At 18:17 A01P1 A01P2 A01T1 and A03P2 were mobilised to reports of an explosion and fire in the northern half of centrals area. Upon arrival they were confronted with a well developed fire within a ground floor shop extending into the flats above. 6 BA was used initially to search the flats and fight the fire before the incident commander made pumps 4 brining A03P1 and SC03 then quickly afterwards made pumps 6 brining A04P1 A05P1 A05P2 E02P1 E02C1 SC11 GC01 along with B05K1 and B05P1 as Ba support unit, the fire progressed significantly and all teams were withdrawn as it broke through the roof space. The group commander who had now taken charge made pumps 10 aerials 2 brining A06P2 B01P2 A02P2 A02P1 and A10T2.The incident remained at this level through the night with relief crews attending from across the brigade.