Init Filesystem... Registered FS device "local" Registered FS device "base" Registered FS device "lang" Init UpdateChain... Init Timer... Init Screen... Init Scriptscheduler... !Graphics system: NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070/PCIe/SSE2 GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_bindless_texture GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_compute_variable_group_size GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_loc Init GFX... Init Vision... |Vision DLL path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\EMERGENCY 4 Deluxe\vision71.dll |Vision(TM), Version PC-4, 7, 28, 0 |Loading entity plugins of directory ... |List of loaded plug-ins: |Plug-in named 'CubeMapHandle_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisionConsoleEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisBase_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisBaseEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisMouseCamera_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisObject3D_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisActionHelperEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VarManager_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'BaseEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VBaseCameraEntity' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VCamEntity' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'GameEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'Emitter_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'BaseGameEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'TargetEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Registering plug-ins done ! |Initializing Vision Graphics Engine |Detecting CPU type and features |CPU:Pentium IV FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow! |Vision Core: Allocated 28 kB of memory for Polygon Chunks |Vision Core: Allocated 9 kB of memory for Entities |Settings renderer configuration Initializing post processor 'PerceptionCore' * Skipping config file Initializing post processor 'MotionBlur' * Skipping config file Initializing post processor 'Nightvision' * Skipping config file |Initialising video driver: 0 |Setting screen mode to x:2560 / y:1440 / bpp:32 / refresh:0 |Screen Mode is fullscreen, return value: 0 |Stencil buffer: 0 bit / ZBuffer: 24 bit |Initializing OpenGL rendering subsystem |Setting initial Renderer States |Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation |Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070/PCIe/SSE2 |Driver Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.52 |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias |Found Extension GL_ARB_multitexture |Found Extension GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 |Extension GL_ARB_texture_env_subtract not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_env_add |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_env_combine |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_cube_map |Found Extension GL_ARB_texture_compression |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc |Found Extension GL_EXT_point_parameters |Extension GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint not available |Extension GL_EXT_vertex_weighting not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_separate_specular_color |Found Extension GL_EXT_stencil_wrap |Extension GL_EXT_vertex_shader not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays |Extension GL_ATI_fragment_shader not available |Extension GL_ATI_pn_triangles not available |Extension GL_ATI_map_object_buffer not available |Found Extension GL_NV_texgen_reflection |Found Extension GL_NV_fence |Found Extension GL_NV_blend_square |Found Extension GL_NV_register_combiners |Found Extension GL_NV_register_combiners2 |Found Extension GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 |Found Extension GL_NV_texture_shader |Found Extension GL_NV_vertex_program |Found Extension GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 |Found Extension GL_NV_occlusion_query |Extension GL_EXT_paletted_texture not available |Extension GL_ATI_separate_stencil not available |Extension GL_EXT_texture_rectangle not available |Found Extension GL_ARB_depth_texture |Found Extension GL_ARB_shadow |Found Extension GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap |Found Extension GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object |Found Extension WGL_ARB_render_texture |Found Extension WGL_NV_render_depth_texture |Found Extension WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle |Found Extension WGL_ARB_pbuffer |Found Extension WGL_ARB_pixel_format |Found Extension WGL_EXT_swap_control |Found Extension GL_ARB_shader_objects |Found Extension GL_ARB_fragment_shader |Found Extension GL_ARB_vertex_shader |Found Extension GL_ARB_shading_language_100 |Using ARB_vertex_buffer_object for fast geometry memory! OpenGL vendor: NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070/PCIe/SSE2 renderer-string: NVIDIA;GF;GFN Init Input... Registered FS device "save" Init GameFramework... Init Audio... Init XGUI... Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Tahoma 11.xff Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Tahoma 11 bold.xff Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Lucida Console 11.xff ?BLFileSystem::DeviceFromFilename("mod:Textures\Previews\curveview_nos3tc.tga"): unknown device name in URL EM4 Version 1.3f language de Registered FS device "mod" mod found: BFERF v1.0 Final mod found: FUBMP mod found: FUBMP - Winter Edition mod found: OF Kieslingen 1.5 mod found: Oudenhout Mod mod found: Stuttgart Modifikation mod found: Wegberg 8 |VisMain_cl::DeInit |DeInitializing Object Data... |DeInitializing World Data... |DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data... |Initializing Vision Graphics Engine |Detecting CPU type and features |CPU:Pentium IV FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow! |Vision Core: Allocated 28 kB of memory for Polygon Chunks |Vision Core: Allocated 9 kB of memory for Entities |Settings renderer configuration |Loading World mod:\Maps\empty.v3d ?ERROR: dynlight.vsf Version or higher required! |Vision Core: Allocated 38 kB of memory for primitive data |Vision Core: Allocated 5 kB of memory for Patches |Vision Core: Allocated 1 kB of memory for Patch Edges |Vision Core: Allocated 75 kB of memory for Heightfields |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Texture Planes |Vision Core: Allocated 1 kB of memory for Vis Areas |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Vis Area Planes |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Vis Area Portals |Vision Core: Allocated 3 kB of memory for Lights |Vision Core: Allocated 8 kB of memory for World Vertices |Vision Core: Allocated 21 kB of memory for Vertex References |World contains 289 vertices, 256 polygons, 0 patches, 0 lights |Vision Core: Resized memory for Patch Edges to 1 kB. |Loading Font allyouneed.VFN |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 505 vertices, 590 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Scanning units... Scanning equipment... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F010Fire Extinguisher/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F020Fire Hose/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F030Jaws Of Life/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F040Chain Saw/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F050Axe/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F060Jump Pad/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P010Flash Grenade/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P020Road Block/... Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/010Fire Fighter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 505 vertices, 590 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm_upgrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 822 vertices, 612 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm_upgrade.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm_upgrade2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/020Fire Fighter Masked/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefightermask.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 498 vertices, 561 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefightermask_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 570 vertices, 615 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/030Fire Fighter ABC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighterabc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighterabc_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/040Diver/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\diver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 668 vertices, 644 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\diver_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 743 vertices, 706 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/010Doctor/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_f.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_upgraded_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 773 vertices, 568 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_upgraded_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 586 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded_f.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded2_m.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded2_f.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/020Paramedics/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\paramedic.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1446 vertices, 1070 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\paramedic_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1514 vertices, 1110 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic_upgraded.e4p precached ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/030Dog Leader/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\leaderrescuedog.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 369 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\leaderrescuedog_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 496 vertices, 568 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/010Policeman/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 588 vertices, 480 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 512 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 27 kB. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_f.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_upgraded_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 883 vertices, 604 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_upgraded_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 562 vertices, 619 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded_f.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded2_m.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded2_f.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/020Shooter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\shooter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 733 vertices, 612 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\shooter_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 899 vertices, 682 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/030Sharp Shooter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\sharpshooter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 435 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\sharpshooter_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 589 vertices, 596 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/040Scout/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\scout.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 418 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\scout_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 555 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/050Profiler/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\profiler.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 367 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\profiler_upgrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 451 vertices, 498 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler_upgrade.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler_upgrade2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/010Engineer/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\TEC\engineer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 613 vertices, 506 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\TEC\engineer_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 777 vertices, 656 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/010RW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1707 vertices, 791 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 83 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 33 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 31 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_spotlight_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 148 vertices, 84 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/rw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/020GTF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1343 vertices, 891 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_tube_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 83 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/gtf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/030TLF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1244 vertices, 818 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 95 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 59 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 59 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 160 vertices, 91 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/tlf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/040DLK/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1595 vertices, 883 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_base_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 240 vertices, 162 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l1_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l2_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l3_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_basket_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 156 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_canon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 35 vertices, 33 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l4_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/dlk.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/050LPF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1238 vertices, 591 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 70 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1292 vertices, 785 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/lpf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/060DEKON/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2046 vertices, 1265 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/dekonp.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/070FMB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\fmb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1910 vertices, 898 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\fmb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 242 vertices, 93 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/fmb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/080TFMB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1371 vertices, 934 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 45 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/tfmb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/090FLB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\flb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2377 vertices, 1536 polygons, 3 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\flb_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/flb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/100LF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2019 vertices, 1794 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/lf.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/010NEF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 591 vertices, 456 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/nef.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/020RTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1301 vertices, 1031 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 101 vertices, 70 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/030RHF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1033 vertices, 778 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 67 vertices, 43 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 125 vertices, 59 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rhf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/040ITW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1183 vertices, 876 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 2 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 42 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/itw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/050RHC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1220 vertices, 737 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhc_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\rhc_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 372 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 93 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rhc.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/010STW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 688 vertices, 528 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/stw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/020MTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1334 vertices, 664 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 137 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/mtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/030SW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1152 vertices, 676 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 18 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/sw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/040WAW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1489 vertices, 868 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 119 vertices, 73 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/waw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/050GTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1124 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/gtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/060PHC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\phc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1844 vertices, 1055 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\phc_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 43 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\phc_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 374 vertices, 240 polygons, 0 bones, 88 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/phc.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/070FLIGHT/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 523 vertices, 477 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\drivebyshooting_rifle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 214 vertices, 94 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/getawaycar.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/010FGRI/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 839 vertices, 654 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 65 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgri.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/020ASF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1360 vertices, 792 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/asf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/030FGRR/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1079 vertices, 641 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm2_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_base_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 268 vertices, 150 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_hook_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 53 vertices, 49 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm3_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm4_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/040FGRB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4888 vertices, 1958 polygons, 5 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 63 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_ship_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 954 vertices, 490 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_stand_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 130 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgrb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/050FGRT/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1144 vertices, 900 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 120 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 18 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\fgr_t_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 724 vertices, 412 polygons, 0 bones, 192 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_t.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/060RL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2302 vertices, 1224 polygons, 0 bones, 26 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_rb_dozer.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/070TRL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1153 vertices, 656 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 186 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_rb.e4p precached command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/ not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/ not found Loading strings meta list... Loaded lang:infotexts.xml Loaded lang:poi.xml Loaded lang:portraits.xml Loaded lang:fail.xml Loaded lang:ingamehelp.xml Loaded lang:objectives.xml Loaded lang:hints.xml Loaded lang:missiontitles.xml Loaded lang:missiontips.xml Loaded lang:mission.xml Loaded lang:talk.xml Loaded lang:supervobj.xml Loaded lang:supervfail.xml Loaded lang:supervresult.xml Loaded lang:supervtut.xml Loaded lang:tutorial.xml Loaded lang:command.xml Loaded lang:supervobj.xml Loaded lang:credits.xml Loaded lang:supervquest.xml Loaded lang:quest.xml Loaded lang:supervaward.xml Loaded lang:events.xml Loaded lang:supervevents.xml Loaded lang:superveventsobj.xml Loaded lang:mainmenu.xml Loaded lang:gui.xml Loaded lang:score.xml Loaded lang:strings.xml Loaded lang:voices.xml mod found: BFERF v1.0 Final mod found: FUBMP mod found: FUBMP - Winter Edition mod found: OF Kieslingen 1.5 mod found: Oudenhout Mod mod found: Stuttgart Modifikation mod found: Wegberg 8 Init Network... !VVideoPlayer::PlayVideo(): file 'base:/Video/take2.mpg' not found Campaign: 24 entries loaded |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\misc\theobject01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 592 vertices, 962 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model base:Models\Objects\misc\theobject02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 592 vertices, 962 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes !Precaching prototypes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Equipment\stretcher.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 216 vertices, 102 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Equipment/stretcher.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\freightcarwreck01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 802 vertices, 380 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/freightcarwreck01.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 875 vertices, 607 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck01.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 957 vertices, 688 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck02.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 932 vertices, 646 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck03.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1396 vertices, 920 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck04.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\wreck05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1246 vertices, 798 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/wreck05.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\heliwreck01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1721 vertices, 926 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/heliwreck01.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Wrecks\truckwreck03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1721 vertices, 914 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Objects/Wrecks/truckwreck03.e4p precached Loading gamma ramp... --- load time profile begin --- --- load time profile end --- Destroy Network... Deleting units... Destroy XGUI... Destroy Audio... Destroy GameFramework... Destroy GFX... Destroy Vision... |VisMain_cl::DeInit |DeInitializing Object Data... |DeInitializing World Data... |DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data... |Dump resources... | resource leaks. |Deallocated fast Geometry Buffer. Destroy Input... Destroy Scriptscheduler... Destroy Timer... Destroy Screen... Destroy UpdateChain... Destroy Console... Destroy Filesystem...