Hallo zusammen, ich würde gerne wissen, ob jemand weiß, wie man Bushaltestellen einrichtet.
Ich habe mehrmals versucht, den Punkt einzurichten und Leute in den Wartebereich zu bringen, ich habe einen Buspfad hinzugefügt (mit Standard-Spielbussen) und ihn dem Haltepunkt zugewiesen, aber nichts passiert.
Es gibt auch einen Personenweg, der zur Bushaltestelle führt.
Beiträge von 999OTF DEV.
hello everyone! I've been noticing that in my map, buindings, expecially the original ones with the base game fire objects tend to be the most common thing to catch fire, despite being a very few in the map compared to other objects.
I have a lot of new objects in the map with new fire objects still catch fire but is a lot less common.
do you know how could I fix this?
I chechked fire object materials and tried to use original game materials but nothing. -
You want use the shortcuts?
I remind something like this:
Alles anzeigenGameObject *o1; GameObjectList ol1; o1 = *ol1.GetObject(0); Game::AddToGroup(o1,0); Person p0(o1); p0.AssignCommand("rang_1"); o1 = *ol1.GetObject(1); Game::AddToGroup(o1,1); Person p1(o1); p1.AssignCommand("alarm_161"); p1.AssignCommand("alarm_162"); Game::AddToGroup(o1,2); etc..
thanks a lot! Can I put the antenna in map with commands or I need to set it's commands by here?
hello everyone, I'm workning on an english modification that is very close to release. I'd like to set that groups buttons, when pushed, are automatically related to an antenna wich has commands to call units off map, debug menu etc. I already have the antennas in map with the commands but I didn't figure out how to connect them to the groups. Could you help me finish my modification?