Attention this tool is included by default into wuppertal/essex/luedenscheid. For beaverfield there will be a version once the next patch gets released (duno if standalone or allready included in bv)
Achtung: eine neuere Version ist Standartmäßig in Wuppertal/Essex/Lüdenscheid inkludiert. Für Beaverfield wird auch eine eigenständige Variante kommen (vlt auch sogar direkt mit drin verbaut) - diese wird aber erst ab der nächsten Version angeboten
Hold Shift and Rotate the scroll wheel to move the camera up and down in a way the zoom wouldnt normally allow.
Hold Shift and the Scrollwheel. Finally Move the mouse up and down to change the pitch of the camera
Double press backslash within 1.5 Seconds to Reset the "Camera-Position-Offset" [zoom] and the "Camera-Rotation-Offset" [pitch]
Planned updates:
On keypress the camera should render more buildings. This would allow to make screenshots from a high distance.
The performence of the game with this mod enabled is smaller. This is because the Skybox is enabled and sometimes your camera renders more objects then usual.
Version 1.0.0
KillerConsti -
13. November 2023 um 20:27 -
158,21 kB -