -0.993100 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U !BB See Normal --14-- !BB Medicus Intensiv --6-- setpath patrolpath01 (B96F5170) forward ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. setpath patrolpath02 (B96F5790) backward ?SpawnPoint "Schulhof": Assigned path "Schulhof" is blocked. setpath patrolpath03 (B96F6558) backward |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5771 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes !Bieber 10.02 --9-- !Bieber 10.03 --9-- !Bieber 10.05 --9-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?SpawnPoint "Schulhof": Assigned path "Schulhof" is blocked. |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\RDSt_injured.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2923 vertices, 2711 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to B: incompatible bone structure? |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_01 ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_01 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --7-- ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 94914.9 (max 150.0) !Florian Sittingen 01.82.01 --1-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !BB Wald Normal --12-- !BB See Normal --15-- !BB See Intensiv --5-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.128081 0.991764 0.000000 -0.991764 0.128081 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --11-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --4-- set animation open !Florian Sittingen 01.82.01 --2-- set animation close !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 96018.8 (max 150.0) Too far: 96018.8 (max 150.0) !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --1-- !Bieber 10.01 --1-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Florian Sittingen 02.11.01 --0-- ?Tried to assign unknown command 'gg_schild_lesen' to object U !Florian Sittingen 02.46.01 --0-- ?Tried to assign unknown command 'gg_schild_lesen' to object U !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --0-- set animation open set animation open !Florian Sittingen 02.11.01 --3-- set animation open !Florian Sittingen 02.46.01 --3-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --3-- !zug 3,0 !zug 3,1 !zug 3,2 !BB See Normal --16-- !BB Medicus Normal --16-- !BB Medicus Intensiv --7-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --0-- set animation open set animation open !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --3-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --2-- set animation close !Florian Sittingen 02.11.01 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 02.46.01 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --4-- Rotation of GameObject: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 Rotation of GameObject: 0.999997 0.000012 -0.002425 0.000000 0.999989 0.004744 0.002425 -0.004744 0.999986 !Bieber 10.01 --2-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 !Florian Sittingen 02.46.01 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\jawsoflife.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 769 vertices, 699 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 Rotation of GameObject: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Rotation of GameObject: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'wachampel' from object 01_83_01 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --0-- set animation open !Bieber 10.02 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --3-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.01 --0-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.03 --0-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --4-- set animation open set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.01 --3-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.03 --3-- !BB See Intensiv --6-- !BB Medicus Intensiv --8-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.01 --4-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.03 --4-- |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 5789 kB. Rotation of GameObject: 0.982921 -0.184027 0.000000 0.184027 0.982921 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U Rotation of GameObject: 0.999998 0.002057 0.000000 -0.002057 0.999998 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U !n a m r ASF4665275 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\Schere\jawsoflife2.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 769 vertices, 699 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 !Bieber 20.01 --4-- !Bieber 20.01 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --0-- set animation open !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --3-- !Florian Sittingen 02.46.01 --1-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.971135 0.238530 0.000000 -0.238530 0.971135 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! !Bieber 20.01 --1-- Rotation of GameObject: -0.766424 -0.642335 0.000000 0.642335 -0.766424 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_01 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 02_83_01 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_01 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --7-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 Rotation of GameObject: 0.991470 -0.130333 0.000247 0.130328 0.991443 0.007436 -0.001214 -0.007340 0.999972 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_02 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_02 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_02 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_02 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --7-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 95514.2 (max 150.0) !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.03 --1-- !n a m r ASF4665275 set animation open ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 Rotation of GameObject: 0.991470 -0.130333 0.000247 0.130328 0.991443 0.007436 -0.001214 -0.007340 0.999972 !BB Wald Normal --12-- !BB Medicus Normal --17-- !BB Medicus Intensiv --9-- set animation isdown !Florian Sittingen 02.46.01 --2-- set animation close ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! !Bieber 20.01 --2-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.274393 0.961618 0.000000 -0.961618 0.274393 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --11-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 02_83_01 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 set animation open ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.01 --7-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --7-- ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 02_83_01 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --7-- !Florian Sittingen 02.11.01 --1-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.03 --2-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. setpath patrolpath02 (B96F5790) backward set animation close !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.128081 0.991764 0.000000 -0.991764 0.128081 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --10-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --4-- !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 96125.0 (max 150.0) Too far: 96125.0 (max 150.0) !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --1-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --0-- |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFKTW_single.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes set animation open !Bieber 10.02 --9-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --3-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.040390 -0.999184 0.000000 0.999184 0.040390 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --9-- !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 96018.8 (max 150.0) Too far: 96018.8 (max 150.0) !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --1-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.128081 0.991764 0.000000 -0.991764 0.128081 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Intensiv --2-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.167226 0.985919 0.000000 -0.985919 0.167226 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --8-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --4-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --4-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --0-- |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFSt_single.v3o |[VNUM=1.41] |Model contains 366 vertices, 436 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.01 --1-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 setpath patrolpath03 (B96F6558) backward ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --3-- !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --4-- set animation open setpath patrolpath01 (B96F5170) forward Rotation of GameObject: 0.890159 -0.455650 0.000000 0.455650 0.890159 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U !Bieber 20.01 --0-- !Florian Sittingen 02.11.01 --2-- set animation close !Bieber 10.01 --0-- !Bieber 10.02 --9-- !Bieber 20.01 --3-- !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende !BB See Normal --17-- !BB Medicus Normal --18-- set animation open ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 96018.8 (max 150.0) Too far: 96018.8 (max 150.0) !Bieber 10.01 --3-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --6-- !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 95784.8 (max 150.0) Too far: 95784.8 (max 150.0) !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.01 --2-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.999934 0.000169 0.011454 0.000000 0.999891 -0.014733 -0.011455 0.014732 0.999826 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --1-- set animation close ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 Rotation of GameObject: 0.999992 0.004018 0.000000 -0.004018 0.999992 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U !Bieber 20.02 --9-- set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --0-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.02 --0-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --2-- set animation open set animation open set animation close !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.02 --0-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --3-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.02 --3-- set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.02 --3-- |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFSt_injured.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2923 vertices, 2711 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to R: incompatible bone structure? |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 11_83_01 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with name G_2 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 11_83_01 !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --7-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --4-- ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'DUMMY_G2' from object 11_83_01 set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.02 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --2-- set animation close Rotation of GameObject: -0.831197 -0.555978 0.000000 0.555978 -0.831197 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U ?no door found for animation with name trage1 Rotation of GameObject: 0.988708 0.149858 0.000000 -0.149858 0.988708 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\__ Bieberfelde\BFKTW_injured.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2923 vertices, 2711 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to R: incompatible bone structure? set animation open ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 12_83_01 ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. set animation open set animation close !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --2-- set animation close ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.128079 0.991764 0.000000 -0.991764 0.128079 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --7-- !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 12_85_02 !BB Wald Intensiv --3-- !BB See Normal --18-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with name trage1 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 12_85_02 !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.02 --7-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 12_89_01 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 96013.4 (max 150.0) Too far: 96013.4 (max 150.0) !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --6-- !Bieber 20.02 --4-- !Bieber 20.02 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --0-- set animation open ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 12_89_01 !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --7-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --3-- !Bieber 20.02 --1-- ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 89574.5 (max 150.0) !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.02 --1-- ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 12_83_01 !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --7-- setpath patrolpath01 (B96F5170) forward !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --4-- setpath patrolpath03 (B96F6558) backward !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.02 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: -0.925362 -0.379084 0.000000 0.379084 -0.925362 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 setpath patrolpath01 (B96F5170) forward !Bieber 10.01 --9-- !Bieber 20.01 --9-- !Bieber 10.02 --9-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.128079 0.991764 0.000000 -0.991764 0.128079 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --6-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --2-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. set animation open ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 Rotation of GameObject: -0.995007 -0.099809 0.000000 0.099809 -0.995007 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.02 --2-- set animation close !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.095348 0.995444 0.000000 -0.995444 0.095348 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --5-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --4-- ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 96013.4 (max 150.0) Too far: 96013.4 (max 150.0) Too far: 96013.4 (max 150.0) !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --1-- |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 02_83_01 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 02_83_01 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --7-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !BB Wald Normal --6-- !BB Wald Intensiv --4-- !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 95756.3 (max 150.0) Too far: 95756.3 (max 150.0) set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --1-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --2-- set animation close set animation open !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.128081 0.991764 0.000000 -0.991764 0.128081 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --5-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --4-- set animation close ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Bieber 20.02 --2-- set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 12.83.01 --2-- !Stadt 07.01 --0-- set animation close ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 !Stadt 07.01 --3-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 96018.8 (max 150.0) Too far: 96018.8 (max 150.0) ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --6-- !Stadt 07.01 --1-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --0-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 set animation open ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 !Stadt 07.01 --2-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --3-- !BB Wald Normal --6-- !BB See Normal --19-- !BB Medicus Normal --19-- !BB Medicus Intensiv --10-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 !Enter House! Rotation of GameObject: 0.969351 -0.245678 0.000000 0.245678 0.969351 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Start !EINSAETZE: ZUFALLSEINSATZ: Ende ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'wachampel' from object ZugalarmW1 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'wachampel' from object ZugalarmW1 ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 93459.3 (max 150.0) Too far: 93459.3 (max 150.0) !Florian Sittingen 01.11.01 --0-- ?Tried to assign unknown command 'gg_schild_lesen' to object U !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.02 --1-- set animation open !Florian Sittingen 01.46.01 --0-- ?Tried to assign unknown command 'gg_schild_lesen' to object U !Florian Sittingen 01.11.01 --3-- set animation open !Florian Sittingen 01.46.01 --3-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.04 --0-- !Halbzug 2,0 !Halbzug 2,1 !Bieber 20.02 --0-- set animation open ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.04 --3-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 !Bieber 20.02 --3-- !Halbzug 2,0 !Halbzug 2,1 set animation open setpath patrolpath01 (B96F5170) backward ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. !Bieber 20.02 --9-- set animation close !Florian Sittingen 01.11.01 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 01.46.01 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\firehose01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 155 vertices, 63 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\hsr.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 517 vertices, 286 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\firehose_connector02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 35 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\firehose_connector01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 82 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\firehose02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1324 vertices, 2628 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.04 --4-- !Rettung Sittingen 11.82.01 --0-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 11.82.01 --3-- ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'wachampel' from object 01_83_01 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --0-- set animation open !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --3-- |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 559 vertices, 432 polygons, 0 bones, 10 muscleanimframes !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --2-- !BB See Normal --20-- !BB Medicus Intensiv --11-- |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\firehose01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 155 vertices, 63 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes !Rettung Sittingen 11.82.01 --4-- ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! Too far: 94626.3 (max 150.0) Too far: 94626.3 (max 150.0) Too far: 94626.3 (max 150.0) Too far: 94626.3 (max 150.0) !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --4-- !Florian Sittingen 01.46.01 --1-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! ?TurnTo collision and no free position for new rotation found! !Florian Sittingen 01.11.01 --1-- set animation open Rotation of GameObject: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !Bieber 20.01 --4-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.85.02 --2-- set animation close ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'wachampel' from object 01_83_02 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --0-- set animation open !Florian Sittingen 01.83.02 --3-- !Enter House! Rotation of GameObject: 0.360662 0.932697 0.000000 -0.932697 0.360662 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U !Florian Sittingen 02.83.01 --2-- |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\defib.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes set animation open set animation open !Bieber 20.01 --1-- ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 02_83_03 !Florian Sittingen 01.11.01 --2-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. set animation close ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !Florian Sittingen 01.46.01 --2-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 set animation close ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 1 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 Rotation of GameObject: 0.996103 -0.088201 0.000000 0.088201 0.996103 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ?Tried to assign unknown command 'PcmdStretcherDrop' to object U ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 02_83_03 !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.04 --7-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --7-- |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\defib.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes !BB Wald Normal --7-- !BB See Normal --21-- !Bieber 20.02 --4-- ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_02 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?Tried to remove unassigned command 'Intensiv' from object 01_83_02 !Bieber 20.01 --2-- ?SpawnPoint "CivilPers2": Assigned path "CivilPers2" is blocked. ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 Rotation of GameObject: 0.040389 -0.999184 0.000000 0.999184 0.040389 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --6-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.04 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 ?no door found for animation with door-type 2 !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --0-- !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --8-- Rotation of GameObject: 0.128081 0.991764 0.000000 -0.991764 0.128081 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 !BB Wald Normal --5-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !Florian Sittingen 02.83.03 --4-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 12.89.01 --3-- ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 ?no door found for animation with door-type 3 !Florian Sittingen 01.83.01 --1-- !Rettung Sittingen 11.82.01 --1-- !Rettung Sittingen 12.82.04 --1-- !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --0-- set animation open !Rettung Sittingen 11.83.01 --3-- ?ERROR: Could not allocate memory for Temp List for Object Element Queues (0 Bytes) !WARNING: global listener object is still registered! Unregister listener before destroying object!