Beiträge von Nickektheredhusky

    Hello it's Nick !

    Im a lil bit desappointed by the lack of ambulance in the filebase ! i havent any competencs in 3D modeling so im very happy when a new model come out on the filebase

    I was on the old and this site was a real supermarket for the modder saddly the ste is now closed and i know the Emergency hub team try do his best for recovering the old webdisk from but me i make a french modding and sadly here in France we havent the same kind of materials for exemple the light for the vehicules arent the same tahn in Germlany sothe ambulance on the filebase are great but not for french modding so if we can have the "Sprinter RTW sets" who been on the that can be great ! Otherwise i hope some talentuous modelers will make some new models causse im a lil deseperd

    Nick' standing by ! Over