Beiträge von Sunshine Akira

    Hello, I've a question.

    One of my friend tried to use blender for making lights, but he got an error information when exporting .e4p files.

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    Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\po\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.3\scripts\addons\io_scene_e4p\", line 622, in _write
    write_file(full_path, obs, depsgraph, scene,
    File "C:\Users\po\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.3\scripts\addons\io_scene_e4p\", line 173, in write_file
    AttributeError: 'Mesh' object has no attribute 'calc_normals_split'

    I'm sure the metarial has already changed to English name, so it shouldn't be "no-ansi/latin-1" problem.

    I also tried to export the same model with my computer, it's succesfully exported, but my friend still got this error information when he exporting .e4p files.;(

    I've made Chinese translation for Fuchsburg and Kregen mod before, some text information was written in the scripts (and some modder might wrote it into the xml files in "UI" folder), you can open all the .script files with Notepad++, and then search words like: "hint", "text", "help", "snprintf" with the "Find All in All Opened Documents" buttom, and you will see most of them below.

    By the way, the hint "Wasserstand" was written in the "Wasserlogik.script" file.

    Here you can download the Chinese translation patch I made, it might helpful. (I've wrote all the hints from .script files into the "hint.xml" which is in the "string" folder, you can translation them in the "hint.xml" file):)

    德国富士堡模组 2.1 版本汉化补丁

    it is bound to 6 in multiplayer, once you have initialized a station. You might have rebound something else to 6, making it unusable.

    Thanks for the reply! I notice I never initialized stations by calling radio towers in the vehicle list during the game, So now I knew it.^^

    By the way, it's possible to initialize same station for two players? (I never try it because I think it may cause the game crash) because sometime my friend didn't know how to call some vehicles (such as ITW and police helicopter), and I didn't have the command panel of the staition that he initialized.:/

    Hello, I've a question.

    How to display the debug command panel in mutiplayer mode?

    The AI traffic that blocking the road is really annoying so I decide to use debug tool to clear the AI traffics, and I always forgot the mission event's name and location.

    I tried to press 6 as I did in the singleplay mode, but it didn't work (Even though I'm the mutiplayer session owner).:(

    Is it bind to other key or the dubug tool didn't available in mutiplayer?:/:?:

    Du weißt auch wie du E-Autos Löscht?

    Fill the AB-Mulde with water by connecting a hose to an unit which has pump, and drop the E-cars into the AB-Mulde by using the crane on the WLF.

    Though I didn't know how to remove the wreck vehicle from AB-Mulde yet, but you can try to press Shift, and click the "DEBUG" icon in the command panel to reset the AB-Mulde back to the station.

    Erstmal ein dickes Lob! Ich bin begeistert was aus EM4 so geworden ist. Habs vor ca 15 Jahren gespielt (ohne Mods, damals wusste ich nicht was das ist xD) und ziehe wirklich den Hut!

    Kann mir jemand (von den Lunte Vids mal abgesehen, die hab ich schon angeschaut) gute Tutorials empfehlen. Hänge an dem ein oder anderen Einsatz doch sehr. Bekomme es zB ums verrecken nicht hin bei einem VU den Abschlepper zu rufen. Ich seh zwar den Button bei den Polizisten, der ist aber ausgegraut. Wenn mir da jemand Tipps geben könnte, wär ich dankbar ;)

    Ansonsten bleibt es nur danke zu sagen, also Danke!

    Select the police officer, and press Alt, then the tow truck icon will become clickble, so that you can click the wreck vehicles or the location that you want to send the tow truck to.

    By the way, the function of press Alt is display secondary commands, if you got same problem with other unit, you can try to press Alt too.

    What does it say for you in this field for the standard material?

    Thanks for your reminding, I found it was because the language of the Blender, when I try to import files with a language setting that isn't a part of ansi/latin-1 (Such as Chinese or Japanese), it will show the error message. But works normally with English setting.

    Now I can continue to edit with English version of Blender, thank you for your help!^^

    were you able to import files before restarting with the same plugin and blender version?

    Yes. It works normally before the restart, but after I restart the computer, it start to show me the error information when I tried to import files.

    I also tried to the change the Blender and plugin's version back to 3.0, it still can work, though I can continue to edit with 3.0 version, but I still want to try out 4.3+ version.:)

    are all material slots of the objects filled with a material, seems there is a material slot without a material assigned

    It's really appreciate for your patiently answer.:)

    I don't know why, since I restart my computer, I can't import v3o file into Blender anymore, it will show me a error information when I import a file:

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    Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_v3o\", line 311, in load[0], nodes.get('Principled BSDF').inputs[0])
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inputs'

    I'm sure both Blender (4.2.1 LTS) and v3o plugin (2.0.0) are the newest version.

    The plugin doesnt support characters which are not part of the ansi/latin-1 set. If possible, try changing material and texture names accordingly.

    Thanks for the answer! I noticed one of the material were named with chinese charaters, so I changed it to letters, but when I tried to export it again, it showed me another error information:

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    Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_v3o\", line 745, in _write
    write_file(full_path, obs, depsgraph, scene,
    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_v3o\", line 290, in write_file
    polygons[totpolys+1] = [pverts[0]+totverts+1, pverts[1]+totverts+1, pverts[2]+totverts+1, materials[p.material_index].name]
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'

    Hi there, I got same problem with 4.2+ version.

    It will show a error information when I try to export as v3o model:

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    Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_v3o\", line 745, in _write
    write_file(full_path, obs, depsgraph, scene,
    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_v3o\", line 556, in write_file
    fw("SRF, {texName}, 0, 0, 0, {texFile}, 517, {transparent}, 0, 0, {shadows}, 0, {backface}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0\n".format(
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 5-6: ordinal not in range(256)

    I'm using 4.2 version of blender, and 2.0.0 version of v3o plugin. (I also tried export with "3.3 - Stable - LTS" version of Blender and old version of v3o plugin before, but it still show the error information.)


    Here I want to share some skins made for my WIP China Zhuhai Mod.:)

    MAN TGM - Swift Water Rescue Unit

    Mercedes-Benz Actros - Aerial Ladder Vehicle

    Volkswagen Crafter - Mobile Command Unit

    Dongfeng Mengshi - Mobile Specialist Squad Command Vehicle

    MAN TGS - Triple Agent System Unit

    MAN TGM - Heavy Duty Rescue Truck

    MAN TGM Euro 6 - Main Engine

    Pierce Arrow XT - Multipurpose Rescue Truck

    Nissan Navara - Forest Fire Brush Truck

    Scania G360 - Large Pump Tender


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    Alert Lei, Sweeney, D4rk_Bone, Tobbi92, THVFD, itchboy, TimTim, Firefighter1790, Danny, V.o.j., R3ST Design. / RD_Saarland, Florian Eschweiler, Florian Hagen, Waegi, Highliner, Bernt, Stadtaffe, DrShooter, BFEMP, ERS, Fry, Eiserner_Onkel, Steven, Blacky, Blacky, MadMonk, DrDrummer, Geronimo EKIA, Wesermarsch, fresh freddie, FireHunter

    When I editing vehicle models in Blender, I always use "Mirror", "X Global" function to copy and reverse a parts to another side, such as rearlights or flashlights.

    The shading is normal in Blender.

    But the only problem is that the shading was also reversed in the game editor.

    You can see the parts that mirrored has weird shading, it became dark when facing the sunlight, and became bright when it's in the shadow.

    This problem has puzzled me for a long time, and I don't know how to fix it.;(

    Hi there, Glad to see the forum was relive again! It's really sad that the old Emergency forum has gone.;(

    Here I want to show some new vehicles for my WIP Hong Kong SAR Mod.

    Hong Kong Fire Services Department:

    Compartment Fire Specialist Truck F515

    Mobile Casualty Treatment Centre - A803

    Light Rescue Unit - F2536

    Light Mobile Command Unit - F7711

    Rapid Response Vehicle - A710

    Rapid Response Vehicle - A719

    Fire Van - F685

    Hong Kong Police Force:

    Traffic Police Audi - AM8049

    Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squad - AM9839 & AM9819

    Police Tactical Bus - AM7659


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    上校さん, 格林, Hieo, Syameimaru, Chidea, Firefighter1790, Flo Hagen, Stormi, Flash Over, D4rk_Bone, FeuHa, Stormi, Florian Hagen, Fireguy, Dominik N, Stormi, Florian Hagen, dnm, Itchboy, TimmeyX, MadMonk, ERS Berlin, Janku, Fire Dept. Boston, Nikolas, em-modder, Stormi, Sven0815 und Geronimo EKIA

    there was an unliftable sunken vehicle in this traffic accident event near the THW station. I tried to use DLRG crew or a firefighter with life vest to dive into it, but the sunken vehicle was not clickable, even the the crane from WLF cannot lift it up. are there any way to solve it or it's just a bug?:/

    You first have to equip two firefighters with SCBA gear, then send them to the GW-Umweltschutz (not sure if it works with the AB-Gefahrenschutz as well, probably). With the firefighters selected, in their TH submenu, you should then be able to select to equip the guys wearing breathing apparatuses further with HAZMAT suits, classes II or III.

    You need to change to scuba gear first. After that, you can select the hazmat-suits. ;)

    Thanks for your answer, this mod is amazing!

    But I have another question: How to solve with this chimney fire event? I tried to using water or foam for extinguish before, but that will cause the fire spread to whole building, so this time I tried to lift a firefighter with fire extinguisher to the chimney, but I can't give an "extinguish" command on it.