Beiträge von itchyboy

    I have my own standard of 3D model usage terms, which are different than the poll options.

    Rather I look at the amount of work on the model that is still mine.

    I require credit as long as 20% of the model (vertices or polygons) is unchanged. Additionally, I allow the following edits of my model:

    Attaching parts, cutting doors (making functional doors and equipment compartments), scale adjustment, converting a sedan to a wagon, making a truck cab have additional rear doors, a variation of the cab, or even converting one vehicle into another, with shared parts, and any major/minor editing is allowed. I also allow converting of vehicles from one generation to another (facelift, downgrade to original version) or full retexture, re-UV map. I am also fine with replacement of wheels, though in that case, the wheels are yours and not mine.

    In those cases, you don't need my permission.

    However I also have many models where I forbid editing, use or inclusion to other mods. Those are strictly not allowed for use at all.

    Otherwise, my publicly released community base models such as the retro car set, modern car pack, or the lightbars are free use with credit.

    If you copy the model by creating a new model on top of my work through tracing, but make the vertices and polygons yourself, the new traced model is yours because you made the vertices and mesh.

    I added the rotators as a child. For the lightbar lenses i opted to add them as doors.

    For the problem with the windshield and lenses: Try to add it as a seperate object i.e. door too. The 3d model of the should be below the pivot. That should fix the issue with the transparency.

    Thank you for the advice, I'll try it out. This answers my question regarding Em4's rendering order on some materials. The pivot setting is something I did not consider and I will be trying something out with that too.

    I will also try experimenting if superchilds or other objects interact in different ways.

    Hopefully this solves my issues and allows me to go all-in with some ideas I've had.

    Are you sure? I animated the rotators in my mod. Though i had to add the cover of the lightbar as seperate object.

    That seems to be the only way this can be done, unfortunately.

    Using that system, the lightbar lenses must be their own unique object (per vehicle) and I'm trying to avoid that because I don't like working with the ingame editor. It's a ton of vehicles with unique lightbar placement and sometimes different lenses depending on the configuration of the bar. Sometimes childs dont like being overlayed on top of other childs as well and the transparency just wont work on my end no matter what I do.

    I've done "open top" fire apparatus and the childObjects for passengers (fake person models) do not show up through the windshield and any side facing windows on the vehicle. Apparently, the childObjects dont get rendered through any transparent surface on the inside.

    What method did you use for the rotators themselves? Are the rotators just childObjects, or are they part of the model itself?

    I'm asking because there are situations like dlk_support_out where I need an animation on the vehicle itself to play, and it can't interrupt the main rotation.

    I also need to figure out how to make childObjects inside of other childs. Intersection sweepers and oscillating lights could also be really cool but until this transparency order thing is figured out, I will have to compromise my ideas.

    Thanks for confirming that this idea is possible.

    Does it run on EM4?

    Yes but there are alot of rules and limitations that I've discovered.

    I've pushed the animation system so far, I've found out things that can break it.

    I also found out that certain things can or can't be done like overlaying or having animated child objects inside existing objects. This is why the childObject animation method for rotator lightbars might not be possible unfortunately.

    While I have time, I will try to investigate every lead possible so that we can definitively rule out what's possible with the game.

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    I don't know where else to post this but I've finally animated my LED messageboard models.

    They're a bit imperfect at the edges but I am very pleased with the result. The method I chose was a bit unsual but it is possible to use animated objects as childObjects to achieve the effect without needing to animate every instance of the model.

    Unfortunately due to circumstances, I've only been able to model a vehicle or two.

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    For a long time, I've been wondering what is the cause of the weird behavior of the ladder parts whenever the vehicles move. I thought this was only a problem with mods such as LA mod, and other American mods.

    However today, I did observations. I was wrong - the glitch with the ladder parts rapidly shaking/vibrating is actually a problem with the base game assets. Even with no mods, the original game ladder truck has this issue too.

    Can anyone else confirm this happens to their ladder trucks in other mods? Does it happen to all mods, or only some?

    Has anyone figured out if there's a solution to fix this? I am hoping to get as many observations from the community as possible. Systems where this issue happens or it doesnt etc.


    Ever since my last post, I've barely made anything. I don't have much new to share other than some models that I am really proud of.

    Here are some helicopters:

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    My trademark move of not completing assets continues:

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    Finally, some assets are fully completed:

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    I appreciate the responses. It's comforting to hear that the few things I do aren't being taken for granted.

    My plan is to release maybe 5 or 6 vehicle models, and updates + addons to some previously released model sets. This is not final, though I hope people are grateful even if I can only provide a little bit of content. It won't be much, I'm afraid.

    Unfortunately we already did the "deadline for December 25, 2014" concept for Montana Mod 2.01, and it was so stressful. The bad feelings surrounding that experience are why it took 9 years to release the update for the mod.

    At it's core, I like the adventCalendar so much is that I can release small things and still contribute without anyone's expectations.

    I hope this clarifies my previous posts. Thanks.

    I have enough content to contribute for several 'doors' but it would be awkward. Afterall, it's the German Community Advent Calendar, not Itchyboy's Advent Calendar.

    Don't get me wrong, I am still commited to producing something for this years event. But I won't try to be selfish and dominate the whole event. It's supposed to be everyone's.

    I'm also not sure how much is worth putting out if nobody uses what I contribute anyway. Regardless, I await the decision on what everyone wants to do.

    Starting last year, I have made it my tradition to make European vehicle models in July. Here is this year's progress so far.

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    All of them are unfinished and there will be textures implemented in the future. Also, I won't stop even if the month has ended, I'll still continue but the pace will be slower.

    Another month passes, and again, here's my latest works.

    These are the unfinished new vehicles.

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    This one's special. Do you remember it from Em1 and Em2?

    And this one is something special for me. I have not modelled a helicopter in 8 years, so I am happy how this one turned out.

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    So next some Vehicles from NFS Hot Pursuit 2?

    Some Lamborghini Diablo or Mecedes CLK-GTR would be awesome too :D :D

    I'm also generatio NFS, so nice to see this model styles here!

    I'm want to do supercars including those. It would be quite the challenge for me but rewarding.

    For now, my shortlist of vehicles is a Lamborghini, maybe a Supra, Miata and some Japanese import cars.

    There's also the huge task of revising existing models like improving the modelling on my Porsches

    I also have the responsibility to continue the European retro cars.

    So many tasks but there's only me doing all of this. I'd work faster if I could get help. It is nice though, that there's a few of us who love these old games and cars.

    I have quite the surprise for you.

    I've been meaning to practice rendering in Blender and your comment gave me the idea to do some NFS4 themed models + skins. I have a few models that match with the game and I thought it would be cool to have fun while learning new things.

    There's both the PS1 and PC versions too.

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    Credits: EmC-Unit + rihis for Vector and Aerodynic lightbars. All other work by me.

    I've been working on this model for 5 years now. I have it finally completed this year.

    CHP texture is by me. I also made a CHP spec Code3 2100 lightbar to be as accurate to the real vehicle as possible.

    As a bonus, I've made my own Code3 MX7000 lightbar. I have plans on converting this to an Excalibur, 360 and making length variants for all bars.

    Belated Merry Christmas to all.

    Here's some of my retro assets that I posted back on the old forums.

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    For the time being, these assets will be private. I'm also putting this project on hold while I return to creating North American based content.