Beiträge von Mooneg4k

    Well to Start off I have been having issues trying to complete two calls in the ERS Berlin Mod the first one not the 2nd ERS Berlin mod I can never finish the calls as as I do not know how or what unit I need to use to pick up the hazmat container that caused the leak I have tried looking in the guide and around, but I can not seem to find an answer does anyone have any idea what unit I need to use to pick up the container and the 2nd call i am having issues with is the the bomb threat call you get can anyone tell me what unit I need to use to pick it up so I can clear the call any help would be appreciated

    is their a way to download this with out it trying to download a mod hub as everytime I try and download this mod it takes me to a mod hub on the microsoft website for some reason I do not know if I am the only one having this issue